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аз говорих за Виден и Иван ;)


И пак фантастики, Момчил е прав. Лично аз никога не съм бил фен на Ред Бул. Което е по-важно - неведнъж съм го подчертавал изрично. Ама нищо де, щом Стефчо е казал... :laughing:  


И викам стига толкова с този израз отбор ЯГОДА! Всички знаем (или поне малко по-редовните знаят) че Ферари не са отбор ягода.


То и всички знаем, че Ред Бул не са отбор черешка, сещаш ли се? Стефчо ги подхвана тия. Каквото повикало, такова се обадило. Не може да се върви с огромните претенции напред при тотално засрани резултати и послед хем да обиждаме другите, хем да се обиждаме на Ягода - не става. 


И акто не си видял състезание, Руми, има запис - гледай пак. Ако има нещо монотонно, то това е бруталната преднина на Фетел пред останалите. Не е като да не се повтарят нещата де... Но пък догодина отначало. 

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Аз едно нещо не мога да разбрера. Защо червените сектанти постоянно почват да намесват правилата във Формула 1, когато стане въпрос за представянето на отбори и състезатели? ОК, аз също не съм съгласен с някои от правилата, ама това е СЪВСЕМ ОТДЕЛНА тема. Или просто трябва да се нарочи някой, върху който да се излее цялото разочарование от нефелното представяне на отбора? Правилата винаги са се променяли и няма как да не се променят, защото технологиите се развиват и то доста динамично. Обаче правилата не са виновни за това, че някои отбори не се справят според очакванията им.

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Аз едно нещо не мога да разбрера. Защо червените сектанти постоянно почват да намесват правилата във Формула 1, когато стане въпрос за представянето на отбори и състезатели? ОК, аз също не съм съгласен с някои от правилата, ама това е СЪВСЕМ ОТДЕЛНА тема. Или просто трябва да се нарочи някой, върху който да се излее цялото разочарование от нефелното представяне на отбора? Правилата винаги са се променяли и няма как да не се променят, защото технологиите се развиват и то доста динамично. Обаче правилата не са виновни за това, че някои отбори не се справят според очакванията им.

Ще ти отговоря като ми кажеш защо помилваха Мерцедес и промениха гумите.

!ервените сектанти едва ли са имали нещо против правилата в периода 2000-2004.

Не ти минава номера щото гледам си позабравил разни работи. В гуугъл ги пише. И не е 2000, а 99

Edited by DON_CHEFO
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Аз едно нещо не мога да разбрера. Защо червените сектанти постоянно почват да намесват правилата във Формула 1, когато стане въпрос за представянето на отбори и състезатели? ОК, аз също не съм съгласен с някои от правилата, ама това е СЪВСЕМ ОТДЕЛНА тема. Или просто трябва да се нарочи някой, върху който да се излее цялото разочарование от нефелното представяне на отбора? Правилата винаги са се променяли и няма как да не се променят, защото технологиите се развиват и то доста динамично. Обаче правилата не са виновни за това, че някои отбори не се справят според очакванията им.


Никой отбор не се справя НИКОЙ! Защото, пак повтарям няма състезание. Има гонене на дистанция с една смес галоши. Връщам се в средата на шампионата да припомна как Лотус, Ферари и Форс Индия бяха най-ощетени от смяната на тъй наречените "еднакви гуми" с гуми от предишната година. Аз не виждам, как тия отбори не се справяха в средата на сезона. Защото екипите им си работили по колите за 2013 със смесите от 2013 и хоп изведнъж се връщат старите смеси. Няма как да не се отчете този факт, че тия галоши си променят характеристиките от това дали някой е припикал по пистата и е вдигнал температурата с 2 градуса. И факта който не може да се изкриви по никакъв начин - НЮЙ, ХОРНЕР, ХЕМБРИ и ХЕЛМУТ споделиха, че смяната на смесите им е помогнала.

