LifeFeel Posted July 6, 2005 Author Share Posted July 6, 2005 HemophiliacInMe said: crab_hermit_by_tuxedomoon.jpgKreideiky <{POST_SNAPBACK}> той ли го е рисувал ? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Posted July 7, 2005 Share Posted July 7, 2005 LifeFeel said: той ли го е рисувал ? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Да, на Kreideiky е. Надявам се да няма нищо против, че съм го показала тук... Просто е страшно мило Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LifeFeel Posted July 7, 2005 Author Share Posted July 7, 2005 HemophiliacInMe said: Просто е страшно мило <{POST_SNAPBACK}> да, много е хубаво Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Posted July 7, 2005 Share Posted July 7, 2005 Кой е великият змей, когото духът не желае да зове повече господар и бог? "Длъжен си" се зове великият змей. А духът на лъва казва: "Аз искам". "Длъжен си" лежи на пътя му един ослепителен в своето златисто сияние люспест змей и на всяка негова люспа блещи със златни букви написано: "Длъжен си!" Хилядолетни ценности блестят по тези люспи и тъй говори най-могъщият от всички змейове: "Всяка ценност на нещата блести по мен." Всяка ценност е вече създадена и всяка създадена ценност - това съм аз. Наистина не бива да има вече никакво "Аз искам." Тъй рече змеят. Братя мои! Защо е необходим лъв в духа! Нима не е достатъчно товарното животно, което се отказва и изпитва страхопочит? Да твори нови ценности, това лъвът все още не е в състояние, но да си извоюва свобода за ново творчество - това е в състояние да осъществи мощта налъва. Да се извоюва свобода и да се постави едно свещено "Не" дори и пред дълга - за това, братя мои, се изисква лъв. Да си извоюваш правото на нови ценности - това е най-ужасното посегателство за един издръжлив и изпълнен със страхопочит дух. Наистина това е грабеж и е дело на граблив звяр. Като своя най-голяма светиня обичаше нявга той това "Длъжен си", докато сега трябва да открива заблуда и произвол дори и в най-святото, за да може да заграби свободата от обичта си. За този грабеж му е нужен лъвът. Ала кажете, братя мои, какво е в състояние да извърши детето, щом като дори лъвът не е смогнал да го направи. Защо е било необходимо грабливият лъв да се превърне и в дете? Невинност е детето и забрава, едно ново начало, една игра, едно самозадължаващо се колело, едно изначално движение, една свещена повеля: "Да бъде!" Да, братя мои, за играта на сътворението е нужна свещената повеля на словото: "Да бъде!" Духът иска своята воля, изгубилият света спечелва свой собствен свят. Фридрих Ницше Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aquila Posted July 7, 2005 Share Posted July 7, 2005 Първата на изток тръгна, втората на запад свърна третата, незнам защо, кукувичето гнездо си избра едничка тя и над него прелетя... Детска песничка Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grimjaur Posted July 7, 2005 Share Posted July 7, 2005 Какво се случи с мен Какво ми става? какво се случи с мен? защо не искам дори да помечтая за момент? защо съм пълен с необяснима тъга? и кой ли може да ми помогне сега? ще ме спасиш ли миличка? къде отиваш? къде отиваш - не ти ли стигам аз? с тебе можем да бъдем толкова щастливи... и това зависи само от нас. какво ми става? какво се случи с мен? защо мълча безчувствен, вцепенен? защо съм тъжен? защо съм уморен? защо съм станал толкова студен? студено ми е, миличка! много е студено! студено ми е, бързо бягай далеч от мене! или ще замръзнеш, или ще вампирясаш... понякога животът с мен е много опасен. ще си прережа вените, ще се отровя, ще скоча от високо, ще се гръмна, ще умра! със ангелите ще се заловя и в рая ще настане голяма веселба! Suicide blues Налей ми в чашата ракия и скрий бутилката добре, защото ако се напия, ще дойде някое ченге, ще ме изправи до стената и ще ме блъска по главата. Налей ми в чашата ракия, раздавай картите, така... ти казваш - козът е спатия, но знай, че аз съм подръка и както да въртиш играта ще те преЖакам по-нататък Наливай в чашите ракия и дай ми някое момиче! и ако трябва, излъжи я - поне за час да ме обича... защото вече не издържам, жена ми трябва и то бързо! Налей ми в чашата ракия, бръснача остър ми подай! и знай, когато спра да пия ще дойде моят скапан край. не се опитвай да ме спреш, все някой ден и ти ще искаш да умреш! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aquila Posted July 7, 2005 Share Posted July 7, 2005 HAIR Let The Sunshine In We starve-look at one another short of breath walking proudly in our winter coats wearing smells from laboratories facing a dying nation of moving paper fantasy listening for the new told lies with supreme visions of lonely tunes singing our space songs on a spider web sitar life is around you and in you answer from timothy leary deary let the sunshine in let the sunshine in the sunshine in let the sunshine in . . . let the sunshine in . . . Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sincity Posted July 7, 2005 Share Posted July 7, 2005 STONE TEMPLE PILOTS - Plush And I feel that time’s a wasted go So where ya going to tommorrow? And I see that these are lies to come Would you even care? And I feel it And I feel it Where ya going for tommorrow? Where ya going with that mask I found? And I feel, and I feel When the dogs begin to smell her Will she smell alone? And I feel, so much depends on the weather So is it raining in your bedroom? And I see, that these are the eyes of disarray Would you even care? And I feel it And she feels it Where ya going to tommorrow? Where ya going with that mask I found? And I feel, and I feel When the dogs begin to smell her Will she smell alone? When the dogs do find her Got time, time, to wait for tomorrow To find it, to find it, to find it When the dogs do find her Got time, time, to wait for tomorrow To find it, to find it, to find it Where ya going for tommorrow? Where ya going with that mask I found? And I feel, and I feel When the dogs begin to smell her Will she smell alone? When the dogs do find her Got time, time, to wait for tomorrow To find it, to find it, to find it When the dogs do find her Got time, time, to wait for tomorrow To find it, to find it, to find it To find it To find it To find it Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aquila Posted July 7, 2005 Share Posted July 7, 2005 "Тия неща все още не са ми се избистрили напълно, но те са самата истина, дори и да не са се случили." Полет над кукувиче гнездо Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
noxious Posted July 7, 2005 Share Posted July 7, 2005 Wonderful Life by Ace Of Base Here I go Out to the sea again The sunshine fills my hair And dreams hang in the air Gulls in the sky And in my blue eyes I know it feels unfair There is magic everywhere Look at me standing here Here on my own again Up straight in the sunshine No need to run and hide It's a wonderful, wonderful life No need to laugh and cry It's a wonderful, wonderful life Sun's in your eyes The heat is in your hair They seem to hate you Because you are there And I need a friend Oh, oh, I need a friend To make me happy I stand here on my own Oh oh oh ooh, Look at me standing here I'm here on my own again Up straight in the sunshine No need to run and hide It's a wonderful, wonderful life No need to laugh and cry It's a wonderful, wonderful life I need a friend Oh, I need a friend To make me happy Not so alone Look at me standing here I'm here on my own again Up straight in the sunshine No need to run and hide It's a wonderful, wonderful life No need to laugh and cry It's a wonderful, wonderful life No need to run and hide It's a wonderful, wonderful life No need to laugh and cry It's a wonderful, wonderful life Ah ah ah ah ah ah _________________________________________ GREEN DAY "Tired Of Waiting" So tired, tired of waiting, tired of waiting for you. So tired, tired of waiting, tired of waiting for you. I was a lonely soul, I had nobody ‘till I met you. But you, keeping me waiting, all of the time What can I do? It’s your life, and you can do what you wanna do. Do what you like, but please don’t keep me waitin’ Please don’t keep me waitin’, Cuz im so tired, tired of waiting, tired of waiting for you. So tired, tired of waiting, tired of waiting for you. I was a lonely soul, I had nobody ‘till I met you. But you, keeping me waiting, all of the time What can I do? It’s your life, and you can do what you wanna do. Do what you like, but please don’t keep me waitin’. Please don’t keep me waitin’. Cuz im so tired, tired of waiting, tired of waiting for you. So tired, tired of waiting, tired of waiting for you. For you For you ___________________________________________ Oasis Wanderwall Today is gonna be the day that they're gonna throw it back to you By now you shoulda somehow realized what you gotta do I don't believe that anybody feels the way I do about you now Back beat, the word is on the street that the fire in your heart is out I'm sure you've heard it all before but you never really had a doubt I don't believe that anybody feels the way I do about you now And all the roads we have to walk are winding And all the lights that lead us there are blinding There are many things that I would like to say to you But I don't know how Because maybe You're gonna be the one that saves me And after all You're my wonderwall Today was gonna be the day but they'll never throw it back to you By now you shoulda somehow realized what you're not to do I don't believe that anybody feels the way I do about you now And all the roads that lead you there were winding And all the lights that light the way are blinding There are many things that I would like to say to you But I don't know how I said maybe You're gonna be the one that saves me And after all You're my wonderwall I said maybe You're gonna be the one that saves me And after all You're my