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Любими моменти


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Като четох текстовете на песни, които сте пуснали, се сетих за една, която преди доста време сякаш изразяваше какво беше в душата ми... Страхотна песен, между другото.


Come back to me - Uriah Heep


Alone again, I feel so alone again

With this emptiness I just can’t hide

Picture me with a broken heart

See the tears run down my face


Everything I had has gone

Everything is gone

Loneliness still lingering on

Everything I thought was mine

Come back to me

Can’t we try it one more time

Come back to me


I know I’ll find another love in time

But you’ll always be there

In the back of my mind

The power of love

Can bring such pain

I still love you, I just love you


Alone again, I’m so alone again

With nothing but you on my mind

Can’t you see

What you’ve done to my life

What can I do to

Win you back again

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There was a time

When I was brokehearted

Love wasn't much of a friend of mine

The tables have turned - yeah

'Cause me and them ways have parted

That kinda love was the killin' kind

(so listen)


All I want is someone I can't resist

I know - all I - need to know

By the way I got kissed


I was Cryin' when I met you

Now I'm tryin' to forget you

Your love is sweet misery

I was Cryin' just to get you

Now I'm dyin' 'cause I let you

Do what you do down on me


Now there's not even breathing room

Between pleasure and pain

Yeah you cry when we're makin' love

Must be one and the same


It's down on me

Yeah, I got to tell you one thing

It's been on my mind, girl I gotta say

We're partners in crime

You got that certain something

What you do to me takes my breath away


Now the word out on the street

Is the devil's in your kiss

If our love goes up in flames

That's a fire I can't resist


I was Cryin' when I met you

Now I'm tryin' to forget you

Your love is sweet misery

I was Cryin' just to get you

Now I'm dyin' 'cause I let you

Do what you do to me


'Cause what you got inside

Ain't where your love should stay

Yeah, our love, sweet love, ain't love

'Til you give your heart away


I was Cryin' when I met you

Now I'm tryin' to forget you

Your love is sweet misery

I was Cryin' just to get you

Now I'm dyin' just to let you

Do what you do, what you do down on me

Baby, baby, baby


I was Cryin' when I met you

Now I'm tryin' to forget you

Your love is sweet misery

I was Cryin' when I met you

Now I'm dyin' 'cause I let you

Do what you do down to, down to, down to


I was cryin' when I met you

Now I'm tryin' to forget you

Your love is sweet misery



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  HemophiliacInMe said:
Хм... Мисля, че е крайно време да се научите да проверявате дали някой не е писал същото в темата, преди да качвате текстове...

Позволи ми да те коригирам :D

1. Темата е "Любими моменти" и до колкото аз разбрах тук споделяме с останалите неща които са ни направили впечатление. Да наистина в темата преобладават текстовете на различни парчета, и на някой им се струва дразнещо, но не това ми е мисълта. Това че на двама отделни съфорумници им е направило едно и също нещо впечатление, какво пречи и двамата да го споделят. Специално за конкретното парче: то наистина е прекрасно и бих го направил на пост веднага, но видях че съвсем скоро Aquila го е направил и предпочетох просто да подкрепя неговия пост вместо да пускам нов..

това ме подсеща и за точка две:

2. Темата е 93 страници до момента и признай, че е доста трудно да търсиш из нея ;)

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  HemophiliacInMe said:
Off: Мм... Всъщност изчетох всички страници, преди да пиша за първи път в темата. ;)

Е аз да си призная - не. Това определено не ми е любимата тема. Поради това че за мен текста не е чак толкова важен в едно парче. Зависи от ситуацията и дали наистина искам да разбера какво се пее в крайна сметка. Даже съм имал много случай когато съм останал разочарован от текста тъй като съм свързвал парчето с нещо лично, което се разминава с това на изпълнителите ;)


Просто се чувствай поздравена със: Rammstein - Heirate Mich :D

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HemophiliacInMe доволна ли си? Смених текста. Аз ако тръгна да казвам на всеки който повтори мой текст...в последните 3 страници има 4.