Отварям скоба тук да кажа, че гръмките изкавзания на Хембри и компания доказаха, че не FIA са искали такива гуми, Пирели просто не може да направи смесите. Не може да караш на предела стинт от 18-20 обиколки и в същия този момент гумите да не ти се деламинират. Също така не може да правиш състезание с 1 стоп и да има състезание. Това се доказа от последното GP в Остин. Няма такава погнуса поднесена от Пирели.


4-5 секунди е разликата в най-бърза обиколка и пол-позишън?! Само за какво темпо става на въпрос.

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....... И викам стига толкова с този израз отбор ЯГОДА! Всички знаем (или поне малко по-редовните знаят) че Ферари не са отбор ягода.......



 Нищо напреки, ама дайте да махнем и изрази като "безотборник" тогава, щото иначе ще трябва да се въведе и "безпилотник" за баланс

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а как се нарича човек не подкрепящ отбор, а само пилота(без значение в кой отбор кара)? Аз имах огромния късмет Шумахер да кара за Ферари. След Шумахер нямам любим пилот, но отбора винаги е бил един и същ. И това е всичко друго, но не и шах. Много мразя някой точно такъв безотборник да критикува даден тим, пък ако ще и Минарди да е ;).


Така като гледам само Румен е схванал за какво иде реч.


едит: Дори САЩ 2005 е повече победа от тая бутафория, която се предлага.

Edited by DON_CHEFO
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Така като гледам, както ти винаги ти харесва това, което ти изнася. Ако взема да ти казвам аз колко неща пък мразя, свЕт ке ти се завие. Явно Ягода ще остане още задълго, особено предвид пропастта между претенции и резултати... 

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То и аз затова нито се плашункам, нито се притеснявам!  :laughing:

а трябва



CVC ще уволнят Екълстоун, ако бъде доказано, че е престъпил закона

CVC Кепитъл Партнърс ще уволнят Бърни Екълстоун, ако бъде доказано, че управляващият търговските права на Формула 1 е престъпил закона при продажбата акциите на спорта през 2005-2006 г.

83-годишният англичанин е подсъдим по дело за финансови щети, заведено от медийната компания Constantin Medien в Лондон. Друга комуникационна фирма – Bluewaters Communications – го съди в Ню Йорк по подобен казус. В началото на 2014 г. ще стане ясно дали в Германия ще започне процес, а действията на Бърни вече се разследват и в Женева.



Ади де. От кога чакаме дъртия миндил да се чупи. Ама той вече стори злото......

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Малко интересни коментарчета различни от глорихънтърските фенбойчета открили F1 през 2011. И общо взето и аз и Стефчо мелим същото от едно известно време на сам. Няма думи като отбор ягода или насилствано слагане на някви си очила. Коментарите са след изключителния спектакъл в неделя, та има няма 24-48 часа. Така, че нищо старо нема :) Не са много но пък са верни :)




Vettel's brilliant races aside there is a serious problem with this sport. There is no competition, there's lack of enthusiasm and the rules are hellbent on destroying any hope of good old fashioned racing. I witnessed it in Abu Dhabi, and I witnessed it in Austin. Forget Vettel's dominance - sure, it adds to the borefest, but it's not the only concern. Behind P1 there is a serious lack of racing happening lately.

I've recently seen an article somewhere, a compilation by the FIA of the top motorsport moments of 2013. And guess what? No F1 moment in there. Not even one. Personally,I also cannot recall a single brilliant overtaking maneuver anywhere this year. No jump-from-your-seat moments, or even the slightest WOW effect throughout the whole season (except perhaps Bottas's move on Gutierrez this weekend).

I haven't the time nor the patience to analyze whether the recent lack of excitement is down to the robotic DRS overtakes or the tyres. But let's face it. Pirelli can no longer take the blame here. We've had self-destructing tyres, 3 lap lasting tyres, 4 pit stops in a race, rock solid tyres, 1 stoppers, and the list goes on. The circumstances were different each time, the conditions were different but the average racing was always present.

