RiMy_SuN Posted September 27, 2005 Share Posted September 27, 2005 Where Did You Sleep Last Night? Nirvana My girl, my girl, don't lie to me, Tell me where did you sleep last night. In the pines, in the pines, Where the sun don't ever shine. I would shiver the whole night through. My girl, my girl, where will you go? I'm going where the cold wind blows. In the pines, in the pines, Where the sun don't ever shine. I would shiver the whole night through Her husband, was a hard working man, Just about a mile from here. His head was found in a driving wheel, But his body never was found. My girl, my girl, don't lie to me, Tell me where did you sleep last night. In the pines, in the pines, Where the sun don't ever shine. I would shiver the whole night through. (sing it for me) [mumbled] My girl, my girl, where will you go? I'm going where the cold wind blows. In the pines, in the pines, Where the sun don't ever shine. I would shiver the whole night through. My girl, my girl, don't lie to me, Tell me where did you sleep last night. In the pines, in the pines, Where the sun don't ever shine. I would shiver the whole night through. My girl, my girl, where will you go? I'm going where the cold wind blows. In the pines, …the pines, ……… sun, ……….shine. I shiver the whole night through. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aquila Posted September 27, 2005 Share Posted September 27, 2005 Tifa Lockheart: Have we lost to our memories? Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sincity Posted September 28, 2005 Share Posted September 28, 2005 Quiet eyes You have always been my wildflower Shooting up wherever beauty's lost its way And the heart must break I was free Until I heard the song you sang me to me Pulling me away from everything I know To be with you And everything I know just fades away And every time you go it hurts me so I don't know why but I know we're free Free to fly Here we are Burning faster than the cursed star Falling back down to the Earth I love you so it sometimes hurts And everything I know just fades away And every time you go it hurts me so I don't know why but I know we're free Free to fly And everything I know just fades away And where the wildflower grows it picks its space And that's the way it is when nature plays its loving hand We'll understand everything Everything, everything Sheryl Crow - Wildflower Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
juji Posted September 28, 2005 Share Posted September 28, 2005 Знайте прочее, че няма нищо по-висше и по-силно, и по-здраво, и по-полезно занапред в живота от някой добър спомен, особено останал още от детинството, от бащината къща. На вас ви говорят много за вашето възпитание, а пък един такъв красив, свят спомен, запазен от детинство, може би е най-доброто възпитание. Ако насъбере много такива спомени в живота, човек е спасен за цял живот. И дори ако само един такъв хубав спомен остане в нашето сърце-той може да послужи някога за нашето спасение. Може би ние ще станем отсетне зли, дори не ще бъдем в сила да устоим на лоши постъпки, ще се смеем на човешките сълзи и на ония хора, които казват, както одеве Коля извика: "Искам да пострадам за всички хора"- и с тия хора може би ние злобно ще се гаврим. Но все пак, колкото и да сме зли-не дай боже!-ала като си спомним как сме погребвали Илюша, как сме го обичали през последните дни и как ей сега на` сме си приказвали тъй приятелски и тъй дружно пред тоя камък, тогава и най-жестокият човек от нас, и най-пресмехулният, ако станем такива, все пак не ще посмее вътре в себе си да се присмее на това колко е бил той сам добър и хубав в тая минута! "Братя Карамазови" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aquila Posted September 28, 2005 Share Posted September 28, 2005 Happy the Man i'll never understand (come closer and i'll whisper) who was that standing in the rain? if only i could remember what he said... (and how it all began) happy the man with the face that smiles! but it has to have a name (something strong something faithful something pure... ) how does he look so safe? he'll never never turn away happy the man... The Cure Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mila Posted September 28, 2005 Share Posted September 28, 2005 INSIDE (Sting, album: Sacred Love) Inside the doors are sealed to love, Inside my heart is sleeping Inside the fingers of my glove, Inside the bones of my right hand Inside it’s colder than the stars, Inside the circus of the winds Inside the clocks are filled with sand Inside she’ll never hurt me, Inside the winter’s creeping Inside the compass of the night, Inside the folding