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Продавам скенер Benq s2w 4300u в отлично състояние. Скенерът е използван не повече от 30 пъти! Към него давам всички дискове и кабели!



- Scan photos to the Internet easily with Scan to Web button

- Upload scans instantly to your palm or PDA devices compatible with Palm OS with a Scan-to-Palm button

- Slim design that fits almost anywhere

- Sharp images at 600x1200dpi

- 48-bit colour - A.C.E

- technology (Advanced Colour Enhancement)

- USB interface for easy connectivity

- Button Functions:Scan to Web: Instantly scan your photos, upload them to a photo sharing site, then share them with friends and family

- Scan to Palm: Scan images directly into your Palm device and you can share them anywhere you go

- Scan to Application: Scan your images directly as a file, or deliver scanned images to the application you choose

- Scan to E-mail: Scan directly to your E-mail and it`s ready to send



Цена: 50 лв.


0883 373 229


[email protected]

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