I'm curious if people are still hanging on to this so called "pinnacle of motorsport" when it's a shadow of its former self and seems to be collapsing its reputation recently.


I dont enjoy it as much as I used to and have been watching for a decade now. I have still watched every race this year but I turn my telly on just in time for the race. Earlier it would be a ritual that would start even 2 hours before the start of the race. My predominant beef is that this is no longer racing - it is a manipulated entertainment show. Sad to say, it is a dying sport too with spectators and viewership on the decline and no matter what, I can see F1 ceasing to exist in its current avatar much sooner than later.


I have been following this sport for decades. Now I just don't know if I want to anymore. What is happening now in the series is not racing. They just do 50-60 formation laps at high speed and that's it. Advanced aerodynamics have ruined true racing. God forbid you dive in next to an opponent for a late braking, because you get marbles and you leave that precious rubbered racing line. God forbid you follow closely another car, because that destroys your tyres and the dirty air tips the car off-balance. God forbid you try to fend off your opponents on the track, let's wait for the pit stops instead. They follow each other with some 2-3 sec gaps between them, they do several pit stops and then they get the chequered flag ninety minutes later.

This is just horrible, I mean, proper horrible. I just had a chat with my wife that if next year won't be any different, we will be rewatching old races from the eighties on Sundays instead of watching the actual 2014 GPs. What is happening in F1 nowadays is not entertainment by any means, the show is dead. It's just a boring, soulless, uninteresting and uninspiring parade of so called racing cars following each other from start to finish.


Well done to RedBull and Vettel even if you have become the most boring thing in F1 for nearly 10 years! You have to hand it to them they have done a terrific job - 8 in a row against a pretty decent field of champions is unthinkably great. Kimi and Lewis have been outstanding mostly and Grosjean surprising. Ferrari have been a disappointment and Williams a tragedy still playing out.

The artificial overtaking aids add nothing and the perennial problem of aero is still there largely unaddressed. Now we have a mandated supply of useless tyres that result in drivers having to drive to "delta" and not getting too "racey".

Thanks for all the polite, the humorous and the well reasoned posts I have enjoyed being part of over the last 6 years whether I agree or disagree with you.


It's just not very sexy anymore.

There is very little drama, fire or brimstone. Anyone who is a tiny bit outspoken is immediately slammed by overly sensitive, asshole fans. The cars are aesthetically challenged, and the nature of some of the modern tracks make them look almost embarrassingly slow on television. Todays race was a perfect example-the cars looked incredibly lazy and really slow in a straight line because of the enourmous scale of the track and it's surroundings.

It's just...blah!


Flash point for me today was seeing the group of technicians huddled over laptops monitoring the cars. It just seems so ridiculously over the top to me now, it shouldn't take so many people just to keep two cars going round a track. Just when I'd like the cars to get massively simpler we have the farce of next years engines arriving. This sport generates billions yet most of the teams are in financial trouble, what a joke it all is.


And next year we might have more of the same, plus cars that frequently can't last the race distance.


DRS has taken something out of it for me. The overtaking is just too easy at times, and no matter how much Croft screams how good it is, part of me thinks any driver in the same (overtaking) car could easily do the same

IMO, a serious across the board rethink needs to be done in regards just about everything. Car design, track design, driver aids, track locations, sponsorship and TV deals.

I find it alarming just how different F1 is to even 15 years ago. It is almost unrecognisable to the sport I used to adore.

I could do a 10 page essay on what needs to change, although for now I'll keep it simple.

1. DRS needs to go and fast. It is an abomination.

2. The tyres need to be far more durable.

3. The cars need far more power and the cars need to have less grip.

4. The car need less gadgetry and more things that are in everyday cars. For 90% of the people in the world, a manual gearbox is a part of everyday driving. This should be no different in F1.

5. A serious effort needs to be made to curtail budgets. IMO, long life engines and gearboxes is the wrong way to go about it. Resource restriction would be much, much better.