of the land Outside the stars are turning Outside the world’s still burning Inside my head’s a box of stars I never dared to open Inside the wounded hide their sears, inside this lonesome sparrow’s fall Inside the songs of our defeat, they sing of treaties broken Inside this army’s in retreat, we hide beneath the thunder’s call Outside the rain keeps falling Outside the drums are calling Outside the flood won’t wait Outside they’re hammering down the gate Love is the child of an endless war Love is an open wound still raw Love is a shameless banner unfurled Love’s an explosion, Love is a violent star A tide of destruction Love is an angry scar A violation, a mutilation, capitulation, love is annihilation, annihilation. Inside the failures of the light, the night is wrapped around me Inside my eyes deny their sight, she’d never find me in this place Inside we’re hidden from the moonlight, we shift between the shadows Inside the compass of the night, inside the memory of her face Outside the walls are shaking Inside the dogs are waking Outside the hurricane won’t wait Inside they’re howling down the gate Love is the child of an endless war Love is an open wound still raw Love is a shameless banner unfurled Love’s an explosion, Love is the fire at the end of the world Love is a violent star A tide of destruction Love is an angry scar The pain of instruction Love is a violation, a mutilation, capitulation, Love is annihilation, I climb this tower inside my head A spiral stair above my bed I dream the stairs don’t ask me why, I throw myself into the sky Love me like a baby, love me like an only child Love me like an ocean; love me like a mother mild Love me like a father, love me like the world has just begun Love me like an innocent, love me like your favorite toy Love me like a virgin, love me like a courtesan, Love me like a sinner, love me like a dying man. Annihilate me, infiltrate me, incinerate me, accelerate me, mutilate me, inundate me, violate me, implicate me, vindicate me, devastate me Love me like a parasite, love like a dying sun Love me like criminal, love me like a man on the run Radiate me, subjugate me, incubate me, recreate me, demarcate me, educate me, punctuate me, evaluate me, conjugate me, impregnate me, designate me, humiliate me, segregate me, opiate me, calibrate me, replicate me Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aquila Posted September 28, 2005 Share Posted September 28, 2005 Песня мушкетеров Пора пора порадуемся на своем веку Красавице и кубку счастливому клинку Пока пока покачивая перьями на шляпах Судьбе не раз шепнем мерси боку Опять скрипит потертое седло И ветер холодит былую рану Куда вас сударь к черту занесло Неужто вам покой не по карману Пора пора порадуемся на своем веку Красавице и кубку счастливому клинку Пока пока покачивая перьями на шляпах Судьбе не раз шепнем мерси боку Нужны Парижу деньги се ля ви А рыцари ему нужны тем паче Но что такое рыцарь без любви И что такое рыцарь без удачи Пора пора порадуемся на своем веку Красавице и кубку счастливому клинку Пока пока покачивая перьями на шляпах Судьбе не раз шепнем мерси боку Пока пока покачивая перьями на шляпах Судьбе не раз шепнем мерси боку Судьбе не раз шепнем судьбе не раз шепнем Судьбе шепнем Мерси боку мерси боку мерси боку Михаил Боярский Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sincity Posted September 28, 2005 Share Posted September 28, 2005 Старо, но прекрасно Matthews Southern Comfort - WOODSTOCK 31/10/1970 I came upon a child of God He was walking along the road When I asked him where are you going This he told me I'm going down to Yasgur's farm Think I'll join a rock and roll band I'll camp out on the land I'll try and set my soul free We are stardust, we are golden And we've got to get ourselves back to the garden Then can I walk beside you I have come here to lose the smog And I feel just like a cog in something turning Well maybe it's the time of year Or maybe it's the time of man And I don't know who I am But life's for learning We are stardust, we are golden And we've got to get ourselves back to the garden By the time I got to Woodstock They were half a million strong Everywhere there was songs and celebration And I dreamed I saw the bombers Riding shotgun in the sky Turning into butterflies Above our nation We are stardust, we are golden And we've got to get ourselves back to the garden We are stardust, we are golden And we've got to get ourselves back to the garden We are stardust, we are golden And we've got to get ourselves back to the garden Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aquila Posted September 28, 2005 Share Posted September 28, 2005 AFTER YOU'VE GONE After you've gone and left me crying After you've gone there's no denying You'll feel blue you'll feel sad You'll miss the dearest pal you've ever had There'll come a time don't forget it There'll come a time when you'll regret it Some day when you'll grow lonely Your heart will break like mine And you'll want me only After you've gone after you've gone Away Away Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
