Grimjaur Posted June 19, 2005 Share Posted June 19, 2005 Хиподил - Жените са за педераси Кръстосала крака небрежно и скрити космите мълчат обути във чорапи нежни кръстосват само за да изкушат. Кого ша изкушиш, ма буцо? Подвижна пълна буца с мас! Не виждам нищо по-ненужно от бисексуален педерас'! Жените са за педерас'и! Ръце кръстосал като Брежнев и скрити болести мълчат обути в мамините прежди спокойни, че ще се сношат! Жените са за педерас'и! С кого ще се сношиш бе, мухльо? Подвижен като виснал таз! Подреждаш мисли като тухли, нали си мъжки педерас'! Жените са за педерас'и! Срам и Позор - Три бръснати глави Три бръснати глави, музика струи, музика струи, три бръснати глави! Настана време за борба, да възродим една страна и да сплотим един народ, за да живеем нов живот нов живот. Сърби , гърци и турци, разкъсаха плътта ни като вълци! От стадата ни крадат и ни продават като овци!!! Три бръснати глави, музика струи, музика струи, три бръснати глави! С изпънати на пред ръце, обляно в кръв - едно сърце, пулсира и крещи на глас, БЪЛГАРИЯ е жива в нас!! Жива е в Нас!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RiMy_SuN Posted June 19, 2005 Share Posted June 19, 2005 Empty Rooms Gary Moore Loneliness is your only friend. A broken heart that just won't mend is the price you pay. It's hard to take when love grows old. The days are long and the nights turn cold when it fades away. You hope that she will change her mind, but the days drift on and on. You'll never know the reason why she's gone. You see her face in every crowd. You hear her voice, but you're still proud, so you turn away. You tell yourself that you'll be strong. But your heart tells you, this time you're wrong. You hope that she will change her mind, but the days drift on and on. You'll never know the reason why she's gone. Empty rooms, where we learn to live without love. Empty rooms, where we learn to live without love. Empty rooms, where we learn to live without love. Empty rooms, where we learn to live without love. Empty rooms, where we learn to live without love. Empty rooms, where we learn to live without love. Empty rooms, where we learn to live without love. All alone in an empty room. Lonliness is your only friend, hooh. Oh, she's gone and you're at the end Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AuReOluS Posted June 19, 2005 Share Posted June 19, 2005 RAGE OF THE WEREWOLF Не е лошо да се "назаредят" "войните" със Сребро... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grimjaur Posted June 19, 2005 Share Posted June 19, 2005 Искаше сребро - даде ти се. Още? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Antares Posted June 19, 2005 Share Posted June 19, 2005 Forever And One (Neverland) What can I do? Will I be getting through? Now that I must try to leave it all behind Did you see what you have done to me? So hard to justify Slowly it's passing by Forever and one I will miss you However, I kiss you yet again Way down in Neverland So hard I was trying Tomorrow I'll still be crying How could you hide your lies Your lies Here I am Seeing you once again My mind's so far away My heart's so close to stay Too proud to fight I'm walking back into night Will I ever find someone to believe? Forever and one I will miss you However, I kiss you yet again Way down in Neverland So hard I was trying Tomorrow I'll still be crying How could you hide your lies Your lies Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AuReOluS Posted June 19, 2005 Share Posted June 19, 2005 Ми те децата нямат спирачки!!!Искам още....и още... ...а и куршума е зверски як..но ми се вижда мъничък...та..дай нещо по така.... Елисавета Багряна Стихии .................... Как ще спреш ти мене - волната, скитницата, непокорната - родната сестра на вятъра, на водата и на виното, за която е примамица непостижното, просторното, дето все сънува пътища - недостигнати, неминати, - мене как ще спреш? Зов Аз съм тук зад три врати заключена и прозореца ми е с решетка, а душата волна, волна птица в клетка, е на слънце и простор научена. Пролетни са ветровете полъхнали, чувам гласове призивно ясни. Моя плам непламнал ще угасне в здрача на покоето заглъхнали. Рзатроши ключалките ръждясали! Дай ми път през тъмни коридори! Не веднъж в огрените простори моите крила са ме понасяли. И ще бликнат звукове ликуващи от сърцето трепетно тогава... - Но зад тези три врати, сподавен, моя пламнал зов дали дочуваш ти? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grimjaur Posted June 19, 2005 Share Posted June 19, 2005 AuReOluS said: Ми те децата нямат спирачки!!!Искам още....и още......а и куршума е зверски як..но ми се вижда мъничък...та..дай нещо по така.... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Хъмн...ами да ти сложа една "задна" спирачка тогава Базука? Moon In The Scorpio Limbonic Art - Moon In The Scorpio (1997) A mirror blank ocean above me decoy Superior forces that head or destroy Take me astray into the moonlight above Through twilight eyes as a spectre shadow It is a time of great light And a great darkness Can't you feel the present Of its phenomenon In an atmosphere supreme Forces dwells in domancy The essence of its spirit is evil As a curse upon thy name Midnight is the shepherd of mystrious powers And moving shadows in the corner of the eye Moon's blazing intuition Contains what death require Cleanse the doors of perception See things appear in its true art The cold hands of divinity Will tear thy soul apart Behold the sky above when the moon is in the Scorpio A cold bleak light Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