I'm completely and utterly bored with it, to the point where I haven't bothered watching the last 6 or so races, and it sad really since I've watched since the early 1990's, but this just isn't the sport I once loved. I think the Indian Government got things spot-on when they classified F1 as 'entertainment' rather than 'sport' for taxation reasons, I just cannot see any sport in it at all any longer....

At least during the snoozefest that was Schumi's domination from 2002-2004, you knew the best driver, in a real racing team, was winning, not a 'meh' driver racing for a soft drink manufacturer. I'm not a fan of Vettel, never have been, never will be. Yes, he's doing a good job in a fantastic car, but I'm not seeing him doing anything at least 3 other drivers couldn't do, and I fail to see any sport where a so-so driver can dominate to this extent.

When you add in the dull circuits, the overbearing rules, the lack of any real characters, the loss of any sense of danger, the ridiculous and pathetic 'green' F1 agenda, the feeling that racing is secondary to 'bling', etc......... well I just can't be bothered anymore, having far better uses for 2 hours on a Sunday. I think one of the last nails in the coffin for me was the news of the return F1 to the Autodromo Hermanos Rodriguez circuit. Initially this made me happy, at last a real circuit returning, then I read they're planning to neuter the Peraltada, so what's the point....? This just sums up the crappiness of the current F1 for me. The only reason I keep my Sky F1 subscription going is the quite good array of classic races they show, plus the fact I receive HD as a free bolt-on.


Having thought some more about this, the reason for much of my current disenchantment with F1 is simple. The cars cannot race actually race each other, and we just see a succession of sticking plaster solutions to the major flaw underpinning modern F1. Really, for the last 20 or so years, aerodynamics have ridden roughshod over the racing, a growing problem since the banning of ground effects. Perhaps we're now seeing the ultimate outcome of a problem that the F1 top brass have just failed to address properly. They had a chance with the original 2014 rules, but then finally passed a neutered version of those, which again failed to address anything the fans actually care about. Maybe this is a sign of how important fans are to the F1 rule-makers.....


I'm also in the camp whereby Red Bull domination is a complete secondary issue to what is actually happening to the racing itself.

The combination of DRS and Pirelli tyres is destroying racing. Eddie Irvine is right, it's like shooting fish in a barrel rather than waiting to catch a proper one. "Overtaking" has become designated to certain areas on the circuit beyond what the circuit naturally provides. Drivers deliberately letting others past either because racing hurts tyres, or due to DRS zones, is farcical. Rules such as Q3 runners starting on qualifying tyres and the requirement to run both compounds are hangovers from previous generations and should be removed immediately. Just simplify it.

What is left of the racing is governed by a bunch of amateur stewards, who have continually proven to be anti-racing in that their decisions usually favour who is attacked, rather than the attacker. They simply govern as they go along, innovating in the areas of new meaningless penalties, and decision making whenever they feel like it. There is a clear lack of professionalism.

There are other issues as covered in the thread already but as an aside, I'm not a Hamilton fan in particular but his radio transmissions during the USGP depressed me greatly. It's clear he knows that his natural ability to drive at 100% and race/overtake in particular are skill sets no longer fundamental to the current Formula.


Speed, the sense of speed. It's missing in F1. It's a bit like watching a concert on TV without the sound on.

Boring boring boring boring. Ugly cars, useless tires, spoiled 20yrs. old justin biebers, stupid tilke tracks. 95% predicted outcome, huge amounts of wasted money. Bernie, you did a good job! [at least we take a nap...]


Even back in 2005-2008 you had cars that could potentially race for the win and not one dominate car for the entire year.

You had drivers like Kimi/Massa, Alonso/Hamilton and such challenging for races. Spa 2008 for example it was intense right until the end. Even then there were races going for 4th and below between teams like Toyota, Williams, Honda.

