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Кой как ще ритне бакърчето

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ТУК може да проверите по какъв начин ще умрете.По всяка вероятност е измислица и е малко тъпо за предколедно настроение, така че ако прецените може да изтриете темата :bgrin:


На мен ми се падна A disgruntled coworker beats you to death with a bag full of loose change. :sick

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A homeless man hits you with a fast-moving shopping cart, breaking your neck.


Як сайт :D.

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A man posing as an employee with the gas company knocks on your door, and you let him in. Once inside your home, the man ties you to a chair at gunpoint and wraps your face in duct tape. Your home is burglarized, and prior to leaving, the man shoots you in the back of the head several times, executioner style.


Баси каръка съм да ми са падне толкова дълго :D

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While driving, you fail to immediately pull over for speeding when signalled by the cop car behind you. While stopped, you attempt to open your glove compartment, and the rookie cop nervously opens fire on you. You are struck several times and die on the scene :pirate :ph34r: :tongue

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After haggling over the price of meat, an enraged butcher beats you to death with a frozen beef tongue.



Аз си знам, че човек не бива да се пазари с големи мустакати хора, дори да не са месари...

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You are taken hostage as part of a bank robbery. When law enforcement refuses to meet the demands of the suspect, the suspect shoots you in the head to prove to the cops that he means business.


а аз се надявах да умра в автомобилна катастрофа...

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While sleeping, you're tied to your bed by your girlfriend and peeled to death using a vegetable peeler.

Аз маи не си го превеждам правлилно ,но ще бъда обелен с ножа за белене... :huh:

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While playing around with a friend's gun, you inadvertently shoot yourself in the head. You die instantly.


винаги съм мислил, че ще умра при автомобилна катастрофа... :)

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An incompetent nurse gives you an enema with a power washer. You are alleviated of your constipation, but your colon and intestinal tract are completely obliterated.


Няма да се доверявам на лекарите вече :)

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You are taken hostage as part of a bank robbery. When law enforcement refuses to meet the demands of the suspect, the suspect shoots you in the head to prove to the cops that he means business.


Хаха тва като в някой филм. :tongue

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After haggling over the price of meat, an enraged butcher whips you to death with a large beef tongue.


6te stava The Plovdiv Chainsaw Massacre!

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While on a roller coaster, the ride malfunctions, and you fall from the car to your death, several hundred feet below.

Баси...тъкмо си мислех, че т'ва лято като ида в америка ще се разцепя в някой парк на roller coaster-ите.


Хора, вие внимавайте с джуджетата, че след като гледах Американски пай 5 вече съвсем ми се промени мнението за способносите им. :D

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While you're walking down a busy street, a suicidal maniac jumps from an apartment window thirty stories above you. Unfortunately for both of you, the maniac lands directly on you. You're crushed to death, and the suicidal maniac walks away unscathed.


Shte spasq nechii zhiwot ..

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As the unfortunate target of a serial killer, you're beaten and tortured for days. While you're still alive, your body is put into a meat grinder and ground up.


Доста грубичко

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