Bin ich schöner

zerschneid mir das Gesicht

bin ich stärker

brich feige mein Genick

bin ich klüger

töte mich und iss mein Hirn

Hab ich dein Weib

tote mich und iss mich ganz auf

dann iss mich ganz auf


Bin ich ehrlicher

beiß mir die Zunge ab

bin ich reicher

dann nimm mir alles

bin ich mutiger

töte mich und iss mein Herz

Hab ich dein Weib

töte mich und iss mich ganz auf

dann iss mich ganz auf

doch leck den Teller ab


Es kocht die Eifersucht


Hab ich so glatte Haut

zieh sie in Streifen ab

Hab ich die klaren Augen

nimm mir das Licht

Hab ich die reine Seele

töte sie in Flammen

Habe ich dein Weib dann

töte mich und iss mich ganz auf

dann iss mich ganz auf

doch leck den Teller ab


Es kocht die Eifersucht





По-готин съм

Нарежи лицето ми

По-силен съм

Счупи врата ми подло

По-умен съм

Убий ме и изяж ми мозъка

Имам жена ти

Убий ме и ме изяж цял

... и тогава ме изяж цял


По-искрен съм

Отхапи езика ми

По-богат съм

Тогава всичко ми вземи

По-смел съм

Убий ме и сърцето ми изяж

Имам жена ти

Убий ме и ме изяж цял

... и тогава ме изяж цял

Но оближи чинията




Кипи завист!


Имам тъй гладка кожа

Надърпай я на лентички

Имам бистри очи

Вземи ми светлината

Имам чиста душа

Убий я в пламъци

Ама имам жена ти

Убий ме и ме изяж цял

... и тогава ме изяж цял

Но оближи чинията




Кипи завист!




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Аз пък няма да проверявам дали някой е поствал това. Който се дразни от повторни постове да се спасява.


Alternative 4


It's killing you, you're killing me

I'm clinging on to my sanity

All I need is a short term remedy

Come and hide me from this terrible reality...


Dreaded memories flood back to me

But there's still a willful mind behind these cold

psychotic eyes

Now I tread this path so differently

I've opened my mind and darkened my entire life.


I'll dance with the angels to celebrate the holocaust,

And far beyond my far gone pride,

Is knowing that we'll soon be gone,

Knowing that I'll soon be gone...

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  Mila said:
Като четох текстовете на песни, които сте пуснали, се сетих за една, която преди доста време сякаш изразяваше какво беше в душата ми... Страхотна песен, между другото.

Повечето песни, които съм поствал, отразяват душевното ми състояние (освен че ми харесват).
  HemophiliacInMe said:
Хм... Мисля, че е крайно време да се научите да проверявате дали някой не е писал същото в темата, преди да качвате текстове...

Да, не е лошо поне последните странички да се преглеждат :P


Ето, така се чувствам в момента :music


Green day - Wake me up when September ends


Summer has come and passed,

the innocent can never last.

Wake me up when September ends.


Like my fathers come to pass,

seven years has gone so fast.

Wake me up when September ends.


Here comes the rain again,

falling from the stars.

Drenched in my pain again,

becoming who we are.

As my memory rests,

but never forgets what I lost.

Wake me up when September ends.


Summer has come to pass,

the innocent can never last.

Wake me up when September ends.


Ring out the bells again,

like we did when spring began.

Wake me up when September ends.


Here comes the rain again,

falling from the stars.

Drenched in my pain again,

becoming who we are.

As my memory rests,

but never forgets what I lost.

Wake me up when September ends.


Summer has come and passed,

the innocent can never last.

Wake me up when September ends.


Like my fathers come to pass,

twenty years has gone so fast.

Wake me up when September ends.

Wake me up when September ends.

Wake me up when September ends.

wake me up when September ends.