Now days the cars look shit, the engines next year are even going to be shitter and well F1 is slowly digging itself in. I am sure F1 will have a decent fanbase just the way it is, the nature and global reach it has but over time it might slowly decline. One thing i realised is that a lot of people are into other sports and motorsport doesn't seem to having the same amount of pick up as it did before, this is a personal observation though. I remember getting into F1 was primarily the way the cars looked and the massive engines it had the time. Now it's just meh. It's about pinnacle and not this bullshit about tyres slowing people down, shitty engines and shitty looking cars.


I've never seen them this slow. Tire saving was abysmal at the start. You saw them balancing on eggs. Even now they rather run wide over the track limits to prevent to much energy going into the tire.

Bring a 2004 car and it would win yesterdays race by a mile. The cars are sooo slooowwww. The wide tracks also make them look like they take forever to cover a straight.

F1 started to decline with the rev limit and engine freeze. Now everyone has roughly the same engine with a different cover. All this bullcrap about saving gearboxes and engines is making it very boring.

Look at Caterham and Marussia. They are here since 2010. In four complete seasons (almost 80GP's) neither has scored a point. They trot along, but even with top 10 points the reliability of cars and survivability of tracks make them chanceless for points. Back in the day, Minardi somehow always scored a point with a top 6 finish in a season and got its travel expenses paid. The newer teams with the budget of former champions can't even get past 11.


FOM has lost the picture. DRS, having to use two different tires - this has NOTHING to do with "car racing" IMO. Tires that are deliberately bad? Really?

The engines have to somehow be simultaneously green, AND "race car engines"? Does that make sense?

Make the engines weaker, lower revving?

Don't allow testing to "save money"? Just plop the drivers in there and see what happens?

Allow pay drivers to push out talent?

Allow the pole driver 2 laps before the trailing driver can use DRS?

Characterless, featureless McTracks with no history?

Races that costs more than a house payment to go to?

TV coverage (in the States) where instead of showing action on track, they show pre-packaged "pieces", or cover most of the screen with advertisements for baseball games, or some other show? That is, when it is actually shown at all (thanks, Comcast...)?

The "best" driver doesn't push, but "manages" tires better?

In the 21st century, a button has to be pushed to "manage" an electrical system?

What the cars look like doesn't matter? Matters to me. Skinny and high rear wing? Smaller tires? Ghetto wagon wheel rims next year, that technically doesn't make any practical sense?

The only "racing" I see is a few laps after everyone has their last pitstop. Until then, the viewer doesn't really have any idea what's going on thanks to the ridiculous must-use-two tire compound rule.

A ridiculous mish-mash of rules that don't really equate to CAR RACING, not in my book. Which saddens me greatly, seriously. F1 used to be my little bit of sanity in the 21st century, and it's turned out to be as "21st century screwed up" as everything else. Great, now I'm depressed. Thanks, "Formula One".

Only once money is removed as an excuse to maintain the status quo, will the teams finally have to accept and work with proper regulation changes that will properly resolve the problems that have been around and worsening for decades. When cost can no longer be used as a get out of jail card, we might get aero rules that mean gimmicky crap like DRS, mandatory tyre changes, cheesey rubber, can be binned. We might even be able to have development of actual parts, such as engines and gearboxes, and not just see who has the best wind tunnel and cash to run it


The thing that utterly dismays me is the 'remote control'

Engineers from the pitwall instructing the best drivers in the world to;

Slow down

Drop back

Don't attack

Change gears

Don't brake so late

Take a different line

Etc. etc.

Ban the pit radios, the the rest falls into place.

You'd have to put enough petrol in

You'd have to make the tyres durable

Drivers would make the driving decisions

Gearboxes would fail

Motor racing would break out again!


It seem as though it is run for the benefit of CVC, Bernie and the big 4.

I can remember never missing a race, getting up at silly o'clock to even watch qualifying, before doing Sat overtime in work. Now I'll have a quick look, and half watch, and even turn over to something else, or go cycling.

