GeorgiK Posted July 1, 2005 Share Posted July 1, 2005 От много време се сдържам да не пиша в тая тема... Трудно е да обясня, защо точно. Може би, защото в нея пишат само приятели и готини хора...и аз така...да се разгранича от тях... Обаче след последното на Пешо просто не можах да се стърпя... TOOL Bottom Compassion is broken now. My will is eroded now. Desire is broken now. Makes me feel ugly. On my knees and burning. My piss and moans are fuel that set my head on fire. I set my head on fire. Smell my soul, it's burning. Broken, lookin' up I see the enemy. And I have swallowed the poison you feed me. But I survived on the poison you feed me. Guilt fed. Hatred fed. Weakness fed. It makes me feel ugly. I'm on my knees, I'm burning. My piss and moans are human. I set my head on fire. I'm dead inside. Shit adds up. Shit adds up. Shit adds up. Shit adds up at the bottom. If I let you, you would make me destroy myself. In order to survive you, I must first survive myself. I can sink no further, and I cannot forgive you. There's no choice but to confront you, to engage you, to erase you. I've gone to great lengths to expand my threshold of pain. I will use my mistakes against you. There is no other choice. Shameless now. Nameless now. Nothing now. No one now. But my soul must be iron 'cause my fear is naked. I'm naked and fearless, and my fear is naked. Dead inside... Nameless now. Shameless now. Nothing now. No one now. (Shit adds up) As you see me naked now. Fearless now. Naked now. Fearless now. (Shit adds up) It leaves me dead inside! Dead inside! Hatred keeps me alive. Hunger has kept me alive. Weakness keeps me alive. Guilt keeps me alive at the bottom... Studio version from Undertow (1993) Live version from Sober Live (1994) Live version from Live in Roseland (1994) Live version from Tales from the Darkside (1994) Май само тия съм качил... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mandirimuniak Posted July 1, 2005 Share Posted July 1, 2005 Това малко не е по темата но знаете ли откъде могат да се намерят преводи на любовни песни и най вече на Браян Адамс. Мерси Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GeorgiK Posted July 1, 2005 Share Posted July 1, 2005 Едни приятели се занимаваха да превеждат песни за дивотия...след малко ще ти дам link-че... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ov3rm4n Posted July 1, 2005 Share Posted July 1, 2005 mandirimuniak said: Това малко не е по темата но знаете ли откъде могат да се намерят преводи на любовни песни и най вече на Браян Адамс. Мерси <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You can ask Google too... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mandirimuniak Posted July 1, 2005 Share Posted July 1, 2005 Мерси, тези ги намерих и сам, но им е малко малка базата.. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grimjaur Posted July 1, 2005 Share Posted July 1, 2005 Kreideiky said: /off...AssassiN, знам че е дребнаво, но Левски не е писал поезия<{POST_SNAPBACK}> Сава, поправка!Левски е писал.Но това малко хора го знаят.Писанията са му са съвсем малко - две песни и едно автобиографично стихотворение.Но е писал. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LPFC Posted July 1, 2005 Share Posted July 1, 2005 Grimjaur said: Сава, поправка!Левски е писал.Но това малко хора го знаят.Писанията са му са съвсем малко - две песни и едно автобиографично стихотворение.Но е писал. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Не е.Айде paste да видим. И без това си е в твой стил Franz Ferdinand - Darts Of Pleasure You are the latest contender You are the one to remember You are the villain who sends her Light or dark, fantastic passion I know that you will surrender I know that you will surrender I want this fantastic passion We'll have fantastic passion You can feel my lips undress your eyes Undress your eyes, undress your eyes Words of love and words of leisure Words of poisoned darts of pleasure Died... and so you died You are the latest adventure You're an emotion avenger You are the devil that sells her Light or dark, fantastic passion I know that you will surrender I know that you will surrender I want this fantastic passion We'll have fantastic passion You can feel my lips undress your eyes Undress your eyes, undress your eyes Skin can feel my lips they tingle - tense anticipation This one is an easy one, feel the word and melt upon it Words of love and words of leisure Words of poisoned darts of pleasure Died and so you died Ich heisse Superphantastisch! Ich trinke Schampus und Lachsfisch! Ich heisse Su-per-phan-tas-tisch! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grimjaur Posted July 1, 2005 Share Posted July 1, 2005 LPFC said: Не е.Айде paste да видим. И без това си е в твой стил <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Абсолютно в мой стил е.Засега няма да ти пастна, но утре вечерта ги имаш Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Posted July 1, 2005 Share Posted July 1, 2005 "Сив хълм на фона на повяхнало небе... И алеята води по него. Не знам дали там - на върха, алеята свършва или започва. Дали ще видя изгрева или очите на мъртвото слънце ... А в началото алеята беше така хубава... Или очите ми бяха така слепи, аз бях така малък - тя изобщо не ми се виждаше тясна... Не смея да стъпя отвъд нея - блатната трева ще ме погълне и от мъртвото ми тяло ще се роди още блатна трева - всеки стрък така еднакъв, така безличен... Не искам да свършва така ... И отправям поглед към хълма. Дори не знам дали вървя напред. Обръщам глава и "назад" е по-хубаво, по-светло, някак захаросано... И пак потеглям. Черните ми мисли се сгъстяват и валят по пътя пред мен. Алеята е бетонна - една змия насред морето от блатна трева. Вървя и чувам как болните мойри тъкат съдбата ми от стоманена нишка. Нишката е изопната и ката фините им пръсти да я обливат с кръв. Червени капки кръв... А напред няма никой - само черни голи дървета встрани от алеята, с окапали без време листа, чакащи да ме прегърнат. А на тях висят окачени ключове за врати, които никога не ще отворя ... Съжалявам - не мога вече да прегръщам дървета. Не ща да пия от студените ви сокове и да ям от горчивите ви плодове! Ще издигна въздушен замък за осакатената си душа, за да я пратя там накрая - знам, че няма АД и РАЙ. Те са тук, по бетонната алея... А босите ми крака газят в мокрия студ от навалели мисли и отново ги връщат в мен... А на хълма е той - часовникът - симфония от черно и бяло, перфектна хармония от противоположности. И той очаква моите ласки и протяга двете си черни ръце, за да ме разпъне на циферблата си и да се стопя върху безжизнената му гръд. Пристъпвам напред... Колко много потрошени хора по алеята, хора, които исках да обичам с изкуственото си сърце. Сега разглобените им мдуши ще се забиват в стъпалата ми и ще прокървят в замяна сълзите, които им причиних. Дано се наситят!... Стоманената нишка ме тегли напред, чак гръбнака ми се огъва... Вече не мога да спра - дано слънцето се покаже зад килима от болна трева... А очите си продадох и даже няма да разбера... Бях се научил да виждам "през очите на хората:, но тук и без друго няма никой. А линията на дисплея се изглажда все повече ___/\______/\___________/\______________ ________/\______________________________ _________/\_____________________________ _________________ И вече виждам върха на хълма!... Но часовникът ме е прегърнал и не ще продължа... ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________ Не съжалявам, че изписах с кървите си живот като този... Съжалявам само, че го изписах сам." Inferno Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grimjaur Posted July 1, 2005 Share Posted July 1, 2005 Самота Все чакам някой да ме навести, да ми потропа денем, пък и нощем и да ми каже тихичко: "Прости, забравих те... Ти жив ли си все още?" Все чакам... Но напразно! Само тя все още ме спохожда, зла и страшна, така наречената "Майка Самота". И като кучка по вратата дращи. А беше време, кьорав и сакат на моята трапеза пи и яде, бездомен спа на моя твърд креват... Събуди се. И първи ме предаде. Какво да му се сърдя? И с уста от люта злост защо да го проклинам? От времето на Юда и Христа предателството е било поминък. Все чакам... Никой... Ни дявол, ни бог... И само репей с азбука от вятър вратата ми изписва с некролог: "Живя, но се помина с Добротата!"... Д.Дамянов Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sincity Posted July 1, 2005 Share Posted July 1, 2005 Grimjaur, много силно!!! Deftones Song: Minerva I get all...numb When she sings it's over Such a strange numb And it brings my knees to the earth And God bless you all For the song you saved us... You're the same...numb When you sing it's over Such a strange numb It could bring back peace to the earth So God bless you all For the song you saved us...oh... For the hearts you break, everytime you moan... I get all...numb We're the same numb And it brings our knees to the earth So God bless you all For the song you saved us..oh... For the hearts you break, everytime you moan And God bless you all on the earth... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
