Deniiiiiii Posted January 5, 2006 Share Posted January 5, 2006 "Дяволско" Quote Стрелките на отсрещния часовникописват върху своя циферблат дванайсетте кръга на моя ад и жънат мойте часове отровни. И аз лежа на дървения под с коси от леден лепкав пот измокрени, и аз умирам в стаята под покрива тъй близко до самия небосвод. А долу преминават автомобили, трамваи като ветрове фучат и смехове и крясъци звучат, и тътнат кръчмите и публичните домове. И за да заглуша във себе си скръбта, понякога аз сядам на прозореца и яростно оттам замервам хората със пръст от старите саксии без цветя. О, аз разбирам: този весел свят със мене и със мойта смърт не свършва; аз съм една ненужна жалка мърша и мога ли да бъда техен брат? Не искам състрадание от хората! Аз имам всичко: моя е смъртта. И аз ще се изплезя на света, обесен върху черния прозорец. Атанас Далчев Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PSYCHOSIS Posted January 6, 2006 Share Posted January 6, 2006 Royksopp - What Else Is There It was me on that road But you couldn`t see me Too many lights out, but nowhere near here It was me on that road Still you couldn`t see me And then flashlights and explosions Road's end's getting nearer We cover distance but not together I am the storm and I am the wonder And the flashlights, nigthmares And sudden explosions I don't know what more to ask for I was given just one wish It's about you and the sun A morning run The story of my maker What have I and what I ache for I`ve got a golden ear I cut and I spear And what else is there Road's end's getting nearer We cover distance still not together If I am the storm if I am the wonder Will I have flashlights, nightmares And sudden explosions I don`t know what more to ask for I was given just one wish Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kreideiky Posted January 6, 2006 Share Posted January 6, 2006 One hundred years from now See the chrome, can't hear it move I'll meet you on the way down Wrapped around somebody's hand We've all moved on from here The colour's running dry A drowsy line of wasted time Bathes my open mind This strange machinery Is keeping you from seeing me I'll meet you on the way down Can't stay - unbearable to go... Ride - Chrome Waves.mp3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kopche Posted January 6, 2006 Share Posted January 6, 2006 Би казал, че във тази стая не е живял отдавна никой, че е заключена стояла с години нейната врата. Тук има миризма на вехто и прах на всичките неща, тук бавно времето превръща във прах безжизнен сякаш всичко. В ъглите расне неусетно вечерната дрезгавина и вехне есенното слънце върху килимите на пода, а светят жълти зимни дюли, наредени върху комода като голяма броеница от кехлибарени зърна. Какви лица ли отразило ревниво пази огледалото? То сякаш е един прозорец, отворен в друг предишен свят. Часовникът е вече млъканал и в неговия чер ковчег лежат умрели часовете и неподвижно спи махалото. Портрети на жени, които са си отишли от света, висят, от слънце пожълтели, окачени върху стената, заспала тежко върху пода, сънува в здрача тишината и цялата печална стая залязва бавно с вечерта. Атанас Далчев, Стаята Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
z-man Posted January 6, 2006 Share Posted January 6, 2006 Nickelback-Next Contestant I judge by what she's wearing Just how many heads I'm tearing Off of assholes coming on to her Each night seems like it's getting worse And I wish she'd take the night off So I don't have to fight off Every asshole coming on to her It happens every night she works They'll go and ask the DJ Find out just what would she say If they all tried coming on to her Don't they know it's never going to work They think they'll get inside her With every drink they buy her As they all try coming on to her This time somebody's getting hurt Here comes the next contestant [CHORUS] Is that your hand on my girlfriend? Is that your hand? I wish you'd do it again I'll watch you leave here limping I wish you'd do it again I'll watch you leave here limping There goes the next contestant I even fear the ladies They're cool but twice as crazy Just as bad for coming on to her Don't they know it's never going to work Each time she bats an eyelash Somebody's grabbing her ass Everyone is coming on to her This time somebody's getting hurt Here comes the next contestant [CHORUS] I'm hating what she's wearing Everybody here keeps staring Can't wait 'til they get what they deserve This somebody's getting hurt Here comes the next contestant [CHORUS] I wish you'd do it again Each night seems like it's getting worse I wish you'd do it again This somebody's getting hurt There goes the next contestant Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Posted January 6, 2006 Share Posted January 6, 2006 Хубава ракия. Изгори ми душата. Черна котка, бял