velvet_underground Posted June 19, 2005 Share Posted June 19, 2005 Elvis Costello-She She May be the face I can’t forget A trace of pleasure or regret May be my treasure or the price I have to pay She may be the song that summer sings May be the chill that autumn brings May be a hundred different things Within the measure of a day. She May be the beauty or the beast May be the famine or the feast May turn each day into a heaven or a hell She may be the mirror of my dreams A smile reflected in a stream She may not be what she may seem Inside her shell She who always seems so happy in a crowd Whose eyes can be so private and so proud No one’s allowed to see them when they cry She may be the love that cannot hope to last May come to me from shadows of the past That I’ll remember till the day I die She May be the reason I survive The why and wherefore I’m alive The one I’ll care for through the rough and ready years Me I’ll take her laughter and her tears And make them all my souvenirs For where she goes I’ve got to be The meaning of my life is She, she, she Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AuReOluS Posted June 19, 2005 Share Posted June 19, 2005 Към..Велвет....: КРАСИВО !!! Към Гримски..: ПС:..Хм..базуката звучи ...Еххх!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grimjaur Posted June 19, 2005 Share Posted June 19, 2005 РПГ -7 би трябвало да те устройва...ама чак пък такава женска лакомия Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sincity Posted June 19, 2005 Share Posted June 19, 2005 Grimjaur said: РПГ -7 би трябвало да те устройва...ама чак пък такава женска лакомия <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Хаха, направо ме разби с тоя пост Луда работа. Това сме ние Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grimjaur Posted June 19, 2005 Share Posted June 19, 2005 Казвал съм го и пак ще го кажа - "Внимавайте какво си пожелавате, защото може и да се сбъдне" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
farrell Posted June 20, 2005 Share Posted June 20, 2005 OFFSPRING "Dirty Magic" In my own simple way I think she wants me only She said," Come over right away." But she's just not that way Her little soul is stolen See her put on her brand new face Pull the shades Razor blades You're so tragic I hate you so but love you more I'm so elastic The things you say Games you play Dirty magic I should know better than to think I'd reach inside her It's all a cloudy kind of daze She's not so sweet today She mocks me, I'm no fighter It all just seems like such a waste It's oversimplified Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Antares Posted June 20, 2005 Share Posted June 20, 2005 Norther - Going Nowhere Soon I will lose my sanity That day I will set you free And I don't care On the road to nowhere Soon my scythe will lose it's sanity That day will set you free And my scythe doesn't care On the road to nowhere When I will lose my integrity My gun will set me free But that won't happen yet Cos everyone ain't yet dead Today I found my vanity Today I'll make you bleed Stain your walls with blood You'll have your meeting with god Hate keeps me going Going Nowhere With death I'm running Crawling to get there Hate keeps me running Running somwhere Inside I'm smiling Waiting to be dead Hate keeps me running Running somwhere Inside I'm smiling Waiting to be dead 3. Death Unlimited Saatana vittu perkele Welcome to my world of death and pain Oh it drives you so insane I am no blast from the past Because I'm death and I'm everlast I'm the future breed, evil and mean A fucking killing machine No-one will stay alive and see They all will die and join me Fuck you and die, Living is so damn painful It's coll to be dead and grateful Nothing can hurt you anymore Anyhow death is so much more You can just kill, kill and kill Just kill em all if you will Do you still wanna stay alive Or join me me by my side I am the Death Unlimited And death is all I have to give I'll tell you the meaning of life It's not to live but to die I am the Death Unlimited And death is all I have to give Let me spill your sweet blood And to you I am god Can you feel the dark side calling It's useless to resist Give in to fear, hate and anger Then life won't take your time any longer Only I am by your side Soon your life is gone And that I adore I am the Death Unlimited And death is all I have to give I'll tell you the meaning of life It's not to live but to die I am the Death Unlimited And death is all I have to give Let me spill your sweet blood And to you I am god Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
