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Wolfenstein Enemy Territory


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... a eto i tolkova komentiranite XP/skill levels

What's This I Hear About Experience?


Enemy Territory has introduced a system by which players can gain additional abilities as they do their "job" and participate in the game. Every class has a set of four skills specific to them (Engineering, Signals, Heavy Weapons, Covert Ops, and Medical). Additionally, there are two other skill sets that are generic to all classes (Battle Sense and Light Weapons). To get a better sense for how the skill system works, read the PlayerGuide.html document inside the docs/ folder.


What I want to do now is just list the skills and describe what they do. The experience point levels and points earned per action might be slightly off, but the skill names and descriptions come courtesy of Activision. The format is:


[skill Level][Name of Skill][Experience Points Required][Description]




Improved use of Explosive Ammunition [20] - Starting inventory includes four extra rounds of ammunition for the Rifle Grenade and four extra grenades

Improved Dexterity [50] - Arming and defusing required half normal time

Improved Construction and Destruction [90] - Constructing and repairing objects, using dynamite or land mines require 1/3 less powerbar than



a Flak Jacket [140] - Provides the player with deflection of 50% from explosive weapons


Engineering experience earned by:


Building constructables (7-10)



Fixing broken MG42s (3)

Fixing tank (10)

Killing enemies with landmines (4 per enemy killed)

Killing enemies with rifle grenade (3 per enemy killed)


First Aid


Medic Ammo [20] - +30 ammo/+1 grenades at respawn

Improved Resources [50] - 2 syringes extra max ammo, 2 extra on spawn; med packs only consume 15% powerbar instead of 25%

Adrenaline Needles [90] - revives to full health

Adrenaline Self [140] - use +weapalt to select and requires a full charge bar. For 10 seconds, you have unlimited stamina and all damage taken is






Medical experience earned by:


Reviving teammates (4) but only if death was caused by enemy fire


Giving Med Pack (2 per pack taken)


Signals (for Field Ops)


Improve resources [20] - ammo packs give 2 magazines and 2 grenades; ammo packs only consume 15% powerbar instead of 25%

Improved Signals [50] - artillery and airstrikes strikes only require 2/3 charge bar

Improved Air Ground Support [90] - Air strikes result in 2 bombing runs, artillery strikes last twice as long

Enemy Recognition [140] - When you put your crosshairs over a disguised enemy Covert Ops it will say 'A disguised enemy!' instead of the name




of the person who's clothing they stole. Disguise enemy also shows up in command map as a crosshair labeled "disguised enemy"


Signals experience earned by:


Giving ammo (2 per pack taken)


Killing enemies with artillery (4 per enemy killed)

Killing enemies with airstrikes (3 per enemy killed)


Heavy Weapons (for Soldiers)


Improved Projectile Resources [20] - Firing panzerfaust and mortar require 2/3 normal charge

Heavy Weapon Proficiency [50] - Cooldown rate doubled for emplaced and mobile MG42

Improved Dexterity [90] - Weaponbank 3 movement penalty reduced, except for flamethrower when firing

Improved Weapon Handling [140] - can toggle between heavy weapon and SMG (weaponbank 3)


Heavy Weapons experience earned by:


Killing enemies with any heavy weapon (including mounted MG42 and tank-mounted .30 cal machineguns) - (2-3 per enemy killed)


Covert Ops


Improved use of Scoped Weapon Ammunition [20] - Inventory includes one extra clip of ammunition for Scoped Weapons

Improved use of Sabotage and Misdirection [50] - Satchel charges and smoke grenade only require 2/3 normal charge

Breath control [90] - Recoil pitch and swaying halved on scoped weapons

Assassin [140] - Instant kill with any back-stab


Covert Ops experience earned by:


Blowing up constructables (same points as gained by building them)










Detecting mine (3 per mine detected)

Killing enemies with scoped fire (5 per enemy killed)

stealing uniform (5)

Killing enemies with satchel charge (5 per enemy killed)


Battle Sense


Binoculars - Can call up binoculars using +zoom

Improved Physical Fitness - Stamina increases at 160% rate

Improved Health - Slightly increases starting health by 15 points

Trap Awareness - you will be able to see white outlines of mines much like a covert ops can with their binos


Battle Sense experience earned by:


Calling artillery fire (2 per barrage called - only if an enemy is damaged)






Calling airstrikes (2 per airstrike called - only if an enemy is damaged)

Giving and receiving damage (seems like ~2 pts per 100-110 points given or taken)


Light Weapons


Improved use of Light Weapon Ammunition [20]- Beginning inventory includes 1 extra clip of ammunition

Faster Reload - reloading takes 35% less time

Improved Light Weapon Handling - Weapon spread of SMG/FG42 is reduced by 35% while pistol recoil is halved

Dual-Wield Pistols - can select dual pistols from the limbo menu


Light Weapons experience earned by:


Killing enemies with light, unscoped weapons (2-3 per enemy killed - may be dependant on range)






Killing enemies with hand grenades (3 per enemy killed)


Other Experience Point Bonuses


Returning objectives (0) Destroying final objectives (0) Killing teammates (-3 per FILED complaint)


Destroying tank (10) - points may be assigned to different skills based on method of destruction (e.g., grenades, panzerfaust, etc)


How Do Ranks Correspond To Experience?