VeGor Posted September 29, 2005 Share Posted September 29, 2005 In your dream you see me clear I have no restraint, no fear Powerless I watched from faces I'd assumed. My purpose set. My will defined. Caress the air. Embrace the skies. Escape the sorrow and restraint of mortal cities. Give me time I will be clear. Given time you'll understand What posesses me to right what you have suffered. I'm in this mood because of scorn. I'm in a mood for total war. To the darkened skies once more and ever onward. So many years I stood among the thoughts and tears of those I served. Among my own I was alone through my own doing. All the years I walked unknown behind the faces I assumed. Powerless to clear your mind of what you'd suffered. They fall again. They fall again. Give me time I will be clear. Given time you'll understand What posesses me to right what you have suffered. I'm in this mood because of scorn. I'm in a mood for total war. To the darkened skies once more and ever onward. There is no faith in which to hide. Even truth is filled with lies. Doubting angels fall to walk among the living. I'm in this mood because of scorn. I'm in a mood for total war. To the darkened skies once more and ever onward. I'd only come here seeking peace. I'd only come here seeking me. It seems I came to leave. .... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aquila Posted September 29, 2005 Share Posted September 29, 2005 believe in me where's the love we had? when did it go bad? or am I just insecure? I give all I can baby I'm your man tell me what we're in this for remind me I can't go on I know not what to do my heart is worn I feel as if I'm through please believe in me 'cause what I need is for you to believe in me countless sleepless nights never ending fights I'm trying to make your dreams come true I will sacrifice to find paradise but I need to know that you're behind me I can't go on I know not what to do my heart is worn I feel as if I'm through please believe in me 'cause what I need is for you to believe in me Lenny Kravitz Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
afx Posted September 29, 2005 Share Posted September 29, 2005 (00:52:48) afx: Brujeria - Secuestro Nuestro (00:52:53) afx: парчето! (00:53:05) afx: само го чуй как почва (00:53:35) afx: и после.. сякаш цялата отрова от теб излиза под формата на агресия (00:54:01) afx: а началото.. все едно злото в теб бавно взема превес и контрол на болното ти съзнание (00:54:18) afx: хм.. ще го пиша в любими моменти... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kreideiky Posted September 30, 2005 Share Posted September 30, 2005 Some people get up at the break of day Gotta go to work before it gets too late Sitting in a car and driving down the road It ain't the way it has to be But that's what you do to earn your daily wage That's the kind of world that we live in today Isn't where you wanna be And isn't what you wanna be Give me one more day (one more day) Give me another night (just another night) I need a second chance (second chance) This time I'll get it right (This time I'll get it right) I'll say one last time (one last time) I've got to let you know (I've got to let you know) I've got to change your mind (I've got to change your mind) I'll never let you go (I'll never let you go) You've got to look at life the way it oughta be Looking at the stars from underneath the tree There's a world inside and a world out there With that tv you just don't care They've got violence, wars and killing too All shrunk down in a two-foot tube But out there the world is a beautiful place With mountains, lakes and the human race This is where I wanna be And this is what I wanna do Give me one more day (one more day) Give me another night (just another night) I need a second chance (second chance) This time I'll get it right (This time I'll get it right) I'll say one last time (one last time) I've got to let you know (I've got to let you know) I've got to change your mind (I've got to change your mind) I'll never let you go (I'll never let you go) Just give me one more chance (one more chance) Give me another night (just another night) With just one more day (one more day) You know I'll get it right (You know I'll get it right) I'll say one last time (one last time) I've got to let you know (I've got to let you know) If I could change your mind (If I could change your mind) I'll never let you go (I'll never let you go) New Order - 'Krafty' (video) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