I know costs have to be cut, but having very little difference in the cars, all the same size engines/ layout is not F1. Tyres should be a free for all: why shouldn't there be 2,3,4 tyre suppliers? It's meant to be 'The Pinnacle', not some Junior formula where you expect it to be a 'spec series'.

And please don't start me on DRS.....nothing wrong in a National/club series, but this is a World Championship. Everything is meant to be hard earned. Thee is a reason why football remains the worlds No1 sport; it's simplicity, and it doesn't change - the top teams aren't handicapped to give their rivals a chance, tough! Deal with it.


I've been really disappointed with this season. I've watched all the races, but have found myself losing interest in most of them, especially in the second half.

For me, the biggest culprit is the make up of the Pirelli tyres. They have to be nursed all the time - and that means that the cars are never performing to their maximum.

Why is it so difficult for the powers that be to produce tyres that you can abuse for lap after lap and gradually lose grip? That way, we could have drivers either cane the tyres and do 2 or 3 stops, while other drivers could go for a conservative strategy and look after the tyres for the whole race? As it currently stands, every team HAS to go for the second option only. There is no real strategy, everyone just covers everyone else's pit stops and we never see the cars being thrashed around like all real petrol heads love to see.

It first should be noted that F1 is interesting because it's a well constructed soap opera and has several large manufacturers trying to get one up on each other. That;s always fundamentally interesting.

But right now the races are fundamentally dire. If we have a dull race like yesterday you can't take refuge in the fact you're seeing drivers pushing 90-100%. So the boringness is compounded as you have a bunch of drivers harsly pushing at all. Hearing Hamilton, in clean air, being told to drive slowly is awful, depressing.

And when you get a 'good race' it's a complete illusion - DRS/Pirelli.


I would make 2 big changes to F1.

1. Introduce mandatory front and rear wings, thereby massively reducing the emphasis of expensive aero and controlling its affect on racing.

2. Remove tyre sensors, in order that F1 remains a battle of car+driver. Race driving should be about sensing the changing dynamics of a car, not being told what it is based on terabytes of data.


The thing I cannot get over is that on lap 4, drivers were already going into the "look after your tires" mode just to make the first pit window around lap 25. I mean, drivers in F1 should be pushing, flat out, trying to get the lowest lap times possible. Sure, the cars are closely packed together on the track, but its not due to the cars being that closely matched, it is because drivers are driving to specific lap times in order to make the most out of their tires. It just goes against what F1 is supposed to be.

The current cars have so much grip in the curves (and less straight line speed) that there is little difficulty in driving them. Corners like Eau Rouge in particular used to be challenging, now they are easily taken flat by Max Chilton in a Marussia.


I have no problem with Sebs domination.

The fact that I am in the UK and only watching half the races live and in full doesn't help. Highlights don't work for me as I need the tension of seeing how a battle develops. Seeing a driver 5 seconds behind one moment and getting a pass done the next doesn't work for me. So that's already got me out of the habit to some degree.

My only addition - I thought a while ago about asking whether a sport becoming too professional can ruin the fun. The cars are so reliable I don't feel the machinery is being pushed to the limits. The drivers sound so easy on the radio and hop out of the car looking so fresh I don't feel as if they have been working hard. The on board camera footage is so smooth the cars look comfy and easy to drive, the exterior angles so wide I get no sense of speed. The teams are so well run they all have banks of computers calculating the optimum lap time to run each tyre to based on fuel load and track temperature. The tracks have such wide run off a driving mistake rarely has consequences.

What to do? Have the whole operation run to a lower standard than has developed? That would seem odd. This is the natural consequence of the constant drive for improvement through competition, coupled with the need for relative accessibility for competitors - complete sterilisation.


I went to my first GP 1968 at Brands and have loved F1 until the last few years?

I hate all of the razamatazz that seems to sorround F1 nowdays. ie the `celebrities` that are planted on the grid for one,whats that all about? I dont want to hear the views of someone whos clearly not interested in the race?

I hate the in car camera,seen it once thats it. Great if you want to see a drivers view of a crash or something like that but otherwise BORING!

