zlobil Posted October 17, 2005 Share Posted October 17, 2005 nqmam aparat no pri parva vazmojnost 6te ti dam grozna rabota e nqma kvo da se lajem ama prosto nqma drug na4in.... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Runner Posted March 31, 2006 Author Share Posted March 31, 2006 Докато разлгеждах разни сайтове и форуми, попаднах на това: http://www.stretchmarkcure.com/the%20remedy.htm Чета много добри отзиви за тая програма по форумите. Работата е там, че трябва да се плати онлайн 18$, което аз няма как да го направя, та ако може някой да я намери, че аз неуспявам... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
w00x Posted April 1, 2006 Share Posted April 1, 2006 А това дето си го написал по-горе, за предотвратяване ли е или за лекуване? Contractubex е за белези и не помага при стрии. Аз си мажа от 1 месец с него белезите, но май ще трябва доста повече. Забелязвам избледняване на единия, но не мога да съм сигурен дали действа докато не изчезне напълно. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
s.Kiril Posted April 3, 2006 Share Posted April 3, 2006 ami neznam az li4no izob6to ne mi pre4at ne vijdam kvo moje da se napravi... lazer ne sam siguren 4e 6te stane a i 4e 6te moga da si go pozvola a ot krem4etata nikuv efekt zatva si gi nosa ... poznavam xora koito racete sa im nacepeni do predmi6nicite po cqlata daljina na bicepsa.....i na tqx ne im pre4i a vie tuka za 1 strii4ka pravite problemi Pi4 kak da ne ti pre4i?!? Ami lqtoto kato otide6 nqkade na plaj, kato sloji6 nqkakav potnik ili ne6to podobno, nqma li da se pritesni6 ili da te hvane sram??? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
zlobil Posted April 3, 2006 Share Posted April 3, 2006 kogato znam 4e ima izmisleno lekarstvo za tqx i e na dostupna cena i mogat da se maxat s nego togava 6te po4nat da me pritesnqvat a do togava ne vijdam ot kakvo da se sramuvam vse pak e po-dobre strii ot kolkoto da ti visqt palaskite primerno a i iskam da rasta o6te taka 4e.... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Runner Posted June 4, 2006 Author Share Posted June 4, 2006 Поръчах рецептата от този сайт http://www.stretchmarkcure.com/index.html и почнах да правя процедируте. За сега няма, кой знае какъв ефект, още съм на 3та седмица но мисля да изкарам целия курс, който е около 3 месеца. Някой ако иска, мога да му я пратя и на него да пробва. За съжаление, не успях да намеря някои от нещата, които ги пише в рецептата. Наложи се да прибегна до заместители... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
miro123 Posted June 4, 2006 Share Posted June 4, 2006 Поръчах рецептата от този сайт http://www.stretchmarkcure.com/index.html и почнах да правя процедируте. За сега няма, кой знае какъв ефект, още съм на 3та седмица но мисля да изкарам целия курс, който е около 3 месеца. Някой ако иска, мога да му я пратя и на него да пробва. За съжаление, не успях да намеря някои от нещата, които ги пише в рецептата. Наложи се да прибегна до заместители... mi ka4i q naprawo tuka da q vidm Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Runner Posted June 4, 2006 Author Share Posted June 4, 2006 Понеже е много дълга, първо ви я пускам да я видите, но после като имам повече време ще я прехвърля на интернет страница или нещо друго. Ще дам и снимките на въпросните кремове и масажора, че тук ги няма. The Stretch Marks Removal Home Remedy _________________________ Jean's Skin Care Resources _________________________________________ Overview: what is it all about and what to expect The Exfoliation Massage: People who should not be using this remedy Things needed Prepare for the exfoliation massage Precise and effective exfoliation A Few Key Steps The Healing: skin renewal Food and nutritional preferences Maintaining stretch marks free To Get help from Jean personally To find things needed PART 1:OVERVIEW IMPORTANT: I know the temptation to skin the content and go to the massage remedy and just start doing it. But please read the ebook FROM BEGINNING TO END. Since this remedy is more of a method than a product, and your SUCCESS largely depends on how well you understand the concept and your technique to conduct the massage, it is very important for you to read the entire ebook before you start. I often receive emails asking questions in a way that I know the customers had not read the entire ebook and don't know what they are doing, these are usually the people that are slowing in seeing results. I know how much you want to get rid of the suckers and I want the same for you, and I know if you do everything right you are most likely to see great results. Please work with me from the start: read and understand the whole process before you start. How to use this ebook: You can read the ebook online or print it from your computer. (If you ordered a print copy or a full kit there is no need to print it since we will send you one.) You can follow the hyperlinks by clicking the link. It is very much like a mini website. If ordered the online version and now want a print copy also, please pay a minimal fee for the postage. Yes, I want a print copy instead. Overview: "I got my stretch marks from 2 pregnancies. The wired thing is that my grandmother and my mother, who had multiple kids, don't have them at all..." We need to know why and how we get them in order to prevent or remove them. I have covered this on the website but it is worth mentioning again. Stretch marks are not necessarily caused by "the stretching of the skin". You may be very skinny but still get them while some larger people don't. Yet gaining weight can definitely trigger the problem if you are already prone