velvet_underground Posted July 1, 2005 Share Posted July 1, 2005 The Cure-A Forest Come closer and see See into the trees Find the girl If you can Come closer and see See into the dark Just follow your eyes Just follow your eyes I hear her voice Calling my name The sound is deep In the dark I hear her voice And start to run Into the trees Into the trees Into the trees Suddenly I stop But I know it’s too late I’m lost in a forest All alone The girl was never there It’s always the same I’m running towards nothing Again and again and again and again ******************************************************* The Police-Can`t stand loosing you I’ve called you so many times today And I guess it’s all true what your girl-friends say That you don’t ever want to see me again And your brother’s gonna kill me and he’s six feet ten I guess you’d call it cowardice But I’m not prepared to go on like this I can’t, I can’t, I can’t stand losing I can’t, I can’t, I can’t stand losing I can’t, I can’t, I can’t, I can’t stand losing you I can’t stand losing you I can’t stand losing you I can’t stand losing you I see you sent my letters back And my l.p. records and they’re all scratched I can’t see the point in another day When nobody listens to a word I say You can call it lack of confidence But to carry on living doesn’t make no sense I can’t, I can’t, I can’t stand losing I can’t, I can’t, I can’t stand losing I can’t, I can’t, I can’t stand losing I can’t, I can’t stand losing you I can’t, I can’t, I can’t stand losing I can’t, I can’t, I can’t stand losing I guess this is our last goodbye And you don’t care, so I won’t cry But you’ll be sorry when I’m dead And all this guilt will be on your head I guess you’d call it suicide But I’m too full to swallow my pride I can’t, I can’t, I can’t stand losing I can’t, I can’t... ******************************************************* Tears for fears-Mad world All around me are familiar faces Worn out places, worn out faces Bright and early for their daily races Going nowhere, going nowhere And their tears are filling up their glasses No expression, no expression Hide my head I want to drown my sorrow No tommorow, no tommorow And I find it kind of funny I find it kind of sad The dreams in which I'm dying Are the best I've ever had I find it hard to tell you 'Cos I find it hard to take When people run in circles It's a very, very Mad World Children waiting for the day they feel good Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday Made to feel the way that every child should Sit and listen, sit and listen Went to school and I was very nervous No one knew me, no one knew me Hello teacher tell me what's my lesson Look right through me, look right through me Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RiMy_SuN Posted July 1, 2005 Share Posted July 1, 2005 When You Came Into My Life Scorpions You give me your smile A piece of your heart You give me the feel I’ve been looking for You give me your soul Your innocent love You are the one I’ve been waiting for I’ve been waiting for We’re lost in a kiss A moment in time Forever young Just forever, just forever in love When you came into my life It took my breath away It was love at first sight All the way When you came into my life The world was not the same, oh no Cause your love has found it’s way Into my heart, oh yeah You make me dream By the look in your eyes You give me the feel, I’ve been longing for I’ve been longing for so long When you came into my life It took my breath away You set my heart on fire All the way When you came into my life The world was not the same, oh no Cause your love has found it’s way Into my heart Just forever in love When you came into my life It took my breath away And was love at first sight All the way When you came into my life It took my breath away You set my heart on fire I never felt that way When you came into my life The world was not the same, oh no Cause your love has found it’s way Into my heart When you came into my life Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kreideiky Posted July 2, 2005 Share Posted July 2, 2005 When I see you sky as a kite As high as I might I can't get that high The how you move The way you burst the clouds It makes me want to try When I see you sticky as lips As licky as trips I can't lick that far But when you pout The way you shout out loud It makes me want to start And when I see you happy as a girl That swims in a world of magic show It makes me bite my fingers through To think I could've let you go And when I see you Take the same sweet