And to make matters worse you can now see the heat on a tyre,wow,thats rivetting!!!

Get rid of in car radio, to hear comments like `C`mon Lewis,we need to get in front` is a joke.

DRS should go.

Put gear levers back and let the driver decide when he needs to change gear not a computer?

Power steering out.

Put gravel traps back, not a massive tarmac run off. Wheres the punishment for a mistake?

The whole thing is a slick business as Stirling Moss said,and the drivers are `cute`.

I don´t know how cars can be helped to follow each other closely. I don´t know if a car depending on upper surfaces to create downforce is worse to follow than a ground effect one. I just know that once I saw a series with cars that looked pretty, raced very close and weren´t slow considering the engine they had inside. The 2006ish GP2 was doing something right. I don´t know what exactly, but we had cars with wings with decent proportions, slick tyres, and they were racing really close everywhere.

About circuits, the slow corner into huge straight paradigma has stopped being the best recipe for overtaking, and we still get plenty of circuits built under that idea. Cars might still not be excellent following each other, but now they´re much more likely to pass if the corner before a straight allows them to keep SOME speed. The extreme traction required by corners like the one before DRS zone in Austin creates a shitload of concertina effect, and as a result cars can´t get a normal slipstream, and they either don´t pass or pass comming from a huge way back thanks to DRS.

About rules, I´d only allow DRS use right from corner exit to the moment 6th gear engages. Use it to give cars a chance to grab a slipstream, not to make the pass itself.

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Силно се надявам да си копирал тоя пост от някой друг форум, защото ако сам си си ги събирал тия безименни...хммм...неща, то това е може би най-глупаво изгубеното време в историята на тая тема, ПОНЕ. 


Предвид факта, че няма начин някой друг да тръгне да събира подобна кошница с ***** откъм обратната страна, нито пък да прави сравнителни извадки - радвайте им се със Стефчо на воля. 


Само да ви светна - Ф1 ще има МИНИМУМ до 2020 по данни засега... А вие се гушнете със Стефчо и плачете за преди 10 години колкото искате. 

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Един шегаджийски въпрос към червените сектанти. Ако последните четири титли бяха спечелени ... да речем пак от Фетел, но с екипа на Ферари, пак ли щяхте да ги разправяте със същия патос тия глупости за гумите, правилата, жалката Формула, илюминатите и извънземните? :lol: :laughing1:

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Видене нищо не прочете. Карай, ти и цветовете бъркаш, все тая.

Стига ве, къв друг форум. ТИТАНА на F1 = Виден e в нашия форум. Ко ли разбират хората по света.


Предвид ФАКТА, че във всеки специализиран форум има теми със загалваия "ХАРЕСВАТЕ ЛИ ФОРМУЛА 1 в ТОЗИ Й ВИД" мисля определя колко си адекватен гледайки шоутата през неделя две, плачейки от кеф, че такива спектакли никога не сме гледали.


srsly dude?!

Edited by vinyl_master
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Ти сериозно ли си мислиш, че ще седна да чета глупости? Цветове АЗ не съм бъркал до момента....


Отговори на Момчил. 


ЕДИТ: Руми, не ми едитвай зад гърба, че няма как да видя какви ги дробиш, освен случайно.


Първият ти едит е някаква глупост, която само ти си разбираш... И между другото никога не съм имал претенции да "разбирам", каквото и да значи това. Други са "разбирачите" тук май, с по 145623 извъртяни поста на сезон. Такова въртене на шиш едва ли е имало в друг форум, ако ще и най-специализирания... 


Вторият ти едит - ти си редовен във ВСЕКИ специализиран форум в света и удари кантара? Сириъсли?!?!? Абе вие верно не сте добре ми се струва.... Да - аз си гледам състезанията и ми харесват. Както НЕВЕДНЪЖ съм повтарял, за мен това е преди всичко удоволствие и развлечение. Както и за болшинството от феновете. Тези, които стават и лягат всеки ден със "специални" форуми, но все подбрани да им изнасят, нещо не им е както трябва... Пък и колкото да копат на едно място, черното бяло не става... СмЕтам се изразявам ясно... 