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Purple Rain


I never meant 2 cause u any sorrow

I never meant 2 cause u any pain

I only wanted 2 one time see u laughing

I only wanted 2 see u laughing in the purple rain


Purple rain Purple rain

Purple rain Purple rain

Purple rain Purple rain


I only wanted 2 see u bathing in the purple rain


I never wanted 2 be your weekend lover

I only wanted 2 be some kind of friend

Baby I could never steal u from another

It's such a shame our friendship had 2 end


Purple rain Purple rain

Purple rain Purple rain

Purple rain Purple rain


I only wanted 2 see u underneath the purple rain


Honey I know, I know, I know times are changing

It's time we all reach out 4 something new

That means u 2

U say u want a leader

But u can't seem 2 make up your mind

I think u better close it

And let me guide u 2 the purple rain


Purple rain Purple rain

Purple rain Purple rain


If you know what I'm singing about up here

C'mon raise your hand


Purple rain Purple rain


I only want 2 see u, only want 2 see u

In the purple rain



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Айде и от мен нещо:


Chris de Burgh - Lady In Red


I’ve never seen you looking so lovely as you did tonight

I’ve never seen you shine so bright

I’ve never seen so many men ask you if you wanted to dance

They’re looking for a little romance

Given half a chance

And I’ve never seen that dress you’re wearing

Or that highlights in your hair

That catch your eyes

I have been blind


The lady in red is dancing with me

Cheek to cheek

There’s nobody here

It’s just you and me

It’s where I wanna be

But I hardly know this beauty by my side

I’ll never forget the way you look tonight


I’ve never seen you looking so gorgeous as you did tonight

I’ve never seen you shine so bright you were amazing

I’ve never seen so many people want to be there by your side

And when you turned to me and smiled it took my breath away

And I have never had such a feeling such a feeling

Of complete and utter love, as I do tonight


The lady in red is dancing with me

Cheek to cheek

There’s nobody here

It’s just you and me

It’s where I wanna be

But I hardly know this beauty by my side

I’ll never forget the way you look tonight


I never will forget the way you look tonight

The lady in red

My lady in red

I love you

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Доволният човек действа в истинска пълна свобода. Какво значение може да има за него надпреварата за почести? Каква привлекателност биха могли да имат суетнята и алчността? Чрез простота той притежава всичко. Той вижда светлината в "мрака", яснотата в мъглявото, бързината в "бавното", пълнотата в "празното". Готвачът, който създава едно ястие със собствените си ръце, има толкова достойнство в неговите очи, колкото и някой известен певец или висш служител. Той няма печалба за вземане, няма заплата за губене, няма овации, няма критика. Когато поглежда нагоре, не е със завист. Когато поглежда надолу, не е с високомерие. Мнозина го гледат, но никой не го вижда. Спокоен и отдръпнат, той е извън всяка опасност, дракон скрит сред хората.


Гъ Хун


Не помня от къде точно беше...за жалост :(

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Късно е или е рано, мръсно е или е прано,

евтино или е скъпо, умно е или е тъпо.

Уап - шубап....

Трябва да заспя - не искам

лягам си защото трябва,

трябва да умра - не искам,

а наистина ли трябва. ?!?

Уап - шубап....

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Staind - Devil



She sleeps alone again her eyes are fast not to pretend that all she used to live for was a love she

couldn't bear. In that time of need she does those things she needs to fill the void inside of her because

he was never there


She says I swear I'm not the devil, who do you think I am? I swear I'm not the devil [2x]


He's fast asleep again and he wonders when the pain will end the creaks they may run deeper than his ??

will ever show.


All the people hypnotize and wonder what can save him from his self created hell.


And he says I swear I'm not the devil, who do you think I am? I swear I'm not the devil. [2x]


I always failed to see the little things in front of me the things that mean so much to you wait to let

you know. That I appreciate the way you always tolerate but sometimes when I medicate the frustration in

you shows me how you feel.


But I swear I'm not the devil, although you think I am. I swear I'm not the devil and I scream, I swear

I'm not the devil. Who do you think I am? I swear I'm not the devil.

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duran duran



Mine, immaculate dream,

made breath and skin,

I've been waiting for you,

Signed, with a home tattoo,

Happy birthday to you

was created for you.


(Can't ever keep from falling apart.. At the seams)

(Can't I believe you're taking my heart.. to pieces)


Ahh, it'll take a little time,

might take a little crime to come undone

Now we'll try to stay blind,

to the hope and fear outside,

Hey child, stay wilder than the wind

And blow me in to cry.


Who do you need?

Who do you love?

When you come undone.