to it. In many cases we have no control over some of the causes, such as genetic, or when you have to get on some medications to, for example, stay alive. In other cases, better understanding may reduce our chance of getting them, even help with the process of removing them. I have come to the conclusion that the stretch marks are largely caused by chemical or hormone imbalances. It is more likely to happen to a person who is pessimistic or depressed; a person who is going through a lot of emotional pain; a person who experiences great and sudden changes such as growth spur or pregnancy; a person who goes on crush diet, or someone who uses unnecessary drugs, etc.. Although stretch marks are not easy to deal with, but with my simply home remedy, in combination with proper nutrition and moderate exercises, most people can get great results. The humane body is made in such a way that if we give it the proper care and nutrition, and keep the Yin and Yang balanced, it will run perfectly and in most cases, fix the problems on its own. When you start the exfoliation remedy, your skin is in greater need for that nutrition and exercises to help regenerate and heal. In this updated version of the ebook I will talk a little more about diet and exercise in addition to the exfoliation. These are simply changes which are easy to follow. Hopefully by using this remedy you will not only get rid of your stretch marks; but also in the process become healthier and happier in general. "I have spent so much money on all kinds of things, nothing seemed to work. I even went to see a doctor and he said there is no cure for it. I wish your remedy will work but I am very skeptical..., what makes your remedy work?" So what makes the remedy work?. To help you with that, let's talk about the basic concept behind it. We have already talked about how most likely creams don't work. Stretch marks happen in deeper skin tissues, the scarring is beyond repair by applying creams externally. However, there are things that do work, such as laser surgery or microdermabrasion, with the first working better than the later in most cases. Both are very intrusive and sometimes painful processes, because your top skin layer is being literally "burnt away" or "sand blasted off". Both needs multiple sessions, like anything else, nothing works for all people, nor do they work the same way for all people. But they do work compare to wasteful lotions and creams. The same concept applies. We will exfoliate effectively to take the old skin layer off. Skin will interpret this as minor injuries and works to repair itself. In this process new skin tissue is generated to replace the layer taken off. The new tissue will start to fill in from underneath and around the scars. The same idea applies to other procedures like wrinkle removal, etc. (So one of the nice "side affect" of the home remedy is baby smooth, less wrinkly skin.) The remedy is not a medical procedure. It is easy to do, all natural with minimum irritation to skin so everybody can do this in the comfort and privacy of their own home. You do have to produce enough exfoliation and stimulation so that it will make a difference, at the meantime you need to avoid going too far and cause injury to the skin. Here is the bottom line, You will conduct the exfoliation massage; the skin will strive to produce new under layer skin cells; You will help your skin do just that by applying lotions that calm and moisturize, and stimulate growth at the same time; You will also help your skin regeneration by getting the proper nutrients and improve metabolism with simply exercises. You will start to see improvement, instantly for some, gradually for some, slowly for some, depends on your metabolism, and the way you follow the remedy. So there are 4 things involved in the remedy: the exfoliation massage, rest skin and let it heal; supply skin with proper nutrients internally and externally; help improve metabolism by simple exercises. During each stage we will adjust the intensity and the interval of the massages to keep the results coming and to maximize them. The remedy overall is very flexible time wise, you can stop and anytime and pick it up at anytime. As long as you do the 4 things in essence, 9 out of 10 people should be able to see good results, sooner or later. PART 2: Who should/should not use this remedy Before we start, people with the following condition should not use the remedy or should wait until the condition is remove before using the remedy. Other conditions are also discussed here: People with skin problems such as: Extremely sensitive/fragile Allergic to skin creams Easy to bruise Ongoing infections or open wounds People with common or minor body acne may still use the remedy. In many cases the remedy will help improve the situation by clearing the dead skin tissue that blocks the pores. I'd prefer Woman who is pregnant or nursing to put off using the remedy directly on the abdominal area and breast area until later. The first concern is that the massage may be too rough for them. The other concern is that the massages may release a tiny amount of toxins into the blood stream (as it would with any kind of massage). There is no proof there is any harm, you can consult your doctor just to be sure. However, there are things you can do to help with the stretch marks on those areas. I will talk about it when we go into the details of the massage remedy. People who are on steroids related medication or other skin thinning medication should wait until it is safe to go off the meds as instructed by your doctor. After you get off the meds, still