steps You used to take I say I'll keep on holding you My arms so tight I'll never let you slip away And when I see you kitten as a cat Yeah as smitten as that I can't get that small Tthe way you fur The how you purr It makes me want to paw you all And when I see you happy as a girl That lives in a world of make-believe It makes me pull my hair all out To think I could've let you leave And when I see you Take the same sweet steps You used to take I know I'll keep on holding you In arms so tight They'll never let you go The Cure - 'High' Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sincity Posted July 2, 2005 Share Posted July 2, 2005 R.E.M. - It's the end of the world as we know it That’s great, it starts with an earthquake, birds and Snakes, an aeroplane and lenny bruce is not afraid Eye of a hurricane, listen to yourself churn - world Serves it’s own needs, dummy serve your own needs. feed It off an aux speak, grunt, no, strength, ladder Start to clatter with fear fight down height. wire In a fire, representing seven games, a government For hire and a combat site. left of west and coming in A hurry with the furies breathing down your neck. team By team reporters baffled, trumped, tethered cropped Look at that low playing! fine, then. uh oh, Overflow, population, common food, but it’ll do. save Yourself, serve yourself. world serves it’s own needs, Listen to your heart bleed dummy with the rapture and The revered and the right, right. you vitriolic, Patriotic, slam, fight, bright light, feeling pretty Psyched It’s the end of the world as we know it It’s the end of the world as we know it It’s the end of the world as we know it and I feel fine Six o’clock - tv hour. don’t get caught in foreign Towers. slash and burn, return, listen to yourself Churn. locking in, uniforming, book burning, blood Letting. every motive escalate. automotive incinerate Light a candle, light a votive. step down, step down Watch your heel crush, crushed, uh-oh, this means no Fear cavalier. renegade steer clear! a tournament, Tournament, a tournament of lies. offer me solutions, Offer me alternatives and I decline (chorus) It’s the end of the world as we know it (it’s time I had some time alone) It’s the end of the world as we know it (it’s time I had some time alone) It’s the end of the world as we know it and I feel fine (it’s time I had some time alone) I feel fine (repeat chorus) The other night I dreamt of knives, continental Drift divide. mountains sit in a line, leonard Bernstein. leonid brezhnev, lenny bruce and lester Bangs. birthday party, cheesecake, jelly bean, boom! you Symbiotic, patriotic, slam book neck, right? right (repeat chorus) It’s the end of the world as we know it It’s the end of the world as we know it It’s the end of the world as we know it and I feel fine (it’s time I had some time alone) (repeat chorus 2x) Fine It’s the end of the world as we know it (it’s time I had some time alone) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grimjaur Posted July 2, 2005 Share Posted July 2, 2005 Умникът Умникът жени се за глупава жена! (х4) Аз вярвам вашата е мъдра, но такваз жена, прощавайте, ме нещо притеснява! Аз знам добре каква невиждана цена заплаща днес мъжа на умната жена! За мене тежест би била жена такава, която център е на всякаква забава! А аз под името- "мъжът на госпожата" ще съм като светец, забравен от съдбата! Нали това стига й, да може да чете, да ме обича, да бродира и плете! Умникът жени се за глупава жена! (х4) Не, не не искам аз жена с възвишен дух а пък за пишещи жени съм просто глух! С писма и проза и блестящи стихове ще кани в къщата ми плитки умове. Нали това стига и, да може да чете, да ме обича, да бродира и плете! Аз искам моята да не блести ни с рими, ни даже с някакви слова неотразими. Аз искам да се пули тя като краварка с две думи искам да е глупава без мярка! Нали това стига и да може да чете, да ме обича, да бродира и плете! Умникът жени се за глупава жена! (х4) Респект (Бий за да те уважават) Когато си силен и побеждаваш, когато над всички качил си върха, на много неща ще се наслаждаваш, и всеки ще пропа на твоята врата. Когато си слаб и загубиш играта, когато пред всички си паднал в прахта и който те срещне извръща главата, за теб е затворена всяка врата. Затова недей да губиш! Бий се за да те уважават! Ако не искаш да страдаш жестоко, ще търсиш победа на всяка цена. Стреми се да бъдеш първи в живота, след втория никой не обръща глава. Как си успял да достигнеш до тука, защо точно ти всички си победил? Шансът дали бил е винаги с тебе - кой го е грижа за всичко