котарак Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pyroman Posted January 8, 2006 Share Posted January 8, 2006 Любэ - По высокой траве Сколько зим, сколько лет, сколько вод утекло, сколько жизней прошло без меня, сколько жизней ушло от меня. Я вернулся домой, а виски сединой припорошило в дальних краях, да и грудь вся в сплошных орденах. припев: По высокой, высокой траве я пройду в полный рост. Полной грудью вдохну воздух этих полей, мной давно позабытый на вкус. припев Меж высоких стогов - золотая стерня. Ну-ка стану босою ногой, теплотой обогреет земля. Через пару шагов поле вспомнит меня, с возвращением, скажет, домой, с возвращеньем домой, старина. припев Ни кола, ни двора, кто-то скажет в укор, ничего не нажил, не скопил, только верой и правдой служил. Но богаче меня нет на свете с тех пор, как на землю родную ступил, как прошёлся по ней босиком. припев Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
VeGor Posted January 8, 2006 Share Posted January 8, 2006 My mom is better than Your mom and your dad too She knows nutrition well That's why I'm trim & lean Because she cooks She cleans She lies...she says I'm handsome Once dad hit me so hard Mom felt it on her cheek Because she cooks She cleans She lies...she says I am handsome (that's right) My mom Is better than Your mom and your dad too She's there when she needs to be there That's why I'm here today Because she cooks She cleans She lies...she says... You fuckin' lied to me Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Melissa Posted January 9, 2006 Share Posted January 9, 2006 Cristal Connors:"There's always someone younger and hungrier coming down the stairs after you." Cristal Connors: "Oh, you know the best advice I ever got? You're up there on stage, hopin' on a spot. If someone gets in your way, step on 'em. If you're the only one left standing there, they hire you. That's about it. Thank you and good night, ladies and gentlemen. Elvis has left the building." Cristal Connors: You are a whore, darlin'. Nomi Malone: No, I'm not. Cristal Connors: We all are. We take the cash, we cash the check, we show them what they want to see! От Showgirls. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kreideiky Posted January 9, 2006 Share Posted January 9, 2006 I had a face on the mirror I had a hand on the gun I had a place in the sun and a Ticket to Syria I had everything within my reach I had monkey and stuff Each and every call Too much but never enough Tear it up and watch it fall.... The Sisters Of Mercy - 'Never Land' Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
VeGor Posted January 9, 2006 Share Posted January 9, 2006 Once when I was young, I used to dream for hours and hours I'd dream a world that wasn't small... And I'd travel to a valley where under trees and earth I'd set my girl... ...And I knelt down by her head And lay roses in her hair and I kissed her gently... But this is what you are As the sun sets in my eyes I know... I know I know I know I know I know And I know this one's the light And the worm inside of me Is the oldest wound that I've nursed along ...So don't try to get inside These things inside are wrong, things beyond things It's sick now It's rotten to the core, its eyes bulge and gaze at me... ...Lovingly... And I remember this smell from my dreams except it was sweeter then... And even in this room, where I used to lock my secrets It's starting to smell just like my friend And I told you not to breathe, so now I sit and watch the rain, I know I know I know I know I know I know I know I know And I know this one's the dark And the woman inside of me, is the oldest wound that I've nursed along... So don't try to get inside These things inside are all just things поствам от името на двама... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PSYCHOSIS Posted January 10, 2006 Share Posted January 10, 2006 He's a do what's on that tape...he's...he's not a well adjusted human being... от Strange Days Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pyroman Posted January 10, 2006 Share Posted January 10, 2006 Любэ - "Солдат" Третьи сутки в пути, Ветер, камни, дожди, Все вперед и вперед Рота прет наша, прет Третьи сутки в пути, Слышь, браток, не грусти, Ведь приказ есть приказ - Знает каждый из нас. Напишите письмецо, Нет его дороже для бойцов, Напишите пару слов Вы, девчата, для своих пацанов. Припев: И на рассвете вперед Уходит рота солдат, Уходит, чтоб победить И чтобы не умирать. Ты дай им там прикурить, Товарищ старший сержант, Я верю в душу твою Солдат, солдат, солдат. И на рассвете вперед Уходит рота солдат, Уходит, чтоб победить И чтобы не умирать. Ты дай им там прикурить, Товарищ старший сержант, Я верю в душу твою Солдат, солдат, солдат, Солдат, солдат, солдат, Солдат, солдат. Третьи сутки в пути, Ветер, камни, дожди На рассвете нам в бой, День