wait at least a few weeks for skin to regain its normal thickness and strength before you start the remedy. I'd also advise woman who are in menstrual period to avoid massage abdominal area during the period. It would be the best if you skip the massage all together during the time. Let your body deal with one thing at a time. If you are currently Losing weight via diet and/or exercises: No problem, use the remedy with your weight loss routine. It will help to make your skin smooth, tight and healthy. On birth control pills/shots/patches: You can use the remedy without having to get off your current birth control methods, especially if you have been on it for a while, Unless you know for sure that your stretch marks are caused by the birth control method you use. That being, you started having severe stretch marks after you got on the birth control, at the same time there are no other changes you can think of that can cause you stretch marks. You have a busy schedule and don't think you can commit to a set routing: It is not a problem. The remedy is very flexible, there is no need to wait till you "have more time". You can start and stop at any time, then just pick up where you left off. Please don't tan or use a tanning bed in a few days following the massage. The exfoliation will greatly reduce your skin's defense against the UV rays, which is in general harmful to skin even without the exfoliation. Use SPF 30 or above under normal exposure to the sun, especially on your arms and legs. PART 3 What to expect If you are a good candidate, you have a great chance to succeed with my simple but effective program, by removing or at least fading your stretch marks to great extends. You will find this out fast, you may start to see changes just after a few sessions, or the very next day after the first session, which many had experienced. However, some people do take longer to start to see good results especially those with aged stretch marks. Don't worry if you are a little slow at the beginning. If you don't see any improvement in skin texture in 2-3 weeks, most likely you are doing something wrong. Please check out the "A few key steps" section at the end of the booklet and see if you can improve on anything. It is important to keep me posted especially when you are having problems. You can find my contact information at the end of the booklet or on both of my web sites. I WILL get back to you! This method helps you remove your stretch marks by gradually smoothing out the scars. You will first notice reducing of scars in depth, width and length, but you can still see them. In some cases scars might even look more obvious at the very beginning, but don't worry, this is normal and it will change. (Refer to "a few key steps" for details). After a certain period of time, you will get to a point that you can't feel the scars any more, your skin will be even, tight and baby smooth, your stretch marks will look faint and fine but still visible under certain lighting and angles. They will keep reducing along time, and may finally disappear for good, but that takes time for some of you especially if your stretch marks are old. So What exactly should you expect to happen: You can expect to experience any of the following 3 types of results or progress: You are the lucky one, you use the remedy the night before and next morning you see your stretch marks already improving. In few weeks your stretch marks are almost all gone! In that case you will send me an email overfilled with joy and gratitude (I hope you will), and spread the news around about Jean's amazing simply remedy. You are likely to be young and healthy, with a robust metabolism. Your skin have good thickness and elasticity, Your stretch marks might be really bad (amazingly in worse cases the remedy really shines) but not too old. You may start without too much visible improvement in the first week or so. You will keep up the good work and soon you start to see improvement (usually between 3-6 weeks after you start). You will be encouraged by the improvement and keep up the good work. During this time the results will vary from time to time. There will be times you are making great progress, and times it seems like the healing just stopped. No worry, this is also normal. Not all improvement are visible to the human eye. If you need some encouragement, please send me an email. You may start with great expectation but get discouraged quickly because after a few weeks you are still not seeing any changes. You might have really old stretch marks and your metabolism is less than ideal. You are likely to send an email to me asking for advise (I encourage you to do so if you feel like you need help at anytime), some of you might start worrying about asking for your money back. For whatever reason some of you will take longer, maybe even as long as 2 months to start to see visible improvement. If you follow through, your results will eventually catch up, because once it start working it will work pretty fast. You will still see the most amazing results with what little money you invested. Worse case scenario, by 6 months almost everyone who followed through will see significant if not complete improvement with their stretch marks. That's why I have reset the money back guaranty to 6 months. So don't you worry. I'd like you to start the program without any worry or doubt in your mind. I'd love to deliver great results to you, so you are welcome to email me at anytime with any concern. In the past 7-8 years many people have used this remedy. I know what it is going to do to you, the results, the set