това. Епизод Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pyroman Posted July 3, 2005 Share Posted July 3, 2005 Ангел на греха Красотата ти е сила, от която съм сразен и събужда жажда дива имаш пълна власт над мен. Ти си ангел на греха аз пред теб съм слаб(2) Твоя поглед ме изгаря отмалявам ден след ден и кат някаква магия толкова съм променен Ти си ангел на греха аз пред теб съм слаб(2) Пр: Твоята магия в мен се е вселила нямам вече сила малка грешница си От толкоз траст дахът ми спира омагьосън съм от теб ти избиваш мойта сила паднал съм в твоя плен Ти си ангел на греха аз пред теб съм слаб(2) Пр: Твоята магия в мен се е вселила нямам вече сила малка грешница си Епизод Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lord_Gudo Posted July 3, 2005 Share Posted July 3, 2005 BETRAY MY SECRETS - Oh Great Spirit ('99) I Am The Great Spirit Earth, Sun, Sky And Sea You Are Inside And All Around Me The Sun Does Arise, Lightens The Skies The Merry Bells Ring To Welcome Spring The Birds On The Trees Sing Loud All Around To The Bells' Cheerful Sound Oh Great Spirit, Earth, Sun, Sky And Sea! You Are Inside And All Around Me I Come Towards You, Towards The Sun, Towards The Sea Everybody Lies Ahead Of Me And All Around Me I Am The Spirit Earth Sun, Sky And Sea You Are Inside And All Around Me Yes, I Am The Great Spirit The Father Of The Sea Earth, Sun, Sky And Sea, All Lie Ahead Of Me I Come Towards You Towards The Sun, Towards The Sea Everybody Lies Ahead Of Me Inside Of You...Can You Hear Me? I'M Inside Of You! Feel Me Knocking! I Am Your Heart I Am Inside Of You I Am Your Spirit Can You Feel Me? Тази група правят много стабилен Gothic метъл с леко присъствие на ориенталски фолклорни елементи. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RiMy_SuN Posted July 3, 2005 Share Posted July 3, 2005 Sunday Morning Call Oasis here's another sunday morning call you hear yer head a bangin' on the door slip your shoes on and then out you crawl into a day that couldn't give you more but what for? and in your head do you feel what your not supposed to feel and you take what you want but you don't get it for free you need more time because your thoughts and words won't last forever more but i'm not sure if it'll ever work out right but it's ok it's alright when your lonely and you start to hear the little voices in your head at night you will only snip away the tears so you can dance until the morning light at what price? and in your head do you feel what your not supposed to feel? and you take what you want but you won't get it for free you need more time cos your thoughts and words won't last forever more and i'm not sure if it'll ever work out right but it's ok it's alright and in your head do you feel what your not supposed to feel? and you take what you want but you won't get hope for free you need more time because yer thoughts and words won't last forever more and im not sure if it'll ever ever ever work out right if it'll ever ever ever work out right will it ever ever ever work out right ...понякога едночасов разговор с другия край на света зарежда с усмивки за цяла седмица напред ... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Posted July 3, 2005 Share Posted July 3, 2005 One, Two Freddy's coming for you, Three, Four, better lock your door, Five, Six, grab your crucifix, Seven, Eight, gonna stay up late, Nine, Ten never sleep again. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kreideiky Posted July 3, 2005 Share Posted July 3, 2005 Climb inside your mind and hide Throw the keys away No one could ever know The pain You’re going through But I’ll remember you Yes I’ll remember Run and hide in your mind Run and hide don’t Don’t eat Don’t move You don’t sleep Empty where you lie Gets farther every time Be still You’re just a shell You do not exist the way you used to Run and hide in your mind Run and hide don’t ? ? ? Learn to cry Learn to fly Pale Saints - 'Shell' Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
