blowcow Posted August 13, 2004 Share Posted August 13, 2004 Title: Homeworld: Cataclysm *Standalone* *Proper Rip* Url: n/a Group: Myth Released: Saturday September 2nd, 2000 Size: xx/52 NFO: Viewing plain text [switch to java mode] [save .nfo] iSONEWS removes serial and keys from NFO files. The serial/key listed here will NOT work with the release. ЬЬЬІ ЬЬЬЬЬю юЯЯІЬЬЬ ° ЬЬЬІЯЫЫЫЫІ ° Ь ° ІІЫЫЫ ° ЫЫЫЫІЯ° ЫЫЫЫІІ ІЫЫЫІЬ ° ЬІЫЫЫІ ІЫЫЫЫ °ЫЫЫЫІ ЫЫЫЫЫ° ° Ь ЫЫЫЫЫ ЫЫЫЫЫ° ° ЫЫЫЫЫЫЬ ЬІЫЫЫЫЫ± ЯЯІЫЫЬ ЫЫЫЫЫ юЯІЫЫЫЫЫІЬЬЫЫЯЯ ІІЫЫЫ° ЯЬЫЫЫЫЫ ° ° ІЫЫЫЫ ЯІЬЫЯ ЫЫЫЫЫ° ° ЯІЫЫЫЫЫЫ° °ЫЫЫЫЫ ЯЯЯЫЫЫІЯЯІЫЫЫЫЫ° ° °° °ЫЫЫЫ° Я °ЫЫЫЫЫюЯЫЫЫЫЫ ЬЯ ЫЫЫЫЫ± Ь ЫЫЫЫЫ° °°ІЫЫЫЫЯ ЫЫЫ ° ±ЫЫЫЫЫ± ±° ° ЫЫЫЫІ Ь юІЫЫЫЫЫІЯІЫЫЫЫ ° ЫЫЫЫЫІЯюЬІЫЫЫЫ± °ЫЫЫЫІ ЫЫЫЫ °ЫЫЫЫЫІЯю юЯІЫЫЫЫЫІ ЯІЫЫЫ ЫЫЫЫ° ЫЫЫІЯ ЯІЫЫЫІЬ ІЫЫЫЫ ЬІЫЫІ ЫЫЫІЯ ЯІЫЫІ ° °ЫІ °ЫЫЫЫІЬЬІЯЯ° ЬІЬ ЯІ ЯЯІЫЫЫЫЫІ ЯЯЯЯю ЫЫІ ° ° °° ІЫ° ° І ЬІЫЫЫЫЫЯ ° Я ° ЯЯІЫЫЬ °° ° ЫІ ° І FerrexЬЯЯЯЫЯЯ ° Я юЬ Я І ° °юЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЫЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЫЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЬ ° ° юЯ Ь Ь Я ° ЯюЬ Ь Яю ЬЬ юЯ Я Я °° °° ° юЬ ЬюЯ° MYTH IS PROUDЯІЯ TO PRESENT :°° ° °°°° ° ° ° ° ІЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬІЬЬЬЬЫЫЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЫЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬ ЬІ ° Homeworld Cataclysm *Proper Rip* © Barking Dog/Relic/Sierra ° °± Я ЯЯІЯІЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯЯІ Я Я ±° ° ° ° ° SUPPLIED BY : MYTH TEAM RELEASE SIZE : 52 * 2.88MB ° ° CRACKED BY : MYTH TEAM RELEASE DATE : 02/Sep/2000 ° Ь ° PACKAGED BY : MYTH TEAM PROTECTION : Securom ІЯ ° FILE FORMAT : ACE GAME GENRE : SpaceRTS ° ° ° ° SYSTEM REQ'S: PII, W9x, DX7a, 32MB RAM, 250MB HD, Soundcard ° ° ° °± ЬЬ ЬЬЬЬЬ ЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЫЬЬ ЬІЬ ЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬІ ІЬЬЬЬЬ ЬІЬ ЬЬЬЬ ЬЬЬІ ±° ЯЯюЬ ЯЯюЬ ЬюЯ Я Яю Ы Ь ЬІЬ Я ЯЯ Я Ь ЯІЯ °°° °Я °° Ы °°° ° ° °[ RELEASE NOTES ] ° ° °° Ью°°°° ° ° °°° ° ° ІЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬІЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЫЫЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬ ЬІ ° Join us now, see below for details ... Releasenote: ~~~~~~~~~~~~ CLS previously released a rip of this game on 62 disks. According to the NSA-rule #2, which was signed by CLS: ---quote------------------------------------------------------------------ To prevent sloppy rips, a re-release of a game is allowed to make groups release proper and respectable releases. The following provisions include: a) it can be ripped in >=10 disks less than the previous release by us- ing only lossless compression methods. Lossy compression will not be permitted to compromise the release to fit under this condition. it can be ripped in >=15 disks less of the size of the previous release by using mp3-compression while not downgrading any wavs or mp3's sound quality using lossy compression. That means all the essential gamedata must be still included in the re- release. No essential data is allowed to be removed to be considered a valid re-release. A re-release from a competing group may not use tools, original crack or any other files from the previous release that were modified for the original game rip. The re-release of a rip can be done by any group and must be done in at most 48 hours after the release of the original rip, as possibly every game is rippable in a smaller size if enough time is spent. ---unquote---------------------------------------------------------------- This rip qualifies under the above criteria as the proper rip. No gamedata was removed that was in the previous rip. We just took the time to reindex and rebuild the .big-file, so that it compressed a lot better. Game Notes: ~~~~~~~~~~~ Homeworld: Cataclysm, the next episode in the Homeworld universe, begins roughly 15 years after the events of the original game. Take command of a ne sect with dozens of new ships and technology at your disposal. Lead your fle through 17 single player missions as you struggle for position in the emergi order and face the might of a mysterious and powerful new foe. Game Features: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - New ships, technology, and gameplay features. - Refined interface - 17 new single player missions - Homeworld's extraordinary 3D engine - Unique blend of existing genres - Rich story - Infinite camera angles - Stunningly-rendered ships - Intelligent sound - Customizable fleet colors This game and rip is of course fully standalone. Ripped: ~~~~~~~ Only the movies, expect no addon. ю Ію Ью ЯЯ юЬ ЬЯ Яю Ь Ью Я °° °Ью °°° ° ЯЬ ю[ INSTALL NOTES ] °° ЯІЯ ° Ь юЯ °° ° Ь °° ° ІЬЬЬЬЫЫЬЬЬІЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЫЫЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЬЫЬЬ ЬІ ° 1. Unzip. 2. Unace manually or use our installer. 3. Run Setup.bat to decompress the bigfile and make registry entries. 4. Start the game with Cataclysm.exe. Select your hardware in the game options menu. 5. For the usual bunch of 'clever' people with Voodoo 2, ATI and other exotic videocards: read the readme.txt and video.txt. D0wnl0ad Review Едно мерси на DEFiANCE TEAM Та отдавна не бяхме качвали нещо(поне аз), жалко че започвам с РИП, но ако някой много му хареса тази игра да ми се обади за палната версия ще му я потърся.Дано нямате проблеми Приятна игра Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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