backs, everything. You are not doing this alone. So take a deep breath, make a wish, and be happy that you are going to do something to improve your life. That's what the remedy is all about, to make you feel better about yourself. PART 5 Things Needed The massage may seem simple to do but please follow the instructions closely, for there is a reason to everything I ask you to do. If you follow my instructions closely, you should start to see difference very soon--in just a week or so, or even overnight! Well, let's start with the exfoliation massage. I wish you the best results. The Massage Tool Nothing can explain this better than a picture. It is about the size of a small hand. Usually there are 2 shapes, oval and heart. The little pegs are about ?" in diameter. The base is made of wood, there is a rubber flexible base for The pegs are attached to the base with flexible rubber. You HAVE to use the exact same tool to achieve good results. Any variation will not do. Avoid cheaply made warped or chipped ones, they will fall apart after a few times of use. Look for one with firm and smooth texture. Sold in drug stores and spa and relaxation stores. click to order The exfoliation scrubs: Make the exfoliation scrub mixture as described later on with the following items: Body/facial scrub You will need a body scrub that is thick in consistency, rougher in texture, and very importantly it does not foam up when applying with water. Recommended brand: St. Ives Invigorating Apricot Scrub. To achieve the best results use this brand please. It is very good in price; very good quality; and just right in texture for what we need to do. It can be found in most drug stores and super markets in America and most of the western countries. Get the 12 oz jar instead of the 6 oz tube. You will need this item in good quantity. click to order Aloe Vera Extract or pure Aloe Vera Gel product Aloe Vera gel soothes/calms skin under the vigorous massage and helps with healing and regenerating of skin. It is long known for its benefit with repairing scars and burns. It is preferable that you use a good Aloe product as recommended. Unless you are a herbalist and know exactly what you are doing, I no longer recommend you to extract your own Aloe gel from a live plant. It is easier , and in most cases cheaper. to just buy it since Aloe Vera products are becoming more and more accessible and affordable. It is best to use a pure and organic product. A good pure Aloe Vera gel product is semi clear with natural brownish shade and the fresh smell of Aloe Vera. It is not possible to have 100% pure organic Aloe gel, 95% and above is considered pure. Try to avoid using the fragrant white creamy stuff; I also prefer one with natural color than the clear/colorless one. Recommended products: Option 1: Organic pure Aloe Vera S kin Gel Comes with the full package. click to order Option 2: Aloe Vera Gelley by Foreverliving Products in Arizona. Not sold in stores. Can be ordered from www.foreverliving.com from most part of the world, or if in the US, call 1-888-440-ALOE. Give 001-000-740-989 When asked for a distributor ID which is good for retail purchase only. Finally, we need some good moisturizer to use after the exfoliation massage. You can use anything you like, especially creams that had worked for you well. Recommend brand: Any of the St. Ives collagen-Elastin lotions. Please try to find these ingredients or the closest things. If all these sounds too complicated, You can simply upgrade your order to a full package if you had only ordered the ebook, or order any single item at The Market Place Otherwise though it will still work it may not be as fast or good. Again, upgrading to a full kit, click here. Order any single items at any quantity you want, click here. PART 6 PREPARATION Preparing the exfoliate/massage SCRUBS: The following is an example of how the scrubs should be mixed. Make more and use more if you have large areas to cover. * About 4 tea spoon. of scrubs * About 1/2 tsp. Aloe Vera extract or gel * If your skin is on the dry side you may add half a capsule of Vitamin E oil, or olive oil, or Safflower oil. Make sure you only use just a little bit, You want to keep the consistency of the scrub, don't make it too runny. If you are extracting the aloe gel from a life plant, clean the leave first; cut an inch wound on the tip of the leave then squeeze the gel out. Usually the gel will come out on itself. The plant should be at least 2 years old. The wound should heal but if you don't want to hurt the plant get the product instead. This option should be for people who are savvy with herbs, because there are so many species of Aloe Vera, and not all Aloe Vera are created equal. Mix the items in a small bowl. This should cover about 1-2 square ft area. Mix more if you need more. If you have massive stretch marks all over your body, please concentrate on certain areas first instead of trying to cover whole body in once session, it will be tiring and less effective, and it takes longer to see results. You can choose to work on abdominal area and hips first for example, and take care the rest of your body later. *It is the best if you mix scrubs (the exfoliate/massage agent) each time you use them instead of making a whole batch. After all you only need to do this 2-3 times a week the most. After you get familiar with the process you can just mix them up in your palm and apply to skin directly. PART 7 THE EXFOLIATION MASSAGE No intentional tanning within 3-4 days after the exfoliation, reduce exposure to sun as much as you can, and always use good sun block for normal sun exposure. Tan in