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Така поразгледах за такава тема или подобна,но не видях :) ТА аз от няколко дена (абе 2 седмици някаде)Си правя аватари анимирани с програмката AniMake та реших да ги споделя с вас!Пък може някой да се зариби и през свободното си време да направи нещо и да го сподели с нас :)


Програмката можете да е свалите от тука :) (Сваляйте с 1 връзка да не изядете бан :) )


Аз ги правя от филми щот ме кефят най-много ;) Ето малко от мойте творби :)


[email protected]

NFS [email protected]

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LPFC Fasted@366KB


Тъй като ако ги постваме с ще трябва да сваля за да ги видите и ще стане твърде много.Предлагам да слагаме линкове към тях :) Ама все пак всеки как реши да го прави :)


П.С. За вбъдеще няма да правя толкова големи като размер аватари :) Моля не ме псувайте много :))))

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Само анимирани ли давате? Ето какво си направих аз наскоро, много им се радвам :rolleyes:





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legop4o тфа със същата програма ли го напрай фе ;)

Мне, ама доколкото виждам темата се казва "аватари", не "програмка" и е в pictures, не във win_appz :) Все едно де...

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Мне, ама доколкото виждам темата се казва "аватари", не "програмка" и е в pictures, не във win_appz :) Все едно де...

Много ясно!Че програмата е допълнение!Можех да не дам програмата и да се мъчите някак си :)А програмата съм е дал да правите,ако се зарибите и да поствате тука!Мисля че темата си е на място!Не виждам к'во не и е на мястото?!+ това съм забрави 1 думичка в заглавието!

ДА кажа не е само за Анимирани!

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Mnogo sa qki :)


Freeware data base Datatron for the administration of pictures






group, (network) calendar: organization of dates, tasks, resources, contacts and eMails JCalendarNET:






Harddisk cloning desaster recovery, diskimage, imagecopy:




You can distribute Animake and the PCD Viewer free of charge (Freeware version without registration number) at any time and in unlimited number as copy up to revocation online or on DVD's, CD Rome etc. No license fee need to be paid in this case. The software description may be used freely, in order to present the program. We have the necessary rights, in order to give this use permission. The use of the program takes place despite conscientious programming on own danger. Please you have understanding that for the use no adhesion can be taken over (excluded for resolution or rough negligence).



Animake is a very efficient Tool for different tasks in the diagram range and is simple to serve. Animake essentially addresses itself to Web master and those, which would like to provide animated GIF pictures from single photos. Animake is suitable outstanding for the treatment of pictures with the following operational areas:




Production of animated GIF pictures for applications in the InterNet.



Direct converting of a video into GIF animations.



Produce from selective Screenshots (Snapshots) of individual windows or Unterfenster.



Change of the size and depth of shade of diagrams.



Computation of a common pallet for a screen selection.



Extract from individual pictures from videos and animations.


With Animake you provide animated pictures without any previous knowledge. The program optimized for applications of InterNet is suitable excellently for the production of animations. Who moved pictures in the InterNet to publish wants seizes at the best GIF format saving to the place. With the "Animated GIF" in only one file several individual GIF pictures are stored in such a way that you are played automatically as mini film. Animake can provide such animations from frames or convert videos directly into the GIF format. With Animake you change by mouse-click videos in GIF animations over. The software joins just as simply frames to an animated GIF. Beyond that Animake changes the size as well as depth of shade of individual image files and computes common pallets for all particular pictures of an animation.


Functions :




Production of animated pictures for applications in the InterNet



Production of animations in the AutoDesk format



Production of animations in the Abp and FLX format for CFW



Change of the size and depth of shade of diagrams in the format BMP, PCD, PCX, TGA, TIF, JPG, ICO



Extract from individual pictures from videos (MPEG, mpg, divx, avi, etc..) and animations in the AutoDesk format



Direct converting of a video into a GIF animation (in the sense from divx2gif, mpeg2gif, mpg2gif, asf2gif, avi2gif etc..)



Produce from selective Screenshots/Snapshots of individual windows or Unterfenster.



Produce from animations in the Shockwave Flash format.



Direct converting of a video into an Flash animation (in the sense from divx2swf, mpeg2swf, mpg2swf, asf2swf, avi2swf etc..)


Download of the program (file size: 2302 KB):

File name: ANIMAKE.ZIP

Operating system: Windows


Importantly : Animake is freeware. Please note however that only a private use is free! For the commercial use (z. B. commercial homepage, etc..) is a registration of the advertising-free version (s. u.) compellingly necessarily!


You can order the registration number for a advertising-free version against a small amount and promote thus the advancement of Animake. Thus your questions to order, payment or distribution to be still faster answered, turn you please to our Web-based Customer Care center . There you find to answers to questions frequently placed, their order data and the contact contacts for our customer service.


Additionally you get the PCD-Viewer free!

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Аз нещо не мога да схвана как се работи на тая програма :blink:

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Аз нещо не мога да схвана как се работи на тая програма :blink:


Лесно изрязваш част от филм или каквото искаш!След това го отваряш с нея :)!След което си избираш фреймове колко да ти е бърз!После може да промениш големината на пример от "1024х768 на 120х100" с което смаляш като размер аватара :) след това хващаш всичките и даваш "save as" и име :) кат ми падне материал ще снимам 4-5 скриина как се прави :) ся ще видя дали имам нещо което да направя тъкмо и да снимам!

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