начнется стрельбой. Третьи сутки в пути, Кто бы знал, что нас ждет, Третьи сутки в пути, И рассвет настает. Напишите письмецо, Как живет там наш родимый дом, Из далека-далека Принесут его мне облака. Припев: И на рассвете вперед Уходит рота солдат, Уходит, чтоб победить И чтобы не умирать. Ты дай им там прикурить, Товарищ старший сержант, Я верю в душу твою Солдат, солдат, солдат. И на рассвете вперед Уходит рота солдат, Уходит, чтоб победить И чтобы не умирать. Ты дай им там прикурить, Товарищ старший сержант, Я верю в душу твою... Падала земля, С неба падала земля, Разрывая крик в небе. Падла ты, война, Плавилась броня, Захлебнулся автомат, Заглянул в глаза ты смерти, Гвардии сержант. Припев: И на рассвете вперед Уходит рота солдат, Уходит, чтоб победить И чтобы не умирать. Ты дай им там прикурить, Товарищ старший сержант, Я верю в душу твою, Солдат, солдат, солдат. И на рассвете вперед Уходит рота солдат, Уходит, чтоб победить И чтобы не умирать. Ты дай им там прикурить, Товарищ старший сержант, Я верю в душу твою, Солдат. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kreideiky Posted January 10, 2006 Share Posted January 10, 2006 The way your hair hangs down it hides away your face, For you it's perfect, but it seems like such a waste. And when I see you sliding past I make my plans, And then my plans slip through my fingers just like sand. I wish that life could be just like a photograph, One moment captured as you laugh your perfect laugh. But that's a daydream, things could never be so right, There's so much more to think about than black and white.... Ride - 'Like A Daydream' Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BlackWinterDay Posted January 11, 2006 Share Posted January 11, 2006 Magnum - Start Talking love Just another broken heart Any fool can see Though we're living worlds apart You're still next to me I'm never gonna give you up Never wanna make you cry Never gonna give you up Never gonna say goodbye Just another lonely night I'm missing you again Nothing ever turns out right So when's it gonna end I'm never gonna give you up Never wanna make you cry Never gonna give you up Never gonna say goodbye When you start talkin' love You know that I'd run through the night To be with you Talk about love It's a walk from the dark to the light To be with you Start talking love Talk about love You left me with a broken heart Any fool can see Now we're ling worlds apart Guess it was meant to be I'm never gonna give you up Never wanna make you cry Never gonna give you up Never gonna say goodbye When you start talkin' love You know that I'd run through the night To be with you Talk about love It's a walk from the dark to the light To be with you Start talking love Talk about love Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mauler Posted January 12, 2006 Share Posted January 12, 2006 - Не, - прекъснах го, - имам предвид бог, чието несъвършенство не е свързано с простодушието на хората, които са го сътворили, неговото съвършенство е основна, иманентна черта, това е бог, ограничен в своето всевиждане, всесилие, той греши в предсказанието за бъдещето на своите начинания, ходът на които зависи от обстоятелствата и може да го застрашава. Това е бог... инвалид, който винаги иска повече, отколкото може и не веднага разбира това. Бог, който е изобретил часовника, а не времето, което той измерва, изобретил е системи или механизми, служещи на определени цели, а те са надраснали тези цели и са им изменили. Той е създал безкрайността, която е трябвало да покаже неговото всемогъщество, а е станала причина за неговото пълно поражение. Станислав Лем "Соларис" На ринга излязоха Доброто и Злото. Хората заложиха на Злото. То победи. Хората спечелиха. Иван Кулеков "Шъ съ оправим!" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
liquid Posted January 12, 2006 Share Posted January 12, 2006 Porcupine Tree - Heartattack In A Layby I pull off the road East of Baldock and Ashford Feeling for my cell In the light from the dashboard Hissing from the road The smell of rain in the air con Maybe check the news Or just put a tape on Lighting up a smoke I've got this feeling inside me Don't feel too good If I close my eyes And fell asleep in this layby Would it all subside The fever pushing the day by Motor window wind I could do with some fresh air Can't breathe too well (She waits for me. Home waits for me.) I guess I should go now She's waiting to make up To tell me she's sorry And how much she missed me I guess I'm just burnt out I really should slow down I'm perfectly fine but I just need to lie down We'll grow old together We'll grow old together We'll grow old together.... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BlackWinterDay Posted January 12, 2006 Share Posted January 12, 2006 Ratt - It Doesn't Matter It doesn't matter what you do, where you go, who you see Without me It's blackjack, don't look back, your luck is runnin' out of hand You're dealin' over me Jet set, upset, make a mess that never ends You've had enough, you see (It doesn't matter) The clothes you wear (It doesn't matter) If they stare (It doesn't matter) If it's stop or go (It doesn't matter) I don't need to know It doesn't matter if it's Russian Roulette, it's not me For free You're so hot, you never stop, livin' life until you drop It's not up to me Out all night until the day, live your life some other way It's still not up to me (It doesn't matter) The clothes you wear (It doesn't matter) If they stare (It doesn't matter) If it's stop or go (It doesn't matter) I don't need to know Turnin' out the lights For long weekend nights Give me a reason why you're here Again it's blackjack, don't look back, your luck is runnin' out of hand You're dealin' over me Jet set, upset, make a mess that never ends You've had enough, you see (It doesn't matter) The clothes you wear (It doesn't matter) If they stare (It doesn't matter) If it's stop or go (It doesn't matter) I don't need to know Turnin' out the lights For long weekend nights It doesn't matter It doesn't matter It doesn't matter It doesn't matter Turnin' out the lights For long weekend nights (It doesn't matter) (It doesn't matter) If they stare (It doesn't matter) If it's stop or go (It doesn't matter) I don't need to know Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LPFC Posted January 13, 2006 Share Posted January 13, 2006 След това отново слезе долу. Събуди робота, защото все пак е за предпочитане да разговаряш дори и с един маниакално депресиран робот, отколкото с никой. - Стъмва се - каза той. - Гледай, роботе, звездите вече се показват. От глъбините на една тъмна мъглявина се виждат твърде малко звезди, и то съвсем неясно, но все пак се виждаше нещо. Роботът покорно погледна към тях, после пак сведе поглед. -- Знам - каза той. - Отвратително, нали? -- Ама какъв залез! Никога, дори и в най-фантастичните сънища, не съм виждал подобно нещо. А двете слънца... сякаш огнени планини се топят в пространството. -Виждал съм го - каза Марвин. - Нищо не струва. Дъглас Адамс,Пътеводител на галактическия стопаджия Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sincity Posted January 13, 2006 Share Posted January 13, 2006 JAMES BLUNT -"Tears And Rain" How I wish I could surrender my soul; Shed the clothes that become my skin; See the liar that burns within my needing. How I wish I'd chosen darkness from cold. How I wish I had screamed out loud, Instead I've found no meaning. I guess it's time I run far, far away; find comfort in pain, All pleasure's the same: it just keeps me from trouble. Hides my true shape, like Dorian Gray. I've heard what they say, but I'm not here for trouble. It's more than just words: it's just tears and rain. How I wish I could walk through the doors of my mind; Hold memory close at hand, Help me understand the years. How I wish I could choose between Heaven and Hell. How I wish I would save my soul. I'm so cold from fear. I guess it's time I run far, far away; find comfort in pain, All pleasure's the same: it just keeps me from trouble. Hides my true shape, like Dorian Gray. I've heard what they say, but I'm not here for trouble. Far, far away; find comfort in pain. All pleasure's the same: it just keeps me from trouble. It's more than just words: it's just tears and rain. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BlackWinterDay Posted January 13, 2006 Share Posted January 13, 2006 Bonfire - Sweet Obsession Here we go just another night with your sultry eyes the ones that hypnotize yeah you know it's getting hard to fight you got me in your sight I'm gonna fall tonight You got me running everytime you call my name I see it comin' - something I can't explain I feel it's starting again Such a sweet obsession can't get enough I feel the magic everytime that we touch A sweet obsession comes over me take me to the fire - girl set my heart free Somethings's wrong baby deep inside is it you or me I just can't decide Is it love or is it just a game you got control of me I can't break the chains I'm just a prisoner of a heartbeat - loosing it's way you got me captured - and there's nothing I can do nothing I can do to escape I'm just a prisoner of a heartbeat - loosing it's way you got me captured - and there's nothing I can do nothing I can do to escape Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pyroman Posted January 13, 2006 Share Posted January 13, 2006 Любэ - Давай за Война и на и най най най най на Война и на и най най най най на Серыми тучами небо затянуто Нервы гитарной струною оттянуты Дождь барабанит с утра и до вечера Время застывшее кажется вечностью Нас раскидали по всем направлениям Танки пехота огонь артиллерия Нас убивают, но мы выживаем