a can, however, is all right. EXFOLIATION AND STIMULATION MASSAGE Look into the mirror; check front and back, side to side. Write down the date you start and the areas where you have stretch marks; don't miss a spot. Keep checking regularly and make notes of improvement. Because you are likely to treat certain areas more than others, after a while you may notice different results in different areas: the areas got more massages will look smoother and nicer than the areas that got less. Keep in mind the conditions of your stretch marks and adjust emphasis of massage when necessary. How to do the massage Step 1: Soften the skin: Take a relaxing bath (or shower) for at least 5-10 minutes to soften the skin. This has to be done so that the dull surface skin layer will come off easier in the scrub massage. Please don't skip this step. You CAN'T just wet the skin and start. It does not work the same. Another way to soften skin is steam room, if you have access to a steam room please use it. Step 2: The Scrub Massage: It is recommended that you do the massage just before you go to bed. Because after the scrub massage, much of the surface skin tissue is taken off, now skin needs to regenerate and resurface. There is no better time for skin to do that than while you are sleeping, when the skin regeneration is the most active. A good night sleep is every important to skin's vitality. (if your schedule makes you sleep during the day instead of night, no problem, just do it before you sleep) 1. After you have soaked skin for about 5-10 minutes; 2. Get away from water; 3. Get rid of the excessive water on skin but keep a little bit moisture on; remember we need to keep good consistency of the scrub. 4. Take the scrubbing mixture prepared earlier; apply a thin layer evenly on areas to be treated; 5. Using the massager, massage skin covered by the scrubbing agent. Keep the scrub mixture moist so the massage motion is smooth. If it gets dry, add a little bit water to it. (Hold the massager by its base and massage skin with the little fingers) The right way to do it is as if you are polishing or brushing the skin. The purpose of the massage is to take off the dead, dull, damaged surface skin layer to promote the growth of normal healthy skin tissues. Massage the skin instead of muscles. Do not pressure or push muscles as you would with pressure points. Concentrate the pressure on the skin surface. Massage skin in circular motion(1-2"circles). Be very precise and cover each inch of the area treated. Massage over the stretch marks in small, circled motion instead of straight across them to avoid pulling and stretching the scars. Massage in small circled motions along the direction of the stretch marks. It may feel somewhat uncomfortable at the beginning. Start slow and light, let your skin get used to the stimulation first. Gradually increase the strength and speed of the scrub massage. You should feel the stimulation and still feel comfortable. Important: How to apply just the right amount of exfoliation? Before you start, inspect the texture, brightness, and color of your skin. Usually the lighter the color is, the thinner the skin is. For thicker skin: Massage each area (about 3-4massager size area) .for about 2- 3 minutes, or more or less for as long as your skin can handle. Please don't exceed 3-5 minutes on the same spot. For thinner skin: Massage each area for about 1- 2 minutes, or more or less for as long as your skin can handle, not to exceed 2- 3 minutes on the same spot. Watch the skin turns into a healthy reddish pink color during the massage, indicating active blood circulation. Some people won't see this until a few sessions later especially when the skin is extremely dull. The red color is a sign that you are doing it right. Keep the scrub massage a little longer after skin turned red, stop before or when skin start to tingle a little bit. After the massage skin should feel refreshed and awakened. 6. After the scrub massage, use a piece of wet loofah or a rough sponge; gently polish skin with the scrubs on for 1-2 more minute then rinse skin clean. Note *Don't try to over do the massage. You can tell by the way skin feels. If it feels irritated or it burns, you are doing it too much. *Don't be cheap on the scrubs, use plenty of them. *People who have extra sensitive skin or people who over do the massage may experience minor bruises or rash on massaged areas. If this happens to you, stop the program and they should go away. If condition remains, consult a doctor. *Try it full body if you want, it will overall improve your skin texture. STEP 3: Apply the creams: Pat dry skin lightly with a towel, while skin is still red, apply creams immediately and massage until fully absorbed. Simply pour some Aloe Vera Gel into your palm, then pour even amount of Collagen lotion and mix them up in your hands, apply and massage into the skin. Use the regular amount as you would with moisturizers. More or less should be fine. If your skin is on the dry side, add a drop or 2 of oils. Note ---Many people ask me if it is OK to add more creams and lotions to the mixture. You can do so if you want but it is not necessary. Aloe Vera helps to heal the skin after the intensive exfoliation; collagen supplies what stretch marks skin needs. These 2 lotions will do the job after a good exfoliation massage. ---Don't forget to check skin with mirror regularly and adjust the emphasis of massage How often should you do the exfoliating massage Just vigorously exfoliate the skin is not going to do it. One other important factor is the interval of the exfoliation. In the past some people