wonderwall I said maybe You're gonna be the one that saves me You're gonna be the one that saves me You're gonna be the one that saves me Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Posted July 8, 2005 Share Posted July 8, 2005 Една много любима песен... С невероятен текст!!! I want to give you a piece of myself I want to smell you from your skin to your veins I want to lick all your body and suck all your neck and then what?... Slow, slow my eyes are lost in your soul Slow, slow I need to break inside your bones in your snow, your snow my legs turn cold, my arms turn warm And slow, slow Your naughty words are not enough. Your hand caressing my face, all my head my shaking tongue makes you laugh makes you cry and for a second I think that it makes a crime. If you whisper words I'll be deaf, I'll be blind if you sing a song I'll be feeling your respite if you take a breath I'll just be thinking to stay inside. I want to bite you and nibble your breast I wish to find all your fears, all your facets I need to rape all the secrets you have inside. Dies Irae - Slow, slow Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GeorgiK Posted July 8, 2005 Share Posted July 8, 2005 Специално за sincity, който ми отмъкна Plush... Stone Temple Pilots Dead and Bloated I am smellin' like the rose that somebody gave me on my birthday deathbed I am smellin' like the rose that somebody gave me 'cause I'm dead & bloated I am smellin' like the rose that somebody gave me on my birthday deathbed I am smellin' like the rose that somebody gave me 'cause I'm dead & bloated Ohhh Yeah, and she says it's natural I feel I've come of age When she peeks I start to run Ohh Yeah, and she says it's natural I feel I've come of age When she peeks I start to run You can't swallow what I'm thinkin' You can't swallow what I'm thinkin' I am smellin' like the rose that somebody gave me on my birthday deathbed I am trampled under sole of another man's shoes Guess I walked too softly Oh Yeah, and she says it's natural I feel I've come of age When she peeks I start to run Oh Yeah, and she says it's natural I feel I've come of age When she peeks I start to run You can't swallow what I'm thinkin' You can't swallow what I'm thinkin' I run through the world thinking about tomorrow Thinking about tomorrow I run through the world thinking about tomorrow Thinking about tomorrow I am smellin' like the rose that somebody gave me on my birthday deathbed I am smellin' like the rose that somebody gave me 'cause I'm dead & bloated I run through the world thinking about tomorrow Thinking about tomorrow I run through the world thinking about tomorrow Thinking about tomorrow I run through the world thinking about tomorrow Thinking about tomorrow I run through the world thinking about tomorrow Thinking about tomorrow I am smellin' like the rose that somebody gave me on my birthday deathbed I am smellin' like the rose that somebody gave me somebody gave me somebody gave me on my birthday deathbed Studio Version from Core 1992 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RiMy_SuN Posted July 8, 2005 Share Posted July 8, 2005 All alone with you Makes the butterflies in me arise Slowly we make love And the Earth rotates To our dictates Slowly we make love... Terence Trent D'arby - Sign Your Name Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Antares Posted July 8, 2005 Share Posted July 8, 2005 "She Is Beautiful" - Andrew W.K. Изпълнено от Children Of Bodom кавъра кърти, текста му рулира I never knew girls existed like you But now that I do I'd really like to get to know you The girl's too young She don't need any better It's all coming back I can feel it The girl's too young She don't know any better It's all coming back I can feel it [Chorus:] She is beautiful She is beautiful She is beautiful She is beautiful The girl is beautiful You're giving me rules and hints from all sides And when you hit my back, you rub my eyes The girl's too young She don't need any better It's all coming back I can feel it The girl's too young She don't know any better It's all coming back I can feel it And though I never know you I look at your face. To tell you that I love you Don't know what to say Give everything I got to the beautiful girl The only thing I live for in the whole wide world [Chorus:] She is beautiful She is beautiful She is beautiful She is beautiful The girl is beautiful I ain't got nothing to lose (Nothing to lose) Going to throw it away And talk to you She looks good She looks good And it's true And it's true The girl is beautiful She is beautiful I ain't got nothing to lose (Nothing to lose) When I'm living one time And I want you She looks good She looks good And it's true And it's true The girl is beautiful She is beautiful She is beautiful She is beautiful Na na na na na na na na She is beautiful She is beautiful Na na na na na na na na The girl is beautiful She is beautiful She is beautiful Na na na na na na na na She is beautiful She is beautiful Na na na na na na na na I ain't got nothing to lose (Nothing to lose) Going to throw it away And talk to you She looks good She looks good And it's true And it's true The girl is beautiful She is beautiful I ain't got nothing to lose (Nothing to lose) And I'll never forget When I saw you She looks good She looks good And it's true And it's true The girl is beautiful She is beautiful Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