noxious Posted July 3, 2005 Share Posted July 3, 2005 reel big fish she has a girl friend now album: "Turn The Radio Off" (1996) she has a girlfriend now she has a girlfriend now she has a girlfriend now, she said "guys don't do no more for me" "you never loved me, like i wanted you to" "i loved you baby, what do you want me to do?" she said she found someone who's gonna hold her hand she said she found someone who's gonna understand she don't need nobody to be her man she don't need nobody to be her man i never thought it would end like this just because i've got no tits i'll shave my legs, i'll wear a bra i'll even cut my &%#!$ off for you... she has a girlfriend now. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RaptoR Posted July 3, 2005 Share Posted July 3, 2005 Life it seems will fade away Drifting further every day Getting lost within myself Nothing matters no one else I have lost the will to live Simply nothing more to give There is nothing more for me Need the end to set me free Things not what they used to be Missing one inside of me Deathly lost, this can't be real Cannot stand this hell I feel Emptiness is filling me To the point of agony Growing darkness taking dawn I was me, but now He's gone No one but me can save myself, but it's too late No, I can't think, think why I should even try Yesterday seems as though it never existed Death greets me warm, now I will just say good-bye METALLICA - FADE TO BLACK Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
noxious Posted July 3, 2005 Share Posted July 3, 2005 "HAIR" hair She asks me why I'm just a hairy guy I'm hairy noon and night Hair that's a fright I'm hairy high and low Don't ask me why Don't know It's not for lack of break Like the Grateful Dead Darling Gimme head with hair Long beautiful hair Shining, gleaming, Streaming, flaxen, waxen Give me down to there hair Shoulder length or longer Here baby, there mama Everywhere daddy daddy Hair, hair, hair, hair, hair, hair, hair Flow it, show it Long as God can grow it My hair Let it fly in the breeze And get caught in the trees Give a home to the fleas in my hair A home for fleas A hive for bees A nest for birds There ain't no words For the beauty, the splendor, the wonder Of my... Hair, hair, hair, hair, hair, hair, hair Flow it, show it Long as God can grow it My hair I want it long, straight, curly, fuzzy Snaggy, shaggy, ratty, matty Oily, greasy, fleecy Shining, gleaming, streaming Flaxen, waxen Knotted, polka-dotted Twisted, beaded, braided Powdered, flowered, and confettied Bangled, tangled, spangled, and spaghettied! Oh say can you see My eyes ? If you can Then my hair's too short Down to here Down to there Down to where It stops by itself They'll be ga ga at the go go When they see me in my toga My toga made of blond Brilliantined Biblical hair My hair like Jesus wore it Hallelujah I adore it Hallelujah Mary loved her son Why don't my mother love me? Hair, hair, hair, hair, hair, hair, hair Flow it, show it Long as God can grow it My hair, hair, hair, hair, hair, hair, hair Flow it, show it Long as God can grow it My hair --------------------------------------- where do i go ? Where do I go Follow the river Where do I go Follow the gulls Where is the something Where is the someone That tells me why I live and die Where do I go Follow the children Where do I go Follow their smiles Is there an answer In their sweet faces That tells me why I live and die Follow the wind song Follow the thunder Follow the neon in young lovers' eyes Down to the gutter Up to the glitter Into the city Where the truth lies Where do I go Follow my heartbeat Where do I go Follow my hand Where will they lead me And will I ever Discover why I live and die Why do I live (beads, flowers) Why do I die (freedom, happiness) Tell my why (beads, flowers) Tell me where (freedom, happiness) Tell my why (beads, flowers) Tell me why (freedom!) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grimjaur Posted July 3, 2005 Share Posted July 3, 2005 Sleep now in the fire The world is my expense The cost of my desire Jesus blessed me with its future And I protect it with fire So raise your fists And march around Just dont take what you need Ill jail and bury those committed And smother the rest in greed Crawl with me into tomorrow Or Ill drag you to your grave Im deep inside your children Theyll betray you in my name Sleep now in the fire The lie is my expense The scope of my desire The party blessed me with its future And I protect it with fire I am the Nina The Pinta The Santa Maria The noose and the rapist The fields overseer The agents of orange The priests of Hiroshima The cost of my desire Sleep now in the fire Sleep now in the fire For its the end of history Its caged and frozen still There is no other pill to take So swallow the one That made you ill The Nina The Pinta The Santa Maria The noose and the rapist The fields overseer The agents of orange The priests of Hiroshima The cost of my desire Sleep now in the fire RATM - The Battle of Los Angeles (1999) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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