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Uploaded: Maya 4.5 Unlimited


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hmzz pak prazni prikazki vuv foruma... ako bqhte pro4eli nfo-to 6tqha da si vi qsni tezi ne6ta.

i vse pak eto vi izvadka ot faila


Maya is the first choice of digital content creators producing

award-winning games, 3D animation and visual effects. Maya 4.5

offers a unique, affordable combination of ground-breaking tools

& features, important workflow improvements, and platform choice


Burning & Installation Notes:


Burn with CDRwin/Fireburner or just a box of matches!


Go in crack dir and edit aw.dat placing your hostid over

HOSTID=your_host -->HOSTID=012345678912


Then from command prompt run awkeygen.exe aw.dat (be sure both

are in same dir). After install place aw.dat in c:\flexlm\

(if it asks to install license/etc choose top option local

license i think)

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