second.life.syndrome Posted September 30, 2005 Share Posted September 30, 2005 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AuReOluS Posted October 1, 2005 Share Posted October 1, 2005 Garbage Only Happy When it Rains I'm only happy when it Bains I'm only happy when it's complicated And though I know you can't appreciate it I'm only happy when it rains You know I love it when the news is bad And why it feels so good to feel so sad I'm only happy when it rains Pour your misery down, pour your misery down on me Pour your misery down, pour your misery down on me I'm only happy when it rains I feel good when things are going wrong I only listen to the sad, sad songs I'm only happy when it rains I only smile in the dark My only comfort is the night gone black I didn't accidentally tell you that I'm only happy when it rains You'll get the message by the time I'm through When I complain about me and you I'm only happy when it rains Pour your misery down (Pour your misery down) Pour your misery down on me (Pour your misery down) Pour your misery down (Pour your misery down) Pour your misery down on me (Pour your misery down) Pour your misery down (Pour your misery down) Pour your misery down on me (Pour your misery down) Pour your misery down You can keep me company As long as you don't care I'm only happy when it rains You wanna hear about my new obsession? I'm riding high upon a deep depression I'm only happy when it rains (Pour some misery down on me) I'm only happy when it rains (Pour some misery down on me) I'm only happy when it rains (Pour some misery down on me) I'm only happy when it rains (Pour some misery down on me) I'm only happy when it rains (Pour some misery down on me) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
snejko Posted October 1, 2005 Share Posted October 1, 2005 AuReOluS said: Garbage Only Happy When it Rains <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Стига бе...напоследък само това слушам, не е честно, пак си седяла пред вратата ми и си слухтяла Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kreideiky Posted October 1, 2005 Share Posted October 1, 2005 Just give me a reason, some kind of sign I'll need a miracle to help me this time I heard what you said, and I feel the same I know in my heart that I'll have to change Even the stars look brighter tonight Nothing's impossible I still believe in love at first sight Nothing's impossible How did we get to be this far apart? How did we get to be this far apart? I want to be with you, something to share I want to be near you, sometimes I care Even the stars look brighter tonight Nothing's impossible I still believe in love at first sight Nothing's impossible Even the stars look brighter tonight Nothing's impossible If you believe in love at first sight Nothing's impossible I still believe in love at first sight Nothing's impossible ... Depeche Mode - 'Nothing's Impossible' Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sunny_Girl Posted October 1, 2005 Share Posted October 1, 2005 Our lives run different ways Through the rain I see you in the sun Our star shins anyway If you wish upon it we are one 1,2,3,4 Dog eat dog Every day On our fellow man we prey Dog eat dog To get by Hope you like my genocide I find it such a shame Through the pain I see things as they are We're served up on a plate The pedestal is high enough to fall And if in time We can see the errors of our ways Would anyone change it anyhow Our time is up 1,2,3,4 Dog eat dog Every day On our fellow man we prey Dog eat dog To get by Hope you like my genocide Dog eat dog Every day On our fellow man we prey Dog eat dog To get by Hope you like my genocide I bet you'd only run If you saw what goes inside our own I bet you'd lead the way If it were up to you to decide But it's not Dog eat dog Every day On our fellow man we prey Dog eat dog To get by Hope you like my genocide Like a silver flame, Like suicide, Like killing boy, 1,2,3,4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