И снова в атаку себя мы бросаем Давай за жизнь, давай брат до конца Давай за тех, кто с нами был тогда Давай за жизнь давай брат до конца A Помянем тех, кто с нами был тогда Небо над нами свинцовыми тучами Стелится низко туманами хладами Хочется верить, что все уже кончилось Только бы выжил товарищ раненый Ты потерпи браток, не умирай пока Будешь ты жить еще долго и счастливо Будем на свадьбе твоей мы отплясывать Будешь ты в небо детишек Давай за жизнь, давай брат до конца Давай за тех, кто дома ждет тебя Давай за жизнь, давай брат до конца Давай за тех, кто дома ждет тебя Давай за них дай за нас И за Сибирь и за Кавказ За смерть далеких городов И за друзей и за любовь Давай за вас, давай за нас И за десант и за спецназ За боевые ордена Давай поднимем старина Давай за жизнь, давай брат до конца Давай за тех, кто с нами был тогда Давай за жизнь, давай брат до конца Помянем тех, кто с нами был тогда Давай за жизнь, давай брат до конца Давай за тех, кто дома ждет тебя Давай за жизнь, давай брат до конца Давай за тех, кто дома ждет тебя Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BlackWinterDay Posted January 14, 2006 Share Posted January 14, 2006 Kamelot - Don`t You Cry Little by little I've come to this point On my own I've been searching my way I lost you so early The days went so fast You don't know how I prayed every day A song to remember A song to forget You'll never know how I tried To make you proud And to honor your name but You never told me goodbye Now that you are gone Casting shadows from the past You and all the memories will last Don't you cry Or suffer over me I will be waiting for you Don't you cry Angels never fade away I'll be watching over you See you through Now I'm a man and I'm feeling you still Could it be you were there all along A time to surrender A time to forgive With solace I give you this song Now that you are gone Casting shadows from the past In my dreams I hear your voice at last Don't you cry Or suffer over me I will be waiting for you Don't you cry Angels never fade away I'll be watching over you I can see you tonight In the pale winter light Father and son again The bond of blood will never end Don't you cry Or suffer over me I will be waiting for you Don't you cry Angels never fade away I'll be watching over you Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pyroman Posted January 14, 2006 Share Posted January 14, 2006 Любэ - Комбат А на войне как на войне Патроны, водка, махорка в цене А на войне нелёгкий труд Сам стреляй, а то убьют А на войне как на войне Подруга вспомни обо мне А на войне не ровен час А может мы, а может нас Комбат-батяня, батяня-комбат Ты сердце не прятал за спины ребят Летят самолёты и танки горят Так бьёт ё комбат, ё комбат Комбат-батяня, батяня-комбат За нами Россия, Москва и Арбат Огонь батарея, огонь батальон Комбат ё командует он Огонь батарея, огонь батальон Огонь батарея ,огонь батальон Огонь батарея, огонь батальон Огонь батарея ,огонь, огонь, огонь А на войне как на войне Солдаты видят мамку во сне А на войне на то оно А всё серьёзней чем в кино Да война, война, война Дурная тётка, стерва она Эх война, война идёт А пацана девчонка ждёт Комбат-батяня, батяня-комбат Ты сердце не прятал за спины ребят Летят самолёты и танки горят Так бьёт ё комбат, ё комбат Комбат-батяня, батяня-комбат За нами Россия, Москва и Арбат Огонь батарея, огонь батальон Комбат ё командует он Комбат-батяня, батяня-комбат Ты сердце не прятал за спины ребят Летят самолёты и танки горят Так бьёт ё комбат, ё комбат Комбат-батяня, батяня-комбат За нами Россия, Москва и Арбат Огонь батарея, огонь батальон Комбат ё командует он Огонь батарея, огонь батальон Огонь батарея ,огонь батальон Огонь батарея, огонь батальон Огонь батарея ,огонь, огонь, огонь А на войне как на войне На войне как на войне На войне как на войне На войне как на войне Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RiMy_SuN Posted January 15, 2006 Share Posted January 15, 2006 От оня свят Камелия Кондова Откакто във очите ви съм трън, започнах да си мисля за вината. Признавам си - виновна съм, че вън и тази нощ съблича се луната. Виновна съм за тази голота. Виновна съм, че всъщност е красива. Виновна съм и още затова, че край оградите расте коприва. Виновна съм, че като падне дъжд, чадърите нарочно се повреждат. И че живея с най-добрия мъж. И че в съня му късен се оглеждам. Виновна съм за есенния звук, когато през годините ви мине. Виновна съм като се счупи чук, попаднал във ръцете на убиец. Виновна съм за лудите коне - препусналите из главата мисли. И за това, че ще родя дете. И за това, че дяволски го искам! Виновна съм за всеки свой куплет. Освен това - за всеки земен корен. Спокойно спете! Всичко е наред сега, когато имате виновен... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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