afx Posted June 20, 2005 Share Posted June 20, 2005 Slipknot - Iowa (15:04)'s over,you belong to me,I fill your mouth with dirt's over,you can never leave I take your second digit with me... Love... You first,I can breath I find you fascinating You favorite,lay you down to sleep It's all that I can do to stop...Love... So broken,paper doll decays I haven't left you yet So cold...subversive,your eyes are full of bleach Tomorrow,I will go away again...Love... YOU ARE MINE,YOU WILL ALWAYS BE MINE,I CAN TEAR YOU APART I CAN RECOMBINE YOU ALL I WANT IS TO COVET YOU ALL YOU BELONG TO ME I WILL KILL YOU TO LOVE YOU.(LOVE) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HATE Posted June 20, 2005 Share Posted June 20, 2005 Slipknot Vermilion Part 2 She seemed dressed in all of me Stretched across my shame All the torment and the pain Leaked through and covered me I'd do anything to have her to myself Just to have her for myself Now I don't know what to do I don't know what to do When she makes me sad She is everything to me The unrequited dream A song that no one sings The unattainable She's a myth that I have to believe in All I need to make it real is one more reason I don't know what to do I don't know what to do When she makes me sad But I won't let this build up inside of me I catch in my throat Choke Torn into pieces I won't - no I don't wanna be this But I won't let this build up inside of me She isn't real I can't make her real Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kreideiky Posted June 20, 2005 Share Posted June 20, 2005 В кафяво си облечена за мен, със дълги, сини мигли. С прическа като на олигофрен, изстрелваш своите флуиди. Видях те, още като те видях да лъжеш променено, но в цялата индустрия разбрах, че ти си нещото за мене. Момиче без спомени без противни спомени. Виновна ли си, че си по-добра от всичките богини. Защото те досаждат с вечността, която им отива. Не вярвам да се умориш да чувстваш, че ме няма, защото щом се появя във спомен ще остана. Нова Генерация - Момиче Без Спомени Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grimjaur Posted June 20, 2005 Share Posted June 20, 2005 Нова Генерация - Част от колекция Една пеперуда до мен долетя от източен вятър довяна. Донесе ми прстен и силна вода от живите дни на океана. Видя на дъската своите сестри, пробити с карфици, и тихо заплака за мен, за моите убийци. Аз съм пеперудата на тази дъска, забодени с другите сме част от колекция. Кърфиците бляскави бяха наши мечти, но само свободни от тях отново ще летим. Изгрява на тъмен фон сладка луна и казва: "лапни ме, защото съм цяла". Така ще попитаме горския цар и той ще прошепне: "вадете иглите!" Защото пеперуди с игли не летят, острието пробожда душите. Обичаш ли да си съвсем една от другата страна. Докоснат ли пеперудата, тя вече отлетя. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Antares Posted June 20, 2005 Share Posted June 20, 2005 Куллтова Песен: Dissection - Where Dead Angels Lie In the dawn an angel was dancing sorrounded by an aura of light But in the shadows something was watching and with patience awaiting the night Angel whispers: "Mournful night, attractive night, your dark beauty obsesses me" An angel bewitched by the shadows Seduced by the whispering lies A spell was cast an the sky turned red The angel's heart froze to ice The blackness that falls is coming to stay Under the snow lies angels so cold Dusk has passed and a cold morning breeze, is sweeping all over the plain, On the ground lies an angel with skin so pale, On her face an image of pain, Snow is now falling to the frozen ground, The angel is covered by white, Frost is spreading across the plain, to welcome the eternal night. The dress is white with crystals of ice and frozen roses so red Roses of blood from an innocent soul On the plain lies an angel dead A spell was cast an the sky turned red The angel's heart froze to ice In the gloomy sky black clouds were gathering The silence was broken by cries A spell was cast an the sky turned red The angel's heart froze to ice In the gloomy sky - The silence where dead angels lie Touch the snow...Caress the lifeless sculptures Die!!! The blackness that falls is coming to stay, Under the snow lies angels so cold, Yet with each crystal of frost that is falling, another story is told, A spell was cast an the sky turned red, The angel's heart froze to ice, In the gloomy sky - The silence where dead angels lie. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AuReOluS Posted June 20, 2005 Share Posted June 20, 2005 Белослава Падам и не потъвам Падам... Падам и отплувам с теб без да знам кога, без да знам къде, в малки заливи, море с пясъци и ветрове Падам и не потъвам плувам и не достигам теб, пред мен после само сънувам търся и не намирам теб, пред мен Минаха безбройни дни нещо ме смути, мислех че си ти вместо теб видях съня вместо тебе чух дъжда... Падам и отплувам с теб без да знам кога, без да знам къде, в малки заливи, море с пясъци и ветрове Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Friedrich Posted June 20, 2005 Share Posted June 20, 2005 Roger Waters - Amused To Death Doctor Doctor what is wrong with me This supermarket life is getting long What is the heart life of a colour TV What is the shelf life of a teenage queen Ooh western woman Ooh western girl News hound sniffs the air When Jessica Hahn goes down He latches on to that symbol Of detachment Attracted by the peeling away of