noxious Posted October 1, 2005 Share Posted October 1, 2005 Oasis - The Importance Of Being Idle Lyrics I sold my soul for the second time Cos the man, he don't pay me I begged my landlord for some more time He said "Son, the bills waiting" My best friend called me the other night He said "Man, are you crazy?" My girlfriend told me to get a life She said "boy, you lazy" But I don't mind As long as there's a bed beneath the stars that shine I'll be fine If you give me a minute A mans got a limit You cant get a life if your hearts' not in it I don't mind As long as there's a bed beneath the stars that shine I'll be fine If you give me a minute A mans got a limit I cant get a life if my hearts' not in it I lost my faith in the summertime Cos it don't stop raining The sky all day's as black as night But I love complaining I begged my doctor for one more line He said "Son, words fail me" It ain't no place to be killing time But I guess I'm just lazy I don't mind As long as there's a bed beneath the stars that shine I'll be fine If you give me a minute A mans got a limit I cant get a life if my hearts' not in it Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AuReOluS Posted October 1, 2005 Share Posted October 1, 2005 Винаги истинска в истинското,за всички...открити...и търсещи се... Снежи...важно е да усетиш нечие присъствие ... ,но по-важно е да присъстваш в някой ... Ти се заяви ... пред мен и в мен..оценявам го! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
second.life.syndrome Posted October 1, 2005 Share Posted October 1, 2005 Разсмях се на развален испански и усмивката ми се разтече по ревера на сакото... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RiMy_SuN Posted October 2, 2005 Share Posted October 2, 2005 Wonderwall Oasis Today is gonna be the day That they're gonna throw it back to you By now you should've somehow Realized what you gotta do I don't believe that anybody Feels the way I do about you now Backbeat the word was on the street That the fire in your heart is out I'm sure you've heard it all before But you never really had a doubt I don't believe that anybody feels The way I do about you now And all the roads we have to walk along are winding And all the lights that lead us there are blinding There are many things that I would Like to say to you I don't know how Because maybe You're gonna be the one who saves me ? And after all You're my wonderwall Today was gonna be the day? But they'll never throw it back to you By now you should've somehow Realized what you're not to do I don't believe that anybody Feels the way I do About you now And all the roads that lead to you were winding And all the lights that light the way are blinding There are many things that I would like to say to you I don't know how I said maybe You're gonna be the one who saves me ? And after all You're my wonderwall I said maybe You're gonna be the one who saves me ? And after an You're my wonderwall Said maybe You're gonna be the one that saves me You're gonna be the one that saves me You're gonna be the one that saves me Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
benita_ Posted October 2, 2005 Share Posted October 2, 2005 HemophiliacInMe said: Разсмях се на развален испански и усмивката ми се разтече по ревера на сакото... мм...това от кой е? напомня ми на Дали... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
second.life.syndrome Posted October 2, 2005 Share Posted October 2, 2005 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
VeGor Posted October 3, 2005 Share Posted October 3, 2005 When coldness surrounds you In rooms without echo And silence will remain Your faithful shadow And your eyes wander about Fo warming support Come and take my hand I will understand I'm your ark, I'm your barque Floating in slow motion On a shaded green river Into a timeless ocean Dream world, dream time It is yours it is mine Exchange off-line Generators we'll shine We will shine And your heart knows too well What is right and what is wrong When ideals are returned With laughter and scorn When flattering bills on hooks Take you to isolation Come on take my hand I know a better land I'm your ark, I'm your barque... Floating in slow motion On a shaded green river Into a timeless ocean Dream world dream time... It is yours it is mine Exchange off-line Generators we'll shine We will shine And you can't rely upon The tenderness of old Like a too light anchor Searching for a hold And you scream with all your soul It is far too cold in here Reach out for my hand I do understand I'm your ark, I'm your barque... Floating in slow motion On a shaded green river Into a timeless ocean Dream world dream time... It is yours it is mine Exchange off-line Generators we'll shine We will shine A tribute to B. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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