intense Posted July 8, 2005 Share Posted July 8, 2005 Kelly Clarkson - Behind these hazel eyes Seems like just yesterday You were a part of me I used to stand so tall I used to be so strong Your arms around me tight Everything, it felt so right Unbreakable, like nothin' could go wrong Now I can't breathe No, I can't sleep I'm barely hanging on Here I am, once again I'm torn into pieces Can't deny it, can't pretend Just thought you were the one Broken up, deep inside But you won't get to see the tears I cry Behind these hazel eyes I told you everything Opened up and let you in You made me feel alright For once in my life Now all that's left of me Is what I pretend to be So together, but so broken up inside 'Cause I can't breathe No, I can't sleep I'm barely hangin' on Here I am, once again I'm torn into pieces Can't deny it, can't pretend Just thought you were the one Broken up, deep inside But you won't get to see the tears I cry Behind these hazel eyes Swallow me then spit me out For hating you, I blame myself Seeing you it kills me now No, I don't cry on the outside Anymore... Here I am, once again I'm torn into pieces Can't deny it, can't pretend Just thought you were the one Broken up, deep inside But you won't get to see the tears I cry Behind these hazel eyes Here I am, once again I'm torn into pieces Can't deny it, can't pretend Just thought you were the one Broken up, deep inside But you won't get to see the tears I cry Behind these hazel eyes Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aquila Posted July 8, 2005 Share Posted July 8, 2005 HAIR Air Welcome sulphur dioxide, Hello carbon monoxide The air, the air is everywhere Breathe deep, while you sleep, breathe deep Bless you alcohol bloodstream, Save me nicotine lungsteen Incense, incense is in the air Breathe deep, while you sleep, breathe deep Cataclysmic, cataplasm Fall out atomic orgasm Vapor and fume at the stone of my tomb Breathe like a solemn perfume Eating at the stone of my tomb Welcome sulphur dioxide, Hello carbon monoxide The air, the air is everywhere Breathe deep, while you sleep, breathe deep Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Posted July 8, 2005 Share Posted July 8, 2005 Днес отново полудях, вървя след теб и викам те - да те прегърна. Безброй жени се казват като теб, докато не се обърнат, но не позна, че ще забравя твоя глас - представа нямаш само как го помня, дори да спреш да съществуваш в този час, аз пак си знам, че ще те чакам... Като мъж, като стълб, като тъжен звяр, като дом, като гроб, като сфетофар... Всеки час чакам теб и в тъмното гледам - като път, като брат, като смъртен враг, като град, като стон,като бащен праг, като плът, като дух, като за последно. Пак започмах да не спя, програми сменям, търся нещо като теб, но има само тъжни новини, а лъжи не ми се гледат. Прогнозата е все мъгла и много дъжд, и всички филми свършват много лошо. Чакам те, за да намерим нов канал, завръщай се, защото пак съм полудял... Николай Урумов - Ще те чакам Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aquila Posted July 8, 2005 Share Posted July 8, 2005 Ако сълзите, набрани в очите, не избършеш - ще можеш ли леко да вървиш през простора на дните и да гледаш далеко, далеко? Ако болката, в гърлото накипяла, по стръмния път към далечния връх не преглътнеш в самото начало - как ще поемеш ти дъх? Пеньо Пенев Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Posted July 8, 2005 Share Posted July 8, 2005 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aquila Posted July 8, 2005 Share Posted July 8, 2005 HemophiliacInMe said: Иво!!! Обожавам Пеньо Пенев!!! Чакам отзиви за книгите! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> до края на седмицата ще я прочета, досега доста ми харесва (да не повярваш - пилето чете поезия ) "The greatness of a nation... can be judged by the way its animals are treated." - Gandhi - Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grimjaur Posted July 8, 2005 Share Posted July 8, 2005 Каналето - Влюбени Паяжина летен мрак над теб, за да се изгубят в него те, за да се намерят влюбени (влюбени). И ги слуша топлата трева, но бръмбар чува ги едва. Думи смисъла загубили (влюбени). Черна е носията на нощта, бяла е магията в любовта. Дори в страната на анти-вълшебствата, любовта си остава надеждата, винаги обичай! По реда си плисва цветен дъжд, на луната дай и бъден мъж. Смигат си звезди събудени (влюбени). И в този омагьосан здрач, чувам само разреван палач, виждам двамата осъдени (влюбени). Черна е носията на нощта, бяла е магията в любовта. Дори в страната на анти-вълшебствата, любовта си остава надеждата, винаги обичай! (х2): Дори в страната на анти-вълшебствата, любовта си остава надеждата, винаги обичай! Винаги обичай! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sincity Posted July 8, 2005 Share Posted July 8, 2005 GeorgiK., сори за интелектуалната кражба Ain't no sunshine when she's gone. It's not warm when she's away. Ain't no sunshine when she's gone And she's always gone too long anytime she goes away. Wonder this time where she's gone, Wonder if she's gone to stay Ain't no sunshine when she's gone And this house just ain't no home anytime she goes away. And I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know Hey, I ought to leave the young thing alone, But ain't no sunshine when she's gone, only darkness everyday. Ain't no sunshine when she's gone, And this house just ain't no home anytime she goes away. Anytime she goes away. Anytime she goes away. Anytime she goes away. Anytime she goes away. Bill Withers - Ain't no sunshine Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Posted July 8, 2005 Share Posted July 8, 2005 I can't understand, what makes a man hate another man? Help me understand... Martin L. Gore Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GeorgiK Posted July 8, 2005 Share Posted July 8, 2005 Какво сори бе...направи го втори път... Днес цял ден съм на Уидърс...какъв ти Уидърс, днес цял ден съм на тая песен... Какво да ти измисля сега? Поздрав за всички, които са обидени от това, което се случи с концерта на Глен Хюз... Primus Antipop The Earth it did crack open on the day that I was born and a thousand merry pranksters came dancin' through the storm. I lay cradle bound a howlin' out my mind not knowin' years to come I'd be shoutin' over din I sucked information through the holes in my skull as my belly gurgles hungry my mouth is always full. I am Antipop; I'll run against the grain till the day I drop. I am the Antipop; the man you cannot stop. As a young man, I plug into the tube, but the stench of all that pretense I cannot muddle through. I lay on my back and scan the radio all that comes out my speakers is a steady syrup flow. I suck information through the holes in my skull as my belly gurgles hungry my mouth is always full. I stood by watching and I seen 'em come and go. I seen 'em make that million then vanish in the snow. They come upon you like a pack of rabid hounds as they slobber in your ears and purge you with their sounds. Pushing misinformation through the holes in my skull my belly gurgles nauseous and still my mouth is full. I am Antipop; I'll run against the grain till the day I drop. I am the Antipop; the man you cannot stop. Studio Version from Antipop 1999 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tolimir Posted July 9, 2005 Share Posted July 9, 2005 It's the Soldier Charles M. Province A protest raged on a courthouse lawn, Round a makeshift stage they charged on, Fifteen hundred or more they say, Had come to burn a Flag that day. A boy held up the folded Flag, Cursed it, and called it a dirty rag. An old man pushed through the angry crowd, With a rusty shotgun shouldered proud. His uniform jacket was old and tight, He had polished each button, shiny and bright. He crossed that stage with a soldier's grace, Until he and the boy stood face to face. Freedom of Speech, the old man said, Is worth dying for and good men are dead, So you can stand on this courthouse lawn, And talk us down from dusk to dawn, But before any Flag gets burned today, This old man is going to have HIS say ! My father died on a foreign shore, In a war they said would end all war. But Tommy and I weren't even full grown, Before we fought in a war of our own. And Tommy died at Sattelberg Hill, In the jungle shadows, where he lies still, Where good men raised this Flag so high, That the whole damn world could see it fly. I got this bum leg that I still drag, Fighting for this same old Flag. Now there's but one shot in this old gun, So now it's time to decide which one, Which one of you will follow our lead, To stand and die for what you believe? For as sure as there is a rising sun, You'll burn before this Flag burns, son. Now this riot never came to pass. The crowd got quiet and that can of gas, Got set aside as they walked away To talk about what they had heard this day. And the boy who had called it a "dirty rag", Handed the old soldier the folded Flag. So the battle of the Flag this day was won By a tired old soldier with a rusty gun, Who for one last time, had to show to some, This Flag may FADE, but THESE COLORS DON'T RUN Хубаво стихче карате да се замислиш за това дали ще умреш за идеите си Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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