Words, playing me deja vu,

Like a radio tune

I swear I've heard before,

Chill, is it something real,

Or the magic I'm feeding off your fingers


(Can't ever keep from falling apart.. at the seams)

(Can I believe you're taking my heart.. to pieces)


Lost, in a snow filled sky,

we'll make it alright, to come undone,

Now we'll try to stay blind,

to the hope and fear outside,

Hey child, stay wilder than the wind -

And blow me in to cry.




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Precious and fragile things

Need special handling

My God what have we done to You?


We always try to share

The tenderest of care

Now look what we have put You through


Things get damaged

Things get broken

I thought we'd manage

But words left unspoken

Left us so brittle

There was so little left to give


Angels with silver wings

Shouldn't know suffering

I wish I could take the pain for you


If God has a master plan

That only He understands

I hope it's your eyes He's seeing through


Things get damaged

Things get broken

I thought we'd manage

But words left unspoken

Left us so brittle

There was so little left to give


I pray you learn to trust

Have faith in both of us

And keep room in your hearts for two


Things get damaged

Things get broken

I thought we'd manage

But words left unspoken

Left us so brittle

There was so little left to give



Depeche Mode - 'Precious'

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Тишината вали във прозореца

като бяла надежда до мен

и сред толкова стъпки на хора

чувам твоите стъпки да стенат.


И сърцето ти чувам да бие

над звезди и пътеки бездомни‚

ти не можеш от мен да се скриеш‚

да останеш единствено спомен.


Тишина, тишина ...

Само тя ми остава след теб.

Тишина, тишина ...



Аз съм сам, без любов‚

търся твоята нежна ръка.

Аз сам, без любов.


Не е късно, помни не е късно,

да отвориш вратата внезапно

и раздялата с дъх да разпръснеш‚

и да върнем горещото лято.


Тишината вали във прозореца

като бяла надежда до мен

и сред толкова стъпки на хора

чувам твоите стъпки да стенат.


Тишина, тишина ...

Само тя ми остава след теб.

Тишина, тишина ...



Аз съм сам, без любов‚

търся твоята нежна ръка

Аз сам, без любов.


Васко Кеца

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Spider And The Fly



Empty hearts I can hear them talking

I close my eyes and I keep on stalking

my love

my love


no one's aware of the hunger I feel

it's something you or time cannot heal

I need someone to help me rise above


Eternal bliss is something I can show you

spread your arms and let my wings enfold you

my love


In the darkness shades of crimson rapture

the world is ours alone to capture

my love


Come over here and let me tell you something

nothing ever comes of nothing

we pay a price for all our choices made


come along now and take my hand

I'll lead you to a promised land

the morning after it may never come again,

never be the same...




London After Midnight

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My World, My Love, My Life


Some days are covered in rain

while other days are made for glory

And you are the summer sun

The only one who knows the story


Do you want to talk about it? - I don't know

Do you want to say some words? - Oh, I can't let go

I'm talking about my world, my love, my life

Everytime I try to close my eyes

you just enter my mind

and you lay yourself down beside me... oh why?


Some streets are covered with sweat

there are no regrets just new connections... oh why?

You are the Summer Son and i'm the one who wants affection


Do you want to talk about it? - I don't know

Do you want to speak some words? - Oh, I can't let go

I'm talking about my world, my love, my life

Everytime I try to close my eyes

you just run through my head

and you lay yourself down, beside me... oh why?


My world, my life...


I'm talking about my world, my love, my life

Everytime... I try to close my eyes

You just enter my mind

and you lay yourself down, beside me... oh why...

You just run through my head

and you lay yourself down, beside me... oh why...



My world, my life...



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Kissing You



Pride can stand, a thousand trials,

The strong will never fall

But watching stars without you,

My soul cried.


Heaving heart is full of pain,

Oh, oh, the aching.

'Cause I'm kissing you, oh.

I'm kissing you.

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Лили Иванова - Камино


Eres tu que vas caminando

dulce gaucho con guitarra.


Un pedasso del cielo

que tu me cantas parpariando.


Ai Camino, Camino.


Tu que vienes caminando

esquchando mia guitarra.


En una tierra de montana

i la luna me acompana.


Ai, Ai, Ai,

Ai, Camino, Camino.


Tu queres mi amor

en una tierra de montana.


Porque xa no me queres mi

quando la luna me acompana.

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