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Unlocking the Secrets of G-Spot


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Unlocking the Secrets of G-Spot




WMV Video : 241 Kbps, 9.837 fps, 320x240 (4:3),

WMV3 = Windows Media Video 9

Audio : 111 Kbps, 44100 Hz, 2 channels,

0x161 = Windows Media Audio 9

5 parts - (11.6 - 23.4 - 33.8 - 47.1 - 37.2 )MB

Aprox. 60 min. Language English

Director / Artist : Sinclair Institute

Released : March 2005

Type: Documentary Erotica


Sinclair Intimacy Institute is the world leader in

relationship-oriented videos for adults with a library of over 50 titles.

Working with internationally recognized sexuality educators

and marriage therapists,

Sinclair Institute's video products teach couples how to

communicate better about sex and to build healthier, intimate


Their videos are high quality, non-clinical and entertaining

presentations designed to provide accurate information in an

appealing and empowering format.

The Better Sex Video Series (As Seen on TV) has sold over 4 million

copies worldwide.

Sexual satisfaction is redefined in this new video that teaches

lovers how to push through the boundaries of their sexual practice

to reach new levels of pleasure.

Unlock the mystery of male multiple orgasms and explore the

phenomena of G-Spot (Grafenberg) orgasms and female ejaculation.

A must-see for couples still exploring the limits of their sexuality.







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afx винаги подозрително остроумен! : :lol:


Като се замислиш обаче повечето хора знаят кога, къде и защо им е най-приятно на половинките им. Остава само въпроса "как", който след известно време изчезва. Следователно това видео ми се вижда малко ненужно.

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