Ranks are earned by increasing your skill levels. However, the rank system rewards the well rounded player who can excel at multiple classes as well as

basic combat. I don't have a chart that maps skill levels to rank, but it seems that in order to reach Colonel, you need to reach level 4 in at least 2 classes, as well as level 4 in some other disciplines (light weapons and battle sense). If you just concentrate on one class and only gain skill there, you will be capped in rank but I'm not sure which one.


Here's how the progression works (thanks to McAfee and PurpleDrillMonkey for this)


Rank, up to Lieutenant, is determined by the level of your highest skill. Every skill level gained in that skill results in a promotion. You can attain a maximum rank of Lieutenant (4 promotions) if by maxing out in only one skill

To gain further promotions, you must reach level 4 in multiple skills


So an example of ranking up will be:


PVT (no insignia) = (This is how you start)

PFC (one chevron) = Level 1 in one skill

CPL (two chevron) = Level 2 in one skill

SGT (three chevron) = Level 3 in one skill

LT (one silver bar) = Level 4 in one skill

CPT (two silver bars) = Level 4 in two skills

MAJ (gold oak leaf) = Level 4 in three skills

COL (eagle) = Level 4 in four skills


How Are The Medals Awarded At The End Of The Game?


There are 7 medals you can win. One corresponding to each class - you receive this if you were the person with the highest experience in that class at the end of each round - and one for light weapons and battlesense. Each medal is represented by an icon in your limbo menu or by a letter after your name in the end of game summary. The number of times a letter shows up represents how many times you've won that award. The letter corresponds to the first letter in the name of each skill:


C - Covert Ops (White)

F - First Aid (Yellow)

E - Engineering (Green)

S - Signals (Blue)

H - Heavy Weapons (Magenta)


B - Battle Sense (Red)


L - Light Weapons (Light blue)

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[16:29] <poznai[et]> 10 choveka vyv foruma, vsichki ziapat, nikoi ne pishe

[16:29] <@gazarcho> haha

[16:29] <@gazarcho> ;')

[16:30] <@gazarcho> te sa maimuni

[16:30] <@gazarcho> neznaqt kak




Koi e mamun be :confused :woot

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Ако някой иска да разпространи малко инфо за играта на хора извън евроком, може да праща този линк.


Там съм отбрал някой от мненията си тук, за да може да се представа що годе подобаващо играта.


Айде, пък току виж някой ден напълним сървара :))) 50 човека хехе

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iskam da pitam neshto, na4i kogato hvurliash smoke granadata za artillery support to realno na mnogo malko arstoianie mojesh. No puk sum zabeliazval 4e naprimer, oshte pri tanka predi mosta rozovia pushak navsiakude a nito edin axis player se miarka, kak uspiavate na tolkova dale4 da gi hvurliate tea pushatsi :wir ?

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lekx mi mislish li 4e ne iskam ama i time nema, a az se zarekoh da ne q igraa dokato fulla ne izlezne ... pa ako vlezna she se zariba i .... nema stavane ot pcto :P ta pak she pitam ima li oshte lameri ili gore dolo se ponau4iha da igraqt ?

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lekx mi mislish li 4e ne iskam ama i time nema, a az se zarekoh da ne q igraa dokato fulla ne izlezne ... pa ako vlezna she se zariba i .... nema stavane ot pcto :P ta pak she pitam ima li oshte lameri ili gore dolo se ponau4iha da igraqt ?

crexis, seti se malko i ti kak igra v nachaloto :)))

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hehehehehehe az ako cuka do sea 15 skreenshota s colonel shah da sum slojil :P :devil az si spomnqm kuv bqh v na4aloto MASTER ama az prosto pitam dali sa se ponau4ili ili sa si pak sushtite lameta ?

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hehehehehehe az ako cuka do sea 15 skreenshota s colonel shah da sum slojil :P  :devil  az si spomnqm kuv bqh v na4aloto  MASTER ama az prosto pitam dali sa se ponau4ili ili sa si pak sushtite lameta ?

Mi deda znam to trqbva da si bati lameto da nemoje6 da se nau4i6 na 1 karta koqto se igra non-stop ve4e 1 mesec ko trqbva da se pravi :punk

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mi ima hora az imam neshtastieto da sum igral s tqh nqma da spomenavam nickove i imena da ne gi obidq no s vseki izminal 4as te ne si podobrqvat nivoto ... imah edin pi4 v otbora 4 4asa igrah s nego az bqh cover ops i bqh s 4uj kostum i mo obqsnqvah li obqsnqvah li 4e sum ot nego no toi si me obivashe i obivash ....


venom zna4i ima podobrenie v igrata .... i lametata sa ve4e na iz4ezvane taka li da razbiram ?!?!

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mi ima hora az imam neshtastieto da sum igral s tqh nqma da spomenavam nickove i imena da ne gi obidq no s vseki izminal 4as te ne si podobrqvat nivoto ... imah edin pi4 v otbora 4 4asa igrah s nego az bqh cover ops i bqh s 4uj kostum i mo obqsnqvah li obqsnqvah li 4e sum ot nego no toi si me obivashe i obivash ....


venom zna4i ima podobrenie v igrata .... i lametata sa ve4e na iz4ezvane taka li da razbiram ?!?!

Be nemoje da se ka4e 4e sa na iz4ezvane osobenno kogato az igraq :punk

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