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Какво да му отговарям на Момчил. Имаш цялото време на света да намериш някъде, някога, когато съм казал, че съм Ферарист.


В коментарите не се набляга на доминацията на когото и да е било тим, наблегнато е на друго. Но ти не четеш. И те така...

Edited by vinyl_master
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Какво да му отговарям на Момчил. Имаш цялото време на света да намериш някъде, някога, когато съм казал, че съм Ферарист.


В коментарите не се набляга на доминацията на когото и да е било тим, наблегнато е на друго. Но ти не четеш. И те така...


Стефчо стигане няма принципно, но все пак в такъв случай би било много лесно да отговориш на Момчил. 


Погледнах няколко неща в коментарите и добре видях, че не се говори за определени отбори, НО КАКВО ОТ ТОВА? Да си губя времето да чета нечии глупости един час? НЕМА НАЧИН. На мен лично не ми пречи ни КЕРС, ни ДРС, ни дифузьори, ни дявол. Дори и гумите, които дефакто са на топа на устата, не ми пречат изобщо. Задача на ОТБОРИТЕ е да се справят с тия неща. Като не им харесва - да бойкотират дружно сезона бре! Като не могат да се справят - да се учат, да се мъчат, докато успеят. Ако им е невъзможно, ще седят отзад или ще си ходят. Засега се вижда добре, че всички някак си успяват. Кой повече, кой по-малко. По-добрите се вижда кои са. Видя се и Хълкъмър Хомулка как литна с едни ауспуси. Що не ревете и срещу него? 

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Аз от бая време говоря, че спорта изчезна. Правилата са си правила, но нека са такива, в които адреналина и таланта на даден отбор/пилот се предават пряко върху тебе като зрител и почитател. Това изчезна от F1, за това руптая лично аз. Сега не мога да се сетя за последното състезание на дъжд, което е било същинско състезание. Може ми се е запечатало в главата 2011 как бяха опънали шатрите на грида и чакаха да спре дъжда. Просто не можеш с лека ръка да наречеш състезание за дистанция а не скорост "pinnacle of motorsport" не и в нашата слънчева система. Всичко се обезличи, няма характер пилота, няма хъс за каране на предела, та затова ме е яд. И няма как автоматичното изпреварване = DRS да ме кефи. Нито изпреварващия лъсва с умения, нито защитаващия може да се защити с висш пилотаж, това е тъжно.

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яснооо, жалко, че по света има огромно количество "фенове" тип бачо Виден. За това и все още има тая смрад наречена Ф1.


На миналата страница съм отговорил, че дори Инди 05-та е повече победа от тия.



Силно се надявам да си копирал тоя пост от някой друг форум, защото ако сам си си ги събирал тия безименни...хммм...неща, то това е може би най-глупаво изгубеното време в историята на тая тема, ПОНЕ. 


Предвид факта, че няма начин някой друг да тръгне да събира подобна кошница с ***** откъм обратната страна, нито пък да прави сравнителни извадки - радвайте им се със Стефчо на воля. 


Само да ви светна - Ф1 ще има МИНИМУМ до 2020 по данни засега... А вие се гушнете със Стефчо и плачете за преди 10 години колкото искате. 


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Ти да не би случайно да вярваш на отбора ягодка??? Те според техните изчисления сигурно са на първо място. Или както Стефчо брои някакви виртуални титли, дето само той ги знае.


червената секта е опасна работа. ти гледай един от "вождовете" им какви ги ръси, после да не се чудим на фенчетата защо плямпат щуротии



Fernando Alonso: “I’m world champion of the rest…” (Adam Cooper’s F1 Blog)

“But in a way I secured second place in the drivers’ world championship today, which I think with the actual car we have is world champion of the rest.”


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