would do the massage everyday because they see good results after it, and assumed that the more exfoliation massage the better. This is NOT true. You have to give skin time to rest; recover; and re-grow from the exfoliation. Please use the timetable below as a reference. This has been proven to work the best. If you are an old customer you will notice that this is different than the previous schedule. This is better for most people. You can, however, make minor adjustments according to your own needs. It is flexible. If you miss a few massages, don't worry. Just pick up where you left off. There are 2 stages. Stage 1: When first start, follow this schedule 1 Schedule 1: 5 days a cycle Day 1 Exfoliation Massage; apply creams Day 2 Exfoliation Massage; apply creams Day 3 Skip massage. Apply creams optional Day 4 Skip massage. Apply creams optional Day 5 Skip massage. Apply creams optional Basically, 2 days on, 3 days off. Follow this for 2 cycles. On day 11, evaluate your progress, if you are seeing good results, move to schedule 2, if you are slow in seeing results, move to schedule 3 directly. Schedule 2: 7 days a cycle Day 1 Exfoliation Massage; apply creams Day 2 Skip; creams optional Day 3 Exfoliation Massage; apply creams Day 4 Skip, creams optional Day 5 Skip, creams optional Day 6 Skip, creams optional Day 7 Skip, creams optional Follow this for about 2-3 cycles, move to schedule 3. If you are slow in seeing results after schedule 1, move to schedule 3 directly from schedule 1. (You may notice that you do less massages even when your results may come slower, because you need to give skin more time to recover between exfoliations.) Schedule 3: 10 days a cycle Day 1 Exfoliation Massage; apply creams Day 2 Skip; creams optional Day 3 Skip; creams optional Day 4 Skip, creams optional Day 5 Exfoliation Massage; apply creams Day 6 Skip, creams optional Day 7 Skip, creams optional Day 8 Skip; creams optional Day 9 Skip; creams optional Day 10 Skip; creams optional For people with good results, follow schedule 3 for 2 cycles, then move to schedule 4, for people with slower results, follow schedule 3 for 1 cycle, then move to schedule 4: Schedule 4: 10 days a cycle Day 1 Exfoliation Massage; apply creams Day 2 Skip; creams optional Day 3 Skip; creams optional Day 4 Skip, creams optional Day 5 Skip, creams optional Day 6 Skip, creams optional Day 7 Skip, creams optional Day 8 Skip; creams optional Day 9 Skip; creams optional Day 10 Skip; creams optional In this cycle you do the massage only once every 10 days. Follow this for 1-2 cycles. This would be stage 1. Stage 2: go back to schedule 1, then 3, then 4, then 2, each for 1 cycle. Basically I'd like you to scramble the cycles and avoid doing the massage in a set pattern, which your skin will get used to and stop reacting to it. Stay in stage 2 until you see ideal results. Then you can follow schedule 4 or 3 occasionally to keep the good results and work on the last traces of your stretch marks if you still have some. Please note: Some of you will experience the stretch marks appearing more visible right after each massage. This is absolutely normal. Here is why: As you have already know that stretch marks develop from the deep of the skin and gradually make their way to the surface of the skin. The exfoliation takes off the dull dead top layer off the skin and then a little more. It merely exposes what's going on in the next skin layer, if the stretch marks are worse in the deeper layer, you will see them that way. The skin regeneration will get a boost from the exfoliation and skin will show improvement in the next few days. For some people this is a continuing thing, that is, after every exfoliation the stretch marks will look a little brighter or more visible to the human eye. The new skin tissue will grow from underneath and around to fill in to make up the tissue lost. As a result the stretch marks will reduce in depth, width and length. PART 8 A Few Key Steps When do it right, most people start to see results within a few weeks. But if you are slow in seeing results, don't panic. Read the instruction booklet carefully one more time, and see if you have done everything right. Here are few key steps: 1) Soak and soften skin to make it easier for the exfoliation. If you soak skin enough you can do the exfoliation with less time and effort but better results. Because the top layer is ready to come off without too much scrubbing. Make it a relaxing experience for yourself instead of hard labor. Pamper yourself with a bubble bath, add bath oil or essential oil or bath milk powder. If you don't have all these luxury, simply add some whole milk-not fat free but whole milk to your bath. An inexpensive way to make bubbles is to use cheap hair shampoo. A little bit goes a long way. 2) The scrub massage: you will have to dedicate enough time and effort to the scrub massage (but remember a good soaking can reduce that time and effort), always use the massage tool in the picture. After the exfoliation massage skin should temporarily turn healthy reddish pink color, sign of enhanced blood circulation (this does not always happen especially the first few times). Skin should feel refreshed and awakened. The length of the exfoliation varies from one to another. The best way to find out what works for you the best is to start easy and slow, and explore a little bit. Go a little longer each time, until you find that perfect spot. A tingling sensation is good, skin may feel a little uncomfortable during the exfoliation, but not pain. If you are not sure just try to follow the guide line in the exfoliation section. (The best time for skin development is between 11:00 PM to 5:00 AM in your sleep). So if you can, do the massage at night before you sleep. If your schedule does not allow it, don't worry about it. 3) Use plenty of scrubs, keep it's consistency. It should be moist so the massage is smooth but the scrub should not be too thin and runny. 4) Don't exfoliate everyday! Skin needs time to recover between each exfoliation massage. Please take time off and let skin rest as directed. If you would like to do the exfoliation more, just prolong each exfoliation massage a little bit when you do it, but give skin days to rest between sessions. This is very important. 5) Maintain a healthy balanced diet, rich in Amino acids, Omega 3, protein and vitamins. Refer to food and nutrition section for more details. 6) Follow the simply exercises in part 9, to improve your metabolism, and increase the production of certain hormones such as , lack of which is believed to be one of the major causes for stretch marks. PART 9 Healing Exfoliation is only the tool, Healing and resurfacing of the skin is the goal. Healing will take time, more or less. Some of you will take longer to see good results than others, as long as up to 3-6 months which is relatively still a short period of time. Keep in mind that stretch marks are deep even though sometimes they don't seem so. During this period you will see your stretch marks start filling in or disappearing before your eyes. For some people it will be a repeat cycles of seeing them a little more clearly after the exfoliation, then seeing them much less after a few days of healing. During this period of time please avoid tanning if you can. Especially the few days right after the exfoliation. Reduce or avoid the direct exposure of exfoliated areas to the sun. And always use good sun block. I find Neutrogena SPF 45 to be an excellent choice. Here is something else I'd like you to do every morning. This trick will help you stimulate metabolism for skin growth. Bend head forward a little bit and feel the protruding bone on your neck. Spread your hand (whichever hand is your working hand) out and reach as low as you can naturally without overreaching, beneath that point, then apply pressure to massage your neck and the area below in circles, using that protruding bone as the center point. Massage for about a minute, when you stop you will feel a tingling sensation all over your body as if something is waking up, almost like some kind of electricity running through your body. Feel that sensation for a little bit. This will take you 1 minute or so. Then I'd like you to stretch your neck as far as you can naturally without over stretching, keep that stretching then slowly look up, down, left then right. Repeat a couple of times. Again, you will feel the tingling sensation. Don't forget to breathe, breathe slower and deeper than you usually do, but naturally, without trying too hard. This will take you 1 minute or 2. Then I'd like you to flex your spine by stretching your arms as far as you can over your head with your hands pointing up, stretch naturally without overreaching; lock your hands together. Slowly bend your spine forward at about 45 degree angle (more or less, suit yourself), keep your hands locked together over your hand and feel the stretching of the arms, slowly turn to the left, as far as you can without discomfort, then slowly move back the center, then slowly turn to the right. Don't forget to breathe. This will take you about a minute. Relax for a moment, then drink a glass of water, you can "spice" it up with honey, lemon or Aloe Vera juice or add green tea powder if you'd like. This exercise only takes about 3-5 minutes. But you will feel the effects of it, besides the tingling sensation, you will feel your body warming up, almost sweating a little bit, your breath is a little deeper, and your mind a lot more clear. The long term effect is great but not specific, this simply exercise will greatly benefit your normal hormone activities which are essential to your overall health. For the time being it will help with the skin regeneration. The key is not to force it, try to reach your limit but not go beyond it. You will be able to reach a little further later on but it will come naturally. Please log on to http://www.beautybeyondskin.com for information, advice, tips, recipes and "ancient Chinese secrets" on health, well being, beauty and personal care. PART 10 Maintaining Stretch Marks Free After you reach ideal results, you want to keep it that way. Take care of yourself, try not to gain too much weight in a short period of time. (If you do the flexing exercises every morning you are less likely to do so) Follow the healthy diet guide. It will help you to stay in shape. Healthy diet will also, believe it or not, make you a happier and more cheerful person. A happy and cheerful person has good chemical and hormone balance which keep him from having stretch marks and other skin problems. Exercise moderately to keep the metabolism up. Avoid narcotics the best you can except for medical necessity. Narcotics not only mess up your brain, your health, it also ruins your good looks. And finally, apply the massage once in a great while. Your skin will stay baby smooth for a long long time. PART 11 Food and Nutrition Preferences Although this section is not part of the remedy, It is import for your general health and your stretch marks recovery to have a natural, balanced diet. After the vigorous exfoliation, skin will strive to repair the "damage" by regenerating. This will require nutrition, especially nutrition that is essential to skin development. The best way to get the nutrition is through natural foods. We will also need a little bit help from some dietary supplements, but don't replace them for food. Dietary supplements are by all means limited and not exactly "balanced". For example, a single vitamin exists in many different forms in natural food, but only certain forms are manufactured and put in pills. Overdosing on this pills will result in have too much of some but lacking the rest. This would be a problem in the long run if people who take them think that they got all the nutrition they need from these pills while they eat junk. However, if we can get most what we need from food, a little help from modern science could be very helpful. To make a long story short, the following foods are recommended to add to your regular diet if they are not already there Cold water fish that are rich in Omega 3 fatty acids, such as wild salmon and tuna. Avoid anything smoked. Protein rich foods such as whey or Soy food in the form of soymilk and Tofu. I do not recommend soy protein powder. If you prefer powdered protein please use whey instead. (For tofu, no matter what your experience with them is, please check out a wonderful recipe listed on my natural remedy website. It is the most healthy yet delicious way of cooking tofu, (you won't think it's tofu when you eat it). If you have this recipe everyday or just every week, you will notice stronger and faster nail and hair growth, and it will most definitely help with the healing of stretch marks. Other side effects including better energy, slimmer waist line and excellent bowl movement) Various vegetables and fruit, the deeper or brighter the color the better. If you are looking for an easier way just refer to the recipe above. You can also add multi-green supplement to your diet. Good oils. Such as olive oil and flaxseed oil. Flaxseed oil comes in bottles and in capsules as well. You can get them at your local health food stores or even Costco. Recommended supplements: Biologically active silicon: Silicon is an essential mineral required for the strength and elasticity of bones, joints, connective tissue, hair, skin, nails, mucous membranes and arteries. We've all heard about silicon, how it smooth out wrinkles, pump up lips and inflate chests. This is different though. It is silicon in the only form that can be absorbed by our body. You can find out more about this product on my website. I suggest that you take 1 dose of silicon per day to help with the healing and regenerating of skin. Click to order Grape seed extract What do these skin conditions have in common? Easy to bruise: A little bumping into this or that will make skin blue and purple for some time Varicose veins: unsightly and painful Stretch marks: just plain unsightly, could be painful or itchy but not often All 3 conditions are related with damage to or lack of collagen: the support structure of dermis (skin). The breaking down of skin's connective tissue which is mainly collagen give people stretch marks. Veins are also collagen based tissues. Although varicose veins are related to different things, the destruction of collagen is certainly one of them. Grape seed extract reduces damage to Collagen based tissues, such as joint cartilage, veins and skin by inhibiting collagen-degrading enzymes. It is great to use in combination with the stretch marks removal remedy to both prevent and remove stretch marks, and to strengthen skin that is easy bruising or prone to varicose veins. Find out more. Click to order Bottom line, it is all very simple. Just add some fish, drink some soy milk, follow ONE recipe now and then, and take a couple of supplements. In fact you don't have to do all these or everyday. Set incremental goals and you are likely to reach them. Just make the changes you can. Any change will be positive. To Get help from Jean personally The business is built on personal basis. So you will get help from me one by one if needed. It is better for you to email me for help, it will enable me to find time to write back any time I can spare during the day (or night), so I can get back to each and everyone of you. Here is the email address: [email protected] Please choose a topic most related to your email to use on the subject line of your email. We do get junk emails. Proper subject line will help your email to stand out to avoid being deleted with the unwanted emails which had happened in the past. Seeing good results Slow in seeing results Need help Questions about the exfoliation massage Questions about using the creams Questions about mixing the scrub how to order more supplies topic not listed For order status, order related questions or refund request, please send email with your account information to and the question to: [email protected] PART 14 MARKET PLACE Check out http://www.beautybeyondskin.com for more Here you will find all the items talked about in this ebook and some great products that I not only endorse but also enjoy myself. QUICK LINKS: Upgrade your order to a full kit -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Click to see disclaimer and copyright information. Last update: 09/26/05 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Click to see disclaimer and copyright information. Last update: 09/26/05 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
miro123 Posted June 5, 2006 Share Posted June 5, 2006 nqkuf krem li si kupil ot neta stoto nesto ne mise 4ete tolkos mnogo(ne predpolagah,4e e tolkowa dulgo) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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