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продавам SDR Приемник 100Khz - 1.7Ghz + HAM RADIO / RTL-SDR /

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Продавам SDR Приемник 100Khz - 1.7Ghz + HAM RADIO / RTL-SDR /



отличнна машинка за радиолюбители !

SDR Приемник 100Khz - 1.7Ghz чисто нов - включван само за проба
С негова помощ можете да прослушвате всичко от 100Khz до 1.7Ghz
Отличен е за приемане на HF SSB , FM радио ,авиационен банд , уоки токита и др.
Поддържани модулации : • AM • FM (NFM, WFM) • CW • DSB • LSB • USB
Разполага с Алуминиев корпус.
окомплектовка : • 1 бр -U / V антена + 3 м кабел • 1бр USB кабел • 1бр приемник

пълно описание на функциите :

Listening to unencrypted Police/Ambulance/Fire/EMS conversations.
Listening to aircraft traffic control conversations.
Tracking aircraft positions like a radar with ADS-B decoding.
Decoding aircraft ACARS short messages.
Scanning trunking radio conversations.
Decoding unencrypted digital voice transmissions.
Tracking maritime boat positions like a radar with AIS decoding.
Decoding POCSAG/FLEX pager traffic.
Scanning for cordless phones and baby monitors.
Tracking and receiving meteorological agency launched weather balloon data.
Tracking your own self launched high altitude balloon for payload recovery.
Receiving wireless temperature sensors and wireless power meter sensors.
Listening to VHF amateur radio.
Decoding ham radio APRS packets.
Watching analogue broadcast TV.
Sniffing GSM signals.
Using rtl-sdr on your Android device as a portable radio scanner.
Receiving GPS signals and decoding them.
Using rtl-sdr as a spectrum analyzer.
Receiving NOAA weather satellite images.
Listening to satellites and the ISS.
Listening to unencrypted military communications.
Radio astronomy.
Monitoring meteor scatter.
Listening to FM radio, and decoding RDS information.
Listening to DAB broadcast radio.
Use rtl-sdr as a panadapter for your traditional hardware radio.
Decoding taxi mobile data terminal signals.
Use rtl-sdr as a true random number generator.
Listening to amateur radio hams on SSB with LSB/USB modulation.
Decoding digital amateur radio ham communications such as CW/PSK/RTTY/SSTV.
Receiving HF weatherfax.
Receiving digital radio monodiale shortwave radio (DRM).
Listening to international shortwave radio.
Looking for RADAR signals like over the horizon (OTH) radar, and HAARP signals.

Изпращам по Еконт с опции тест и преглед + 20% отстъпка транспортни разходи !











цена : 95 лв


за контакти моля само на имейла : [email protected]

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