feeling The celebrity of the abused shell the belle Ooh western woman Ooh western girl And the children of Melrose Strut their stuff Is absolute zero cold enough And out in the valley warm and clean The little ones sit by their TV screens No thoughts to think No tears to cry All sucked dry Down to the very last breath Bartender what is wrong with me Why am I so out of breath The captain said excuse me ma'am This species has amused itself to death Amused itself to death Amused itself to death We watched the tragedy unfold We did as we were told We bought and sold It was the greatest show on earth But then it was over We ohhed and aahed We drove our racing cars We ate our last few jars of caviar And somewhere out there in the stars A keen-eyed look-out Spied a flickering light Our last hurrah And when they found our shadows Grouped around the TV sets They ran down every lead They repeated every test They checked out all the data on their lists And then the alien anthropologists Admitted they were still perplexed But on eliminating every other reason For our sad demise They logged the only explanation left This species has amused itself to death No tears to cry no feelings left This species has amused itself to death Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AuReOluS Posted June 20, 2005 Share Posted June 20, 2005 Обожавам такова време...чак Природата ми съчувства...без да съм я молила дори... Вече се чувствам ЧИСТА ... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Antares Posted June 20, 2005 Share Posted June 20, 2005 Тогава чувствай се поздравена с това: For My Pain - Dancer In The Dark The only hope in this endless night Is to follow you through the shadows of the deepest blue, away from the light I hear your voice is calling me: "Don't be afraid" But there's something deep inside of me Forcing me to turn away Take my hand, don't turn away, I need you to stay I know a place where the light and the dark can become as one This loneliness is killing me Is there a place we both can live? You're the dancer in the dark You're the child of the light You're the sinner of all time You're the saint with wings so white You're the distant shape in the night You're all the innocence left alive You're like tainted sun You're the star shining bright Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kreideiky Posted June 20, 2005 Share Posted June 20, 2005 'deeply lost in the night. just as one sometimes lowers one's head to reflect, thus to be utterly lost in the night. all around people are asleep. it's just play acting, and innocent self-deception, that they sleep in houses, in safe beds, under a safe roof, stretched out or curled up on mattresses, in sheets, under blankets; in reality they have flocked together as they had once upon a time and again later in a deserted region, a camp in the open, a countless number of men, an army, a people, under a cold sky on cold earth, collapsed where once they had stood, forehead pressed on the arm, face to the ground, breathing quietly. and you are watching, are one of the watchmen, you find the next one by brandishing a burning stick from the brushwood pile beside you. why are you watching? someone must watch, it is said. someone must be there...' 'At Night', F. Kafka Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AuReOluS Posted June 20, 2005 Share Posted June 20, 2005 ALANIS MORISSETTE "You Oughta Know" I want you to know, that I'm happy for you I wish nothing but the best for you both An older version of me Is she perverted like me Would she go down on you in a theatre Does she speak eloquently And would she have your baby I'm sure she'd make a really excellent mother Cause the love that you gave that we made wasn't able To make it enough for you to be open wide, no And every time you speak her name Does she know how you told me you'd hold me Until you died, till you died But you're still alive And I'm here to remind you Of the mess you left when you went away It's not fair to deny me Of the cross I bear that you gave to me You, you, you oughta know You seem very well, things look peaceful I'm not quite as well, I thought you should know Did you forget about me Mr. Duplicity I hate to bug you in the middle of dinner It was a slap in the face how quickly I was replaced Are you thinking of me when you fuck her Cause the love that you gave that we made wasn't able To make it enough for you to be open wide, no And every time you speak her name Does she know how you told me you'd hold me Until you died, til you died But you're still alive And I'm here to remind you Of the mess you left when you went away It's not fair to deny me Of the cross I bear that you gave to me You, you, you oughta know Cause the joke that you laid on the bed that was me And I'm not gonna fade As soon as you close your eyes and you know it And every time I scratch my nails down someone else's back I hope you feel it...well can you feel it And I'm here to remind you Of the mess you left when you went away It's not fair to deny me Of the cross I bear that you gave to me You, you, you oughta know БЛАГОДАРЯ!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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