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Duplicate Name Exist On The Network


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Какво е това подяволите :blink: Всеки път като си пусна копмютъра и ми се появява надпис A duplicate name exist on the network :angry:

Kakво е това и как се оправя :confused Имали ли сте такъв проблем? От какво се получава?

Ако вече има подобна тема дайте линк и изтриите тази. Аз не намерих лично.

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Господата от Microsoft са го пообяснили тук:



To resolve these issues, use the appropriate method:

Intermittent Connectivity Issues

Apply the appropriate hotfix listed later in this article for the operating system affected by this issue. In addition, preload sensitive NetBIOS names in the Lmhosts file, which causes NetBIOS to discard packets that attempt to overwrite the cache entry of Lmhosts preloaded names, preserving their address mapping.

NetBIOS Name Service Conflicts

Apply the appropriate hotfix for the operating system affected by this issue, which causes unsolicited name registration responses that do not originate from a Windows Internet Name Service (WINS) server that the computer is registered with to be ignored.


NOTE: For this issue, the hotfix only works if the affected computer is configured to use WINS.


IMPORTANT: Microsoft recommends that this hotfix only be applied to computers that specifically require it, that is, computers that play a central role in the network and that the administrator judges could be a target for such an attack. Microsoft does not recommend that you apply this hotfix globally without testing it in a specific environment.


Follow these steps:

1. Use Registry Editor (Regedt32.exe) to view the following registry key:


2. Modify the following registry value, or add the value if it does not exist:

Value name: NoNameReleaseOnDemand

Value type: REG_DWORD-Boolean

Value data: 0, 1 (False, True)

Default: 0 (False)

Recommendation: 1

Description: This parameter determines whether the computer releases its NetBIOS name when it receives a name-release request from the network. It was added to permit the